r361148 - [Syntax] Introduce TokenBuffer, start clangToolingSyntax library

Ilya Biryukov via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed May 22 07:35:45 PDT 2019

I assume the tests produces warnings when parsing command-line arguments
and we initialize the diagnostics client *after* that.
I'll re-land with a fix, will watch the buildbot for new failures

On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 4:30 PM Ilya Biryukov <ibiryukov at google.com> wrote:

> Is there any way to get symbolized stacktraces?
> On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 4:28 PM Ilya Biryukov <ibiryukov at google.com>
> wrote:
>> I'll take a look too, thanks
>> On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 2:52 PM Russell Gallop <russell.gallop at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ilya,
>>> I've reverted this (and r361248) in r361377 to get the some bots green:
>>> http://lab.llvm.org:8011/builders/llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-ubuntu-fast
>>> http://lab.llvm.org:8011/builders/llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-windows10pro-fast
>>> These are failing with an assert when built
>>> with: -DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=x86_64-scei-ps4
>>> ******************** TEST 'Clang-Unit ::
>>> Tooling/Syntax/./SyntaxTests/TokenBufferTest.SpelledByExpanded' FAILED
>>> ********************
>>> Note: Google Test filter = TokenBufferTest.SpelledByExpanded
>>> [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
>>> [----------] Global test environment set-up.
>>> [----------] 1 test from TokenBufferTest
>>> [ RUN      ] TokenBufferTest.SpelledByExpanded
>>> SyntaxTests:
>>> /home/buildslave/ps4-buildslave4/llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-ubuntu-fast/llvm.src/tools/clang/lib/Basic/Diagnostic.cpp:499:
>>> bool clang::DiagnosticsEngine::EmitCurrentDiagnostic(bool): Assertion
>>> `getClient() && "DiagnosticClient not set!"' failed.
>>> I'll continue to investigate but you may know what the problem is better.
>>> Thanks
>>> Russ
>>> On Mon, 20 May 2019 at 13:57, Ilya Biryukov via cfe-commits <
>>> cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>>> Author: ibiryukov
>>>> Date: Mon May 20 06:00:42 2019
>>>> New Revision: 361148
>>>> URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=361148&view=rev
>>>> Log:
>>>> [Syntax] Introduce TokenBuffer, start clangToolingSyntax library
>>>> Summary:
>>>> TokenBuffer stores the list of tokens for a file obtained after
>>>> preprocessing. This is a base building block for syntax trees,
>>>> see [1] for the full proposal on syntax trees.
>>>> This commits also starts a new sub-library of ClangTooling, which
>>>> would be the home for the syntax trees and syntax-tree-based refactoring
>>>> utilities.
>>>> [1]: https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/cfe-dev/2019-February/061414.html
>>>> Reviewers: gribozavr, sammccall
>>>> Reviewed By: sammccall
>>>> Subscribers: mgrang, riccibruno, Eugene.Zelenko, mgorny, jdoerfert,
>>>> cfe-commits
>>>> Tags: #clang
>>>> Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D59887
>>>> Added:
>>>>     cfe/trunk/include/clang/Tooling/Syntax/
>>>>     cfe/trunk/include/clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h
>>>>     cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/
>>>>     cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt
>>>>     cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp
>>>>     cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/
>>>>     cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt
>>>>     cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TokensTest.cpp
>>>> Modified:
>>>>     cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
>>>>     cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
>>>> Added: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/include/clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h?rev=361148&view=auto
>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>> --- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h (added)
>>>> +++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h Mon May 20 06:00:42
>>>> 2019
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
>>>> +//===- Tokens.h - collect tokens from preprocessing --------------*-
>>>> C++-*-===//
>>>> +//
>>>> +// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
>>>> Exceptions.
>>>> +// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
>>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
>>>> +//
>>>> +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
>>>> +// Record tokens that a preprocessor emits and define operations to
>>>> map between
>>>> +// the tokens written in a file and tokens produced by the
>>>> preprocessor.
>>>> +//
>>>> +// When running the compiler, there are two token streams we are
>>>> interested in:
