[clang] 131e878 - Print nullptr_t namespace qualified within std::
David Blaikie via cfe-commits
cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 21 11:22:14 PDT 2021
Author: David Blaikie
Date: 2021-09-21T11:21:40-07:00
New Revision: 131e8786640a49daf533b7ead4d3b5b82e0aea2a
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/131e8786640a49daf533b7ead4d3b5b82e0aea2a
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/131e8786640a49daf533b7ead4d3b5b82e0aea2a.diff
LOG: Print nullptr_t namespace qualified within std::
This improves diagnostic (& important to me, DWARF) accuracy - otherwise
there could be ambiguities between "std::nullptr_t" and some user-defined
type that's /actually/ "nullptr_t" defined in the global namespace.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D110044
diff --git a/clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp b/clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp
index f71c05d639ce3..112218d6eb369 100644
--- a/clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp
@@ -3042,7 +3042,7 @@ StringRef BuiltinType::getName(const PrintingPolicy &Policy) const {
case Char32:
return "char32_t";
case NullPtr:
- return "nullptr_t";
+ return "std::nullptr_t";
case Overload:
return "<overloaded function type>";
case BoundMember:
diff --git a/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-recovery.cpp b/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-recovery.cpp
index 5ea9c08519695..8c6563961bd60 100644
--- a/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-recovery.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-recovery.cpp
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ using Escape = decltype([] { return undef(); }());
// CHECK-NEXT: `-RecoveryExpr {{.*}} '<dependent type>' contains-errors lvalue
// CHECK-NEXT: `-InitListExpr
// CHECK-NEXT: `-DesignatedInitExpr {{.*}} 'void'
-// CHECK-NEXT: `-CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr {{.*}} 'nullptr_t'
+// CHECK-NEXT: `-CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr {{.*}} 'std::nullptr_t'
struct {
int& abc;
} NoCrashOnInvalidInitList = {
diff --git a/clang/test/Analysis/plist-diagnostics-template-record.cpp b/clang/test/Analysis/plist-diagnostics-template-record.cpp
index ffd6d03088363..3f45a43d260b9 100644
--- a/clang/test/Analysis/plist-diagnostics-template-record.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/Analysis/plist-diagnostics-template-record.cpp
@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ int main() {
// CHECK: <string>Calling constructor for 'DivByZero<int, float, double, 0>'</string>
// CHECK: <string>Calling constructor for 'DivByZero<char, float, double, 0>'</string>
-// CHECK: <string>Calling constructor for 'DivByZeroVariadic<char, float, double, nullptr_t>'</string>
+// CHECK: <string>Calling constructor for 'DivByZeroVariadic<char, float, double, std::nullptr_t>'</string>
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr15xx.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr15xx.cpp
index e4f1105ceebe0..c588891a75d6a 100644
--- a/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr15xx.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr15xx.cpp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ namespace dr1512 { // dr1512: 4
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
- template<typename T> struct Wrap { operator T(); }; // expected-note 4{{converted to type 'nullptr_t'}} expected-note 4{{converted to type 'int *'}}
+ template<typename T> struct Wrap { operator T(); }; // expected-note 4{{converted to type 'std::nullptr_t'}} expected-note 4{{converted to type 'int *'}}
void test_overload() {
using nullptr_t = decltype(nullptr);
void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() == Wrap<nullptr_t>());
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace dr1512 { // dr1512: 4
// but then only convert as far as 'nullptr_t', which we then can't convert to 'int*'.
