[clang-tools-extra] 91679c9 - [clangd] Include macro expansions in documentSymbol hierarchy

Sam McCall via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 2 08:52:33 PST 2021

Author: Sam McCall
Date: 2021-03-02T17:52:24+01:00
New Revision: 91679c95bbedf4f816a456028ebd23ea6c5cc08f

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/91679c95bbedf4f816a456028ebd23ea6c5cc08f
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/91679c95bbedf4f816a456028ebd23ea6c5cc08f.diff

LOG: [clangd] Include macro expansions in documentSymbol hierarchy

Browsing macro-generated symbols is confusing.
On the one hand, it seems very *useful* to be able to see the summary of
symbols that were generated.
On the other hand, some macros spew a lot of confusing symbols into the
namespace and when used repeatedly (ABSL_FLAG) can create a lot of spam
that's hard to navigate.

Design constraints:
 - the macro expansion tree need not align with the AST, though it often
   does in practice.
   We address this by defining the nesting based on the *primary*
   location of decls, rather than their ranges.
 - DocumentSymbol.children[*].range should nest within DocumentSymbol.range
   (This constraint is not in LSP "breadcrumbs" breaks without it)
   We adjust macro ranges so they cover their "children", rather than
   just the macro expansion
 - LSP does not have a "macro expansion" symbolkind, nor does it allow a
   symbol to have no kind. I've arbitrarily picked "null" as this is
   unlikely to conflict with anything useful.

This patch makes all macros and children visible for simplicity+consistency,
though in some cases it may be better to elide the macro node.
We may consider adding heuristics for this in future (e.g. when it expands
to one decl only?) but it doesn't seem clear-cut to me.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97615




