[clang] 1dd31eb - [clang-format][NFC] Refactor unit tests for "LambdaBodyIndentation: OuterScope"

Owen Pan via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Apr 1 19:36:06 PDT 2023

Author: Jon Phillips
Date: 2023-04-01T19:35:49-07:00
New Revision: 1dd31ebe5418d9581f152dcb6cbc4aed66ac9472

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1dd31ebe5418d9581f152dcb6cbc4aed66ac9472
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1dd31ebe5418d9581f152dcb6cbc4aed66ac9472.diff

LOG: [clang-format][NFC] Refactor unit tests for "LambdaBodyIndentation: OuterScope"

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D146995




diff  --git a/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
index 1c960eb28ef9..8d009d6a33a4 100644
--- a/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ b/clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -21956,51 +21956,59 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLambdas) {
   // Lambdas with 
diff erent indentation styles.
-  Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(100);
-  EXPECT_EQ("SomeResult doSomething(SomeObject promise) {\n"
-            "  return promise.then(\n"
-            "      [this, &someVariable, someObject = "
-            "std::mv(s)](std::vector<int> evaluated) mutable {\n"
-            "        return someObject.startAsyncAction().then(\n"
-            "            [this, &someVariable](AsyncActionResult result) "
-            "mutable { result.processMore(); });\n"
-            "      });\n"
-            "}\n",
-            format("SomeResult doSomething(SomeObject promise) {\n"
-                   "  return promise.then([this, &someVariable, someObject = "
-                   "std::mv(s)](std::vector<int> evaluated) mutable {\n"
-                   "    return someObject.startAsyncAction().then([this, "
-                   "&someVariable](AsyncActionResult result) mutable {\n"
-                   "      result.processMore();\n"
-                   "    });\n"
-                   "  });\n"
-                   "}\n",
-                   Style));
+  Style = getLLVMStyleWithColumns(60);
+  verifyFormat("Result doSomething(Promise promise) {\n"
+               "  return promise.then(\n"
+               "      [this, obj = std::move(s)](int bar) mutable {\n"
+               "        return someObject.startAsyncAction().then(\n"
+               "            [this, &obj](Result result) mutable {\n"
+               "              result.processMore();\n"
+               "            });\n"
+               "      });\n"
+               "}\n",
+               Style);
   Style.LambdaBodyIndentation = FormatStyle::LBI_OuterScope;
-  verifyFormat("test() {\n"
-               "  ([]() -> {\n"
+  verifyFormat("Result doSomething(Promise promise) {\n"
+               "  return promise.then(\n"
+               "      [this, obj = std::move(s)](int bar) mutable {\n"
+               "    return obj.startAsyncAction().then(\n"
+               "        [this, &obj](Result result) mutable {\n"
+               "      result.processMore();\n"
+               "    });\n"
+               "  });\n"
+               "}\n",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("Result doSomething(Promise promise) {\n"
+               "  return promise.then([this, obj = std::move(s)] {\n"
+               "    return obj.startAsyncAction().then(\n"
+               "        [this, &obj](Result result) mutable {\n"
+               "      result.processMore();\n"
+               "    });\n"
+               "  });\n"
+               "}\n",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("void test() {\n"
+               "  ([]() -> auto {\n"
                "    int b = 32;\n"
                "    return 3;\n"
                "  }).foo();\n"
-  verifyFormat("test() {\n"
-               "  []() -> {\n"
+  verifyFormat("void test() {\n"
+               "  []() -> auto {\n"
                "    int b = 32;\n"
                "    return 3;\n"
                "  }\n"
   verifyFormat("std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(),\n"
-               "          [](const auto &someLongArgumentName, const auto "
-               "&someOtherLongArgumentName) {\n"
-               "  return someLongArgumentName.someMemberVariable < "
-               "someOtherLongArgumentName.someMemberVariable;\n"
-               "});",
+               "          [](const auto &foo, const auto &bar) {\n"
+               "  return foo.baz < bar.baz;\n"
+               "});\n",
-  verifyFormat("test() {\n"
+  verifyFormat("void test() {\n"
                "  (\n"
-               "      []() -> {\n"
+               "      []() -> auto {\n"
                "        int b = 32;\n"
                "        return 3;\n"
                "      },\n"
@@ -22008,8 +22016,8 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLambdas) {
                "      .foo();\n"
-  verifyFormat("test() {\n"
-               "  ([]() -> {\n"
+  verifyFormat("void test() {\n"
+               "  ([]() -> auto {\n"
                "    int b = 32;\n"
                "    return 3;\n"
                "  })\n"
@@ -22017,51 +22025,14 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLambdas) {
                "      .bar();\n"
-  EXPECT_EQ("SomeResult doSomething(SomeObject promise) {\n"
-            "  return promise.then(\n"
-            "      [this, &someVariable, someObject = "
-            "std::mv(s)](std::vector<int> evaluated) mutable {\n"
-            "    return someObject.startAsyncAction().then(\n"
-            "        [this, &someVariable](AsyncActionResult result) mutable { "
-            "result.processMore(); });\n"
-            "  });\n"
-            "}\n",
-            format("SomeResult doSomething(SomeObject promise) {\n"
-                   "  return promise.then([this, &someVariable, someObject = "
-                   "std::mv(s)](std::vector<int> evaluated) mutable {\n"
-                   "    return someObject.startAsyncAction().then([this, "
-                   "&someVariable](AsyncActionResult result) mutable {\n"
-                   "      result.processMore();\n"
-                   "    });\n"
-                   "  });\n"
-                   "}\n",
-                   Style));
-  EXPECT_EQ("SomeResult doSomething(SomeObject promise) {\n"
-            "  return promise.then([this, &someVariable] {\n"
-            "    return someObject.startAsyncAction().then(\n"
-            "        [this, &someVariable](AsyncActionResult result) mutable { "
-            "result.processMore(); });\n"
-            "  });\n"
-            "}\n",
-            format("SomeResult doSomething(SomeObject promise) {\n"
-                   "  return promise.then([this, &someVariable] {\n"
-                   "    return someObject.startAsyncAction().then([this, "
-                   "&someVariable](AsyncActionResult result) mutable {\n"
-                   "      result.processMore();\n"
-                   "    });\n"
-                   "  });\n"
-                   "}\n",
-                   Style));
   Style = getGoogleStyle();
   Style.LambdaBodyIndentation = FormatStyle::LBI_OuterScope;
-  EXPECT_EQ("#define A                                       \\\n"
-            "  [] {                                          \\\n"
-            "    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(        \\\n"
-            "        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); \\\n"
-            "      }",
-            format("#define A [] { xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( \\\n"
-                   "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); }",
-                   Style));
+  verifyFormat("#define A                                       \\\n"
+               "  [] {                                          \\\n"
+               "    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(        \\\n"
+               "        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); \\\n"
+               "      }",
+               Style);
   // TODO: The current formatting has a minor issue that's not worth fixing
   // right now whereby the closing brace is indented relative to the signature
   // instead of being aligned. This only happens with macros.


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