>>>> +//   - "spelled" tokens directly correspond to a substring written in
>>>> some
>>>> +//     source file.
>>>> +//   - "expanded" tokens represent the result of preprocessing, parses
>>>> consumes
>>>> +//     this token stream to produce the AST.
>>>> +//
>>>> +// Expanded tokens correspond directly to locations found in the AST,
>>>> allowing
>>>> +// to find subranges of the token stream covered by various AST nodes.
>>>> Spelled
>>>> +// tokens correspond directly to the source code written by the user.
>>>> +//
>>>> +// To allow composing these two use-cases, we also define operations
>>>> that map
>>>> +// between expanded and spelled tokens that produced them (macro calls,
>>>> +// directives, etc).
>>>> +//
>>>> +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
>>>> +
>>>> +
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
>>>> +#include <cstdint>
>>>> +#include <tuple>
>>>> +
>>>> +namespace clang {
>>>> +class Preprocessor;
>>>> +
>>>> +namespace syntax {
>>>> +
>>>> +/// A half-open character range inside a particular file, the start
>>>> offset is
>>>> +/// included and the end offset is excluded from the range.
>>>> +struct FileRange {
>>>> +  /// EXPECTS: File.isValid() && Begin <= End.
>>>> +  FileRange(FileID File, unsigned BeginOffset, unsigned EndOffset);
>>>> +  /// EXPECTS: BeginLoc.isValid() && BeginLoc.isFileID().
>>>> +  FileRange(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation BeginLoc, unsigned
>>>> Length);
>>>> +  /// EXPECTS: BeginLoc.isValid() && BeginLoc.isFileID(), Begin <= End
>>>> and files
>>>> +  ///          are the same.
>>>> +  FileRange(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation BeginLoc,
>>>> +            SourceLocation EndLoc);
>>>> +
>>>> +  FileID file() const { return File; }
>>>> +  /// Start is a start offset (inclusive) in the corresponding file.
>>>> +  unsigned beginOffset() const { return Begin; }
>>>> +  /// End offset (exclusive) in the corresponding file.
>>>> +  unsigned endOffset() const { return End; }
>>>> +
>>>> +  unsigned length() const { return End - Begin; }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Gets the substring that this FileRange refers to.
>>>> +  llvm::StringRef text(const SourceManager &SM) const;
>>>> +
>>>> +  friend bool operator==(const FileRange &L, const FileRange &R) {
>>>> +    return std::tie(L.File, L.Begin, L.End) == std::tie(R.File,
>>>> R.Begin, R.End);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  friend bool operator!=(const FileRange &L, const FileRange &R) {
>>>> +    return !(L == R);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +private:
>>>> +  FileID File;
>>>> +  unsigned Begin;
>>>> +  unsigned End;
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +/// For debugging purposes.
>>>> +llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const FileRange
>>>> &R);
>>>> +
>>>> +/// A token coming directly from a file or from a macro invocation.
>>>> Has just
>>>> +/// enough information to locate the token in the source code.
>>>> +/// Can represent both expanded and spelled tokens.
>>>> +class Token {
>>>> +public:
>>>> +  Token(SourceLocation Location, unsigned Length, tok::TokenKind Kind)
>>>> +      : Location(Location), Length(Length), Kind(Kind) {}
>>>> +  /// EXPECTS: clang::Token is not an annotation token.
>>>> +  explicit Token(const clang::Token &T);
>>>> +
>>>> +  tok::TokenKind kind() const { return Kind; }
>>>> +  /// Location of the first character of a token.
>>>> +  SourceLocation location() const { return Location; }
>>>> +  /// Location right after the last character of a token.
>>>> +  SourceLocation endLocation() const {
>>>> +    return Location.getLocWithOffset(Length);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  unsigned length() const { return Length; }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Get the substring covered by the token. Note that will include
>>>> all
>>>> +  /// digraphs, newline continuations, etc. E.g. tokens for 'int' and
>>>> +  ///    in\
>>>> +  ///    t
>>>> +  /// both have the same kind tok::kw_int, but results of text() are
>>>> different.
>>>> +  llvm::StringRef text(const SourceManager &SM) const;
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Gets a range of this token.
>>>> +  /// EXPECTS: token comes from a file, not from a macro expansion.
>>>> +  FileRange range(const SourceManager &SM) const;
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Given two tokens inside the same file, returns a file range that
>>>> starts at
>>>> +  /// \p First and ends at \p Last.
>>>> +  /// EXPECTS: First and Last are file tokens from the same file, Last
>>>> starts
>>>> +  ///          after First.
>>>> +  static FileRange range(const SourceManager &SM, const syntax::Token
>>>> &First,
>>>> +                         const syntax::Token &Last);
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::string dumpForTests(