void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() == Wrap<int*>());
void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() != Wrap<int*>());
- void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() < Wrap<int*>()); // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('Wrap<nullptr_t>' and 'Wrap<int *>')}}
+ void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() < Wrap<int*>()); // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('Wrap<nullptr_t>' (aka 'Wrap<std::nullptr_t>') and 'Wrap<int *>')}}
void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() > Wrap<int*>()); // expected-error {{invalid operands}}
void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() <= Wrap<int*>()); // expected-error {{invalid operands}}
void(Wrap<nullptr_t>() >= Wrap<int*>()); // expected-error {{invalid operands}}
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr6xx.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr6xx.cpp
index efca2b4292748..d3cf925eb3f3e 100644
--- a/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr6xx.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/drs/dr6xx.cpp
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ namespace dr652 { // dr652: yes
namespace dr654 { // dr654: sup 1423
void f() {
if (nullptr) {} // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of nullptr constant to 'bool'}}
- bool b = nullptr; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'bool' with an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'}}
+ bool b = nullptr; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'bool' with an rvalue of type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
if (nullptr == 0) {}
if (nullptr != 0) {}
if (nullptr <= 0) {} // expected-error {{invalid operands}}
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1-11.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1-11.cpp
index 3f65466dfc0f9..97167eb596997 100644
--- a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1-11.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.arg/temp.arg.nontype/p1-11.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ IP<nullptr> ip2;
IP<get_nullptr()> ip3;
IP<(int*)0> ip4;
IP<np> ip5;
-IP<nonconst_np> ip5; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'std::nullptr_t' (aka 'nullptr_t') is not a constant expression}} \
+IP<nonconst_np> ip5; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'std::nullptr_t' is not a constant expression}} \
// expected-note{{read of non-constexpr variable 'nonconst_np' is not allowed in a constant expression}}
IP<(float*)0> ip6; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument of type 'float *' does not match template parameter of type 'int *'}}
IP<&tl> ip7; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'int *' is not a constant expression}}
@@ -62,6 +62,6 @@ template<std::nullptr_t np> struct NP { // expected-note 2{{template parameter i
NP<nullptr> np1;
NP<np> np2;
NP<get_nullptr()> np3;
-NP<0> np4; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'std::nullptr_t' (aka 'nullptr_t')}}
+NP<0> np4; // expected-error{{null non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
constexpr int i = 7;
NP<i> np5; // expected-error{{non-type template argument of type 'const int' cannot be converted to a value of type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.param/p10-2a.cpp b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.param/p10-2a.cpp
index f9398de9e440e..f0364274fb359 100644
--- a/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.param/p10-2a.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CXX/temp/temp.param/p10-2a.cpp
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ concept OneOf = (is_same_v<T, Ts> || ...);
// expected-note at -5 {{and 'is_same_v<short, char>' evaluated to false}}
// expected-note at -6 3{{because 'is_same_v<int, char [1]>' evaluated to false}}
// expected-note at -7 3{{and 'is_same_v<int, char [2]>' evaluated to false}}
-// expected-note at -8 2{{because 'is_same_v<nullptr_t, char>' evaluated to false}}
-// expected-note at -9 2{{and 'is_same_v<nullptr_t, int>' evaluated to false}}
+// expected-note at -8 2{{because 'is_same_v<std::nullptr_t, char>' evaluated to false}}
+// expected-note at -9 2{{and 'is_same_v<std::nullptr_t, int>' evaluated to false}}
template<OneOf<char[1], char[2]> T, OneOf<int, long, char> U>
// expected-note at -1 2{{because 'OneOf<char, char [1], char [2]>' evaluated to false}}
diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-template.cpp b/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-template.cpp
index 510c82a5074fb..d536cc5d34c33 100644
--- a/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-template.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-template.cpp
@@ -238,3 +238,10 @@ template void f1<t1 () volatile, t1 () const volatile, t1 () &, t1 () &&>();
// CHECK: ![[RAW_FUNC_QUAL_REF_REF]] = !DISubroutineType(flags: DIFlagRValueReference, types: ![[RAW_FUNC_QUAL_LIST]])
} // namespace RawFuncQual
+namespace Nullptr_t {
+template <typename T>
+void f1() {}
+template void f1<decltype(nullptr)>();
+// CHECK: !DISubprogram(name: "f1<std::nullptr_t>",
+} // namespace Nullptr_t
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/task_affinity_messages.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/task_affinity_messages.cpp
index 34ec8d2e1e14d..f85bde1e2040b 100644
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/task_affinity_messages.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/task_affinity_messages.cpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv, char *env[]) {
#pragma omp task affinity(iterator(unsigned argc: // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected '=' in iterator specifier}} expected-error 2 {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ',' or ')' after iterator specifier}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
#pragma omp task affinity(iterator(unsigned argc = // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error 2 {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ',' or ')' after iterator specifier}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
#pragma omp task affinity(iterator(vector argc = 0:2):argc) // expected-error {{expected integral or pointer type as the iterator-type, not 'vector'}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
- #pragma omp task affinity(iterator(vector *argc = nullptr:nullptr+2:0):argc) // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('nullptr_t' and 'int')}} expected-error {{iterator step expression 0 evaluates to 0}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
+ #pragma omp task affinity(iterator(vector *argc = nullptr:nullptr+2:0):argc) // expected-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('std::nullptr_t' and 'int')}} expected-error {{iterator step expression 0 evaluates to 0}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
#pragma omp task affinity(iterator(vector *argc = 0:vector():argc):argc) // expected-error {{converting 'vector' to incompatible type 'vector *'}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
#pragma omp task affinity(iterator(i = 0:10, i = 0:10) : argv[i]) // expected-error {{redefinition of 'i'}} expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/task_depend_messages.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/task_depend_messages.cpp
index bfb0e771b2ca7..6ff014a276d0d 100644
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/task_depend_messages.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/task_depend_messages.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv, char *env[]) {
#pragma omp task depend(iterator(unsigned argc: // expected-error {{expected ')'}} omp45-error {{expected 'in', 'out', 'inout' or 'mutexinoutset' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after dependency type - ignoring}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} omp50-error {{expected '=' in iterator specifier}} omp50-error 2 {{expected expression}} omp50-error {{expected ',' or ')' after iterator specifier}} omp50-error {{expected ')'}} omp50-error {{expected depend modifier(iterator) or 'in', 'out', 'inout', 'mutexinoutset' or 'depobj' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} omp50-error {{expected ','}} omp50-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp task depend(iterator(unsigned argc = // expected-error {{expected ')'}} omp45-error {{expected 'in', 'out', 'inout' or 'mutexinoutset' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after dependency type - ignoring}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} omp50-error 2 {{expected expression}} omp50-error {{expected ',' or ')' after iterator specifier}} omp50-error {{expected ')'}} omp50-error {{expected depend modifier(iterator) or 'in', 'out', 'inout', 'mutexinoutset' or 'depobj' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} omp50-error {{expected ','}} omp50-note {{to match this '('}}
#pragma omp task depend(iterator(vector argc = 0:2):argc) // omp45-error {{expected 'in', 'out', 'inout' or 'mutexinoutset' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} omp50-error {{expected integral or pointer type as the iterator-type, not 'vector'}} omp50-error {{expected depend modifier(iterator) or 'in', 'out', 'inout', 'mutexinoutset' or 'depobj' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} omp50-error {{expected ','}}
- #pragma omp task depend(iterator(vector *argc = nullptr:nullptr+2:0), in:argc) // omp45-error {{expected 'in', 'out', 'inout' or 'mutexinoutset' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} omp50-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('nullptr_t' and 'int')}} omp50-error {{iterator step expression 0 evaluates to 0}}
+ #pragma omp task depend(iterator(vector *argc = nullptr:nullptr+2:0), in:argc) // omp45-error {{expected 'in', 'out', 'inout' or 'mutexinoutset' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} omp50-error {{invalid operands to binary expression ('std::nullptr_t' and 'int')}} omp50-error {{iterator step expression 0 evaluates to 0}}
#pragma omp task depend(iterator(vector *argc = 0:vector():argc), in:argc) // omp45-error {{expected 'in', 'out', 'inout' or 'mutexinoutset' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}} omp50-error {{converting 'vector' to incompatible type 'vector *'}}
#pragma omp task depend(iterator(unsigned argc = 0:10), in : argc) // omp45-error {{expected 'in', 'out', 'inout' or 'mutexinoutset' in OpenMP clause 'depend'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/Sema/builtins-arm64-mte.c b/clang/test/Sema/builtins-arm64-mte.c
index 4f87eb000b5c7..6de2d775f85b7 100644
--- a/clang/test/Sema/builtins-arm64-mte.c
+++ b/clang/test/Sema/builtins-arm64-mte.c
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ ptr
diff _t subtract_pointers4(int *a, char *b) {
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff _t subtract_pointers5() {
- // expected-error at +1 {{at least one argument of MTE builtin function must be a pointer ('nullptr_t', 'nullptr_t' invalid)}}
+ // expected-error at +1 {{at least one argument of MTE builtin function must be a pointer ('std::nullptr_t', 'std::nullptr_t' invalid)}}
return __arm_mte_ptr
diff (nullptr, nullptr);
diff --git a/clang/test/Sema/format-strings-pedantic.c b/clang/test/Sema/format-strings-pedantic.c
index 6c206bac04762..d6f94120b5b95 100644
--- a/clang/test/Sema/format-strings-pedantic.c
+++ b/clang/test/Sema/format-strings-pedantic.c
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ int main() {
#ifdef __cplusplus
- printf("%p", nullptr); // expected-warning {{format specifies type 'void *' but the argument has type 'nullptr_t'}}
+ printf("%p", nullptr); // expected-warning {{format specifies type 'void *' but the argument has type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx0x-noexcept-expression.cpp b/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx0x-noexcept-expression.cpp
index 6181258ed0c5e..f4911541d1d33 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx0x-noexcept-expression.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx0x-noexcept-expression.cpp
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ const int *ptr = nullptr;
void f() noexcept(sizeof(char[2])); // expected-error {{noexcept specifier argument evaluates to 2, which cannot be narrowed to type 'bool'}}
void g() noexcept(sizeof(char));
void h() noexcept(ptr); // expected-error {{conversion from 'const int *' to 'bool' is not allowed in a converted constant expression}}
-void i() noexcept(nullptr); // expected-error {{conversion from 'nullptr_t' to 'bool' is not allowed in a converted constant expression}}
+void i() noexcept(nullptr); // expected-error {{conversion from 'std::nullptr_t' to 'bool' is not allowed in a converted constant expression}}
void j() noexcept(0);
void k() noexcept(1);
void l() noexcept(2); // expected-error {{noexcept specifier argument evaluates to 2, which cannot be narrowed to type 'bool'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx2a-explicit-bool.cpp b/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx2a-explicit-bool.cpp
index 7d5fa17ef24af..ad2a3a1ea75e9 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx2a-explicit-bool.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaCXX/cxx2a-explicit-bool.cpp
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ const int *ptr;
struct S {
explicit(sizeof(char[2])) S(char); // expected-error {{explicit specifier argument evaluates to 2, which cannot be narrowed to type 'bool'}}
explicit(ptr) S(long); // expected-error {{conversion from 'const int *' to 'bool' is not allowed in a converted constant expression}}
- explicit(nullptr) S(int); // expected-error {{conversion from 'nullptr_t' to 'bool' is not allowed in a converted constant expression}}
+ explicit(nullptr) S(int); // expected-error {{conversion from 'std::nullptr_t' to 'bool' is not allowed in a converted constant expression}}
explicit(42L) S(int, int); // expected-error {{explicit specifier argument evaluates to 42, which cannot be narrowed to type 'bool'}}
explicit(sizeof(char)) S();
explicit(0) S(char, char);
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullability.cpp b/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullability.cpp
index 99375a9fdde34..91ecc447c5347 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullability.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullability.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class X {
// Nullability applies to all pointer types.
typedef int (X::* _Nonnull member_function_type_1)(int);
typedef int X::* _Nonnull member_data_type_1;
-typedef nullptr_t _Nonnull nonnull_nullptr_t; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'nullptr_t'}}
+typedef nullptr_t _Nonnull nonnull_nullptr_t; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'nullptr_t' (aka 'std::nullptr_t')}}
// Nullability can move into member pointers (this is suppressing a warning).
typedef _Nonnull int (X::* member_function_type_2)(int);
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ typedef _Nonnull int X::* member_data_type_2;
template<typename T>
struct AddNonNull {
typedef _Nonnull T type; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'int'}}
- // expected-error at -1{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'nullptr_t'}}
+ // expected-error at -1{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cannot be applied to non-pointer type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
typedef AddNonNull<int *>::type nonnull_int_ptr_1;
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullptr.cpp b/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullptr.cpp
index 23ea383c3e87c..2deb5756ef125 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullptr.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaCXX/nullptr.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ nullptr_t f(nullptr_t null)
o2(nullptr); // expected-error {{ambiguous}}
// nullptr is an rvalue, null is an lvalue
- (void)&nullptr; // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'}}
+ (void)&nullptr; // expected-error {{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
nullptr_t *pn = &null;
// You can reinterpret_cast nullptr to an integer.
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction-guide.cpp b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction-guide.cpp
index 8a964903ebfcc..79418134d2fd0 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction-guide.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction-guide.cpp
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ using BT = B<char, 'x'>;
// CHECK: `-CXXDeductionGuideDecl {{.*}} 'auto (X<nullptr, 'x'>) -> B<char, 'x'>'
// CHECK: |-TemplateArgument type 'char'
// CHECK: |-TemplateArgument integral 120
-// CHECK: |-TemplateArgument type 'nullptr_t'
+// CHECK: |-TemplateArgument type 'std::nullptr_t'
// CHECK: |-TemplateArgument nullptr
// CHECK: `-ParmVarDecl {{.*}} 'X<nullptr, 'x'>':'X<nullptr, 'x'>'
// CHECK: FunctionProtoType {{.*}} 'auto (X<W, V>) -> B<T, V>' dependent trailing_return
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction.cpp b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction.cpp
index 0f48a4dc1095c..9c75595bc74a5 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/deduction.cpp
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ namespace nullptr_deduction {
template<template<typename T, T> class X, typename T, int *P>
- void f0(X<T, P>) {} // expected-note {{deduced non-type template argument does not have the same type as the corresponding template parameter ('nullptr_t' vs 'int *')}}
+ void f0(X<T, P>) {} // expected-note {{deduced non-type template argument does not have the same type as the corresponding template parameter ('std::nullptr_t' vs 'int *')}}
void h0() {
f0(X<int*, nullptr>());
f0(X<nullptr_t, nullptr>()); // expected-error {{no matching function}}
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/friend.cpp b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/friend.cpp
index a1dcd866b9e83..fc6cd42a3ba26 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/friend.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/friend.cpp
@@ -146,5 +146,5 @@ namespace PR42513_comment3 {
template<typename X> struct T { friend auto f(X*) { return nullptr; } };
struct X1 { friend auto f(X1*); };
template struct T<X1>;
- int n = f((X1*)nullptr); // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'int' with an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'}}
+ int n = f((X1*)nullptr); // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'int' with an rvalue of type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-local-class.cpp b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-local-class.cpp
index 65caaa1a43e81..ce986d98600e8 100644
--- a/clang/test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-local-class.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-local-class.cpp
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ namespace anon_union_default_member_init {
namespace PR45000 {
template <typename T>
void f(int x = [](T x = nullptr) -> int { return x; }());
- // expected-error at -1 {{cannot initialize a parameter of type 'int' with an rvalue of type 'nullptr_t'}}
+ // expected-error at -1 {{cannot initialize a parameter of type 'int' with an rvalue of type 'std::nullptr_t'}}
// expected-note at -2 {{passing argument to parameter 'x' here}}
void g() { f<int>(); }
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