diff  --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/FindSymbols.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/FindSymbols.cpp
index bf441e8bc1bf..cf517717a27a 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/FindSymbols.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/FindSymbols.cpp
@@ -289,21 +289,103 @@ llvm::Optional<DocumentSymbol> declToSym(ASTContext &Ctx, const NamedDecl &ND) {
 ///    - visiting decls is actually simple, so we don't hit the complicated
 ///      cases that RAV mostly helps with (types, expressions, etc.)
 class DocumentOutline {
+  // A DocumentSymbol we're constructing.
+  // We use this instead of DocumentSymbol directly so that we can keep track
+  // of the nodes we insert for macros.
+  class SymBuilder {
+    std::vector<SymBuilder> Children;
+    DocumentSymbol Symbol; // Symbol.children is empty, use Children instead.
+    // Macro expansions that this node or its parents are associated with.
+    // (Thus we will never create further children for these expansions).
+    llvm::SmallVector<SourceLocation> EnclosingMacroLoc;
+  public:
+    DocumentSymbol build() && {
+      for (SymBuilder &C : Children) {
+        Symbol.children.push_back(std::move(C).build());
+        // Expand range to ensure children nest properly, which editors expect.
+        // This can fix some edge-cases in the AST, but is vital for macros.
+        // A macro expansion "contains" AST node if it covers the node's primary
+        // location, but it may not span the node's whole range.
+        Symbol.range.start =
+            std::min(Symbol.range.start, Symbol.children.back().range.start);
+        Symbol.range.end =
+            std::max(Symbol.range.end, Symbol.children.back().range.end);
+      }
+      return std::move(Symbol);
+    }
+    // Add a symbol as a child of the current one.
+    SymBuilder &addChild(DocumentSymbol S) {
+      Children.emplace_back();
+      Children.back().EnclosingMacroLoc = EnclosingMacroLoc;
+      Children.back().Symbol = std::move(S);
+      return Children.back();
+    }
+    // Get an appropriate container for children of this symbol that were
+    // expanded from a macro (whose spelled name is Tok).
+    //
+    // This may return:
+    //  - a macro symbol child of this (either new or previously created)
+    //  - this scope itself, if it *is* the macro symbol or is nested within it
+    SymBuilder &inMacro(const syntax::Token &Tok, const SourceManager &SM,
+                        llvm::Optional<syntax::TokenBuffer::Expansion> Exp) {
+      if (llvm::is_contained(EnclosingMacroLoc, Tok.location()))
+        return *this;
+      // If there's an existing child for this macro, we expect it to be last.
+      if (!Children.empty() && !Children.back().EnclosingMacroLoc.empty() &&
+          Children.back().EnclosingMacroLoc.back() == Tok.location())
+        return Children.back();
+      DocumentSymbol Sym;
+      Sym.name = Tok.text(SM).str();
+      Sym.kind = SymbolKind::Null; // There's no suitable kind!
+      Sym.range = Sym.selectionRange =
+          halfOpenToRange(SM, Tok.range(SM).toCharRange(SM));
+      // FIXME: Exp is currently unavailable for nested expansions.
+      if (Exp) {
+        // Full range covers the macro args.
+        Sym.range = halfOpenToRange(SM, CharSourceRange::getCharRange(
+                                            Exp->Spelled.front().location(),
+                                            Exp->Spelled.back().endLocation()));
+        // Show macro args as detail.
+        llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Sym.detail);
+        const syntax::Token *Prev = nullptr;
+        for (const auto &Tok : Exp->Spelled.drop_front()) {
+          // Don't dump arbitrarily long macro args.
+          if (OS.tell() > 80) {
+            OS << " ...)";
+            break;
+          }
+          if (Prev && Prev->endLocation() != Tok.location())
+            OS << ' ';
+          OS << Tok.text(SM);
+          Prev = &Tok;
+        }
+      }
+      SymBuilder &Child = addChild(std::move(Sym));
+      Child.EnclosingMacroLoc.push_back(Tok.location());
+      return Child;
+    }
+  };
   DocumentOutline(ParsedAST &AST) : AST(AST) {}
   /// Builds the document outline for the generated AST.
   std::vector<DocumentSymbol> build() {
-    std::vector<DocumentSymbol> Results;
+    SymBuilder DummyRoot;
     for (auto &TopLevel : AST.getLocalTopLevelDecls())
-      traverseDecl(TopLevel, Results);
-    return Results;
+      traverseDecl(TopLevel, DummyRoot);
+    return std::move(std::move(DummyRoot).build().children);
   enum class VisitKind { No, OnlyDecl, OnlyChildren, DeclAndChildren };
-  void traverseDecl(Decl *D, std::vector<DocumentSymbol> &Results) {
+  void traverseDecl(Decl *D, SymBuilder &Parent) {
     // Skip symbols which do not originate from the main file.
     if (!isInsideMainFile(D->getLocation(), AST.getSourceManager()))
@@ -319,27 +401,76 @@ class DocumentOutline {
     if (Visit == VisitKind::OnlyChildren)
-      return traverseChildren(D, Results);
+      return traverseChildren(D, Parent);
     auto *ND = llvm::cast<NamedDecl>(D);
     auto Sym = declToSym(AST.getASTContext(), *ND);
     if (!Sym)
-    Results.push_back(std::move(*Sym));
+    SymBuilder &MacroParent = possibleMacroContainer(D->getLocation(), Parent);
+    SymBuilder &Child = MacroParent.addChild(std::move(*Sym));
     if (Visit == VisitKind::OnlyDecl)
     assert(Visit == VisitKind::DeclAndChildren && "Unexpected VisitKind");
-    traverseChildren(ND, Results.back().children);
+    traverseChildren(ND, Child);
+  }
+  // Determines where a decl should appear in the DocumentSymbol hierarchy.
+  //
+  // This is usually a direct child of the relevant AST parent.
+  // But we may also insert nodes for macros. Given:
+  //   #define DECLARE_INT(V) int v;
+  //   namespace a { DECLARE_INT(x) }
+  // We produce:
+  //   Namespace a
+  //     Macro DECLARE_INT(x)
+  //       Variable x
+  //
+  // In the absence of macros, this method simply returns Parent.
+  // Otherwise it may return a macro expansion node instead.
+  // Each macro only has at most one node in the hierarchy, even if it expands
+  // to multiple decls.
+  SymBuilder &possibleMacroContainer(SourceLocation TargetLoc,
+                                     SymBuilder &Parent) {
+    const auto &SM = AST.getSourceManager();
+    // Look at the path of macro-callers from the token to the main file.
+    // Note that along these paths we see the "outer" macro calls first.
+    SymBuilder *CurParent = &Parent;
+    for (SourceLocation Loc = TargetLoc; Loc.isMacroID();
+         Loc = SM.getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(Loc)) {
+      // Find the virtual macro body that our token is being substituted into.
+      FileID MacroBody;
+      if (SM.isMacroArgExpansion(Loc)) {
+        // Loc is part of a macro arg being substituted into a macro body.
+        MacroBody = SM.getFileID(SM.getImmediateExpansionRange(Loc).getBegin());
+      } else {
+        // Loc is already in the macro body.
+        MacroBody = SM.getFileID(Loc);
+      }
+      // The macro body is being substituted for a macro expansion, whose
+      // first token is the name of the macro.
+      SourceLocation MacroName =
+          SM.getSLocEntry(MacroBody).getExpansion().getExpansionLocStart();
+      // Only include the macro expansion in the outline if it was written
+      // directly in the main file, rather than expanded from another macro.
+      if (!MacroName.isValid() || !MacroName.isFileID())
+        continue;
+      // All conditions satisfied, add the macro.
+      if (auto *Tok = AST.getTokens().spelledTokenAt(MacroName))
+        CurParent = &CurParent->inMacro(
+            *Tok, SM, AST.getTokens().expansionStartingAt(Tok));
+    }
+    return *CurParent;
-  void traverseChildren(Decl *D, std::vector<DocumentSymbol> &Results) {
+  void traverseChildren(Decl *D, SymBuilder &Builder) {
     auto *Scope = llvm::dyn_cast<DeclContext>(D);
     if (!Scope)
     for (auto *C : Scope->decls())
-      traverseDecl(C, Results);
+      traverseDecl(C, Builder);
   VisitKind shouldVisit(Decl *D) {

diff  --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/FindSymbolsTests.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/FindSymbolsTests.cpp
index 8cae9d606159..fa9af8637304 100644
--- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/FindSymbolsTests.cpp
+++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/FindSymbolsTests.cpp
@@ -662,7 +662,76 @@ TEST(DocumentSymbols, Enums) {
-TEST(DocumentSymbols, FromMacro) {
+TEST(DocumentSymbols, Macro) {
+  struct Test {
+    const char *Code;
+    testing::Matcher<DocumentSymbol> Matcher;
+  } Tests[] = {
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            // Basic macro that generates symbols.
+            #define DEFINE_FLAG(X) bool FLAGS_##X; bool FLAGS_no##X
+            DEFINE_FLAG(pretty);
+          )cpp",
+          AllOf(WithName("DEFINE_FLAG"), WithDetail("(pretty)"),
+                Children(WithName("FLAGS_pretty"), WithName("FLAGS_nopretty"))),
+      },
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            // Hierarchy is determined by primary (name) location.
+            #define ID(X) X
+            namespace ID(ns) { int ID(y); }
+          )cpp",
+          AllOf(WithName("ID"), WithDetail("(ns)"),
+                Children(AllOf(WithName("ns"),
+                               Children(AllOf(WithName("ID"), WithDetail("(y)"),
+                                              Children(WithName("y"))))))),
+      },
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            // More typical example where macro only generates part of a decl.
+            #define TEST(A, B) class A##_##B { void go(); }; void A##_##B::go()
+            TEST(DocumentSymbols, Macro) { }
+          )cpp",
+          AllOf(WithName("TEST"), WithDetail("(DocumentSymbols, Macro)"),
+                Children(AllOf(WithName("DocumentSymbols_Macro"),
+                               Children(WithName("go"))),
+                         WithName("DocumentSymbols_Macro::go"))),
+      },
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            // Nested macros.
+            #define NAMESPACE(NS, BODY) namespace NS { BODY }
+            NAMESPACE(a, NAMESPACE(b, int x;))
+          )cpp",
+          AllOf(
+              WithName("NAMESPACE"), WithDetail("(a, NAMESPACE(b, int x;))"),
+              Children(AllOf(
+                  WithName("a"),
+                  Children(AllOf(WithName("NAMESPACE"),
+                                 // FIXME: nested expansions not in TokenBuffer
+                                 WithDetail(""),
+                                 Children(AllOf(WithName("b"),
+                                                Children(WithName("x"))))))))),
+      },
+      {
+          R"cpp(
+            // Macro invoked from body is not exposed.
+            #define INNER(X) int X
+            #define OUTER(X) INNER(X)
+            OUTER(foo);
+          )cpp",
+          AllOf(WithName("OUTER"), WithDetail("(foo)"),
+                Children(WithName("foo"))),
+      },
+  };
+  for (const Test &T : Tests) {
+    auto TU = TestTU::withCode(T.Code);
+    EXPECT_THAT(getSymbols(TU.build()), ElementsAre(T.Matcher)) << T.Code;
+  }
+TEST(DocumentSymbols, RangeFromMacro) {
   TestTU TU;
   Annotations Main(R"(
     #define FF(name) \
@@ -671,9 +740,9 @@ TEST(DocumentSymbols, FromMacro) {
     #define FF2() \
-      class Test {};
+      class Test {}
-    $expansion2[[FF2]]();
+    $expansion2parens[[$expansion2[[FF2]]()]];
     #define FF3() \
       void waldo()
@@ -683,13 +752,21 @@ TEST(DocumentSymbols, FromMacro) {
   TU.Code = Main.code().str();
-  EXPECT_THAT(getSymbols(TU.build()),
-              ElementsAre(AllOf(WithName("abc_Test"), WithDetail("class"),
-                                SymNameRange(Main.range("expansion1"))),
-                          AllOf(WithName("Test"), WithDetail("class"),
-                                SymNameRange(Main.range("expansion2"))),
-                          AllOf(WithName("waldo"), WithDetail("void ()"),
-                                SymRange(Main.range("fullDef")))));
+      getSymbols(TU.build()),
+      ElementsAre(
+          AllOf(WithName("FF"), WithDetail("(abc)"),
+                Children(AllOf(WithName("abc_Test"), WithDetail("class"),
+                               SymNameRange(Main.range("expansion1"))))),
+          AllOf(WithName("FF2"), WithDetail("()"),
+                SymNameRange(Main.range("expansion2")),
+                SymRange(Main.range("expansion2parens")),
+                Children(AllOf(WithName("Test"), WithDetail("class"),
+                               SymNameRange(Main.range("expansion2"))))),
+          AllOf(WithName("FF3"), WithDetail("()"),
+                SymRange(Main.range("fullDef")),
+                Children(AllOf(WithName("waldo"), WithDetail("void ()"),
+                               SymRange(Main.range("fullDef")))))));
 TEST(DocumentSymbols, FuncTemplates) {


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