[clang] 7046be1 - [OpenMP] [DOCS] Update OMP5.1 feature status table [NFC]

via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 18 08:47:40 PST 2020

Author: dreachem
Date: 2020-11-18T10:46:42-06:00
New Revision: 7046be17307d7439053d6693bf81540e3dc479d2

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7046be17307d7439053d6693bf81540e3dc479d2
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7046be17307d7439053d6693bf81540e3dc479d2.diff

LOG: [OpenMP] [DOCS] Update OMP5.1 feature status table [NFC]

Adding features in OpenMP 5.1 specification, as documented in feature change history, to the 5.1 table. I alphabetized the rows of the table according to the category. For deprecating master construct, I just used 'other' as the category.

Reviewed By: jdoerfert

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90802




diff  --git a/clang/docs/OpenMPSupport.rst b/clang/docs/OpenMPSupport.rst
index e63d91586b95..427e5d292565 100644
--- a/clang/docs/OpenMPSupport.rst
+++ b/clang/docs/OpenMPSupport.rst
@@ -264,15 +264,97 @@ want to help with the implementation.
 |Category                      | Feature                                                      | Status                   | Reviews                                                               |
-| misc extension               | user-defined function variants with #ifdef protection        | :part:`worked on`        | D71179                                                                |
+| atomic extension             | 'compare' and 'fail' clauses on atomic construct             | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
-| misc extension               | default(firstprivate) & default(private)                     | :part:`partial`          | firstprivate done: D75591                                             |
-| loop extension               | Loop tiling transformation                                   | :part:`worked on`        | D76342                                                                |
+| base language                | C++ attribute specifier syntax                               | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
 | device extension             | 'present' map type modifier                                  | :good:`done`             | D83061, D83062, D84422                                                |
 | device extension             | 'present' motion modifier                                    | :good:`done`             | D84711, D84712                                                        |
+| device extension             | 'present' in defaultmap clause                               | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
 | device extension             | map clause reordering reordering based on 'present' modifier | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | device-specific environment variables                        | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | omp_target_is_accessible routine                             | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | omp_get_mapped_ptr routine                                   | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | new async target memory copy routines                        | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | thread_limit clause on target construct                      | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | has_device_addr clause on target construct                   | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | iterators in map clause or motion clauses                    | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | indirect clause on declare target directive                  | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | allow virtual functions calls for mapped object on device    | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | interop construct                                            | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| device extension             | assorted routines for querying interoperable properties      | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| loop extension               | Loop tiling transformation                                   | :part:`worked on`        | D76342                                                                |
+| loop extension               | Loop unrolling transformation                                | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| loop extension               | 'reproducible'/'unconstrained' modifiers in 'order' clause   | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| memory management            | alignment extensions for allocate directive and clause       | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| memory management            | new memory management routines                               | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| memory management            | changes to omp_alloctrait_key enum                           | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| memory model extension       | seq_cst clause on flush construct                            | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | 'omp_all_memory' keyword and use in 'depend' clause          | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | error directive                                              | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | scope construct                                              | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | routines for controlling and querying team regions           | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | changes to ompt_scope_endpoint_t enum                        | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | omp_display_env routine                                      | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | extended OMP_PLACES syntax                                   | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | OMP_NUM_TEAMS and OMP_TEAMS_THREAD_LIMIT env vars            | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | 'target_device' selector in context specifier                | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | begin/end declare variant                                    | :good:`done`             | D71179                                                                |
+| misc extension               | dispatch construct and function variant argument adjustment  | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | assume and assumes directives                                | :part:`worked on`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | nothing directive                                            | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | masked construct and related combined constructs             | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| misc extension               | default(firstprivate) & default(private)                     | :part:`partial`          | firstprivate done: D75591                                             |
+| other                        | deprecating master construct                                 | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| OMPT                         | new barrier types added to ompt_sync_region_t enum           | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| OMPT                         | async data transfers added to ompt_target_data_op_t enum     | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| OMPT                         | new barrier state values added to ompt_state_t enum          | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| OMPT                         | new 'emi' callbacks for external monitoring interfaces       | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| task extension               | 'strict' modifier for taskloop construct                     | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| task extension               | inoutset in depend clause                                    | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |
+| task extension               | nowait clause on taskwait                                    | :none:`unclaimed`        |                                                                       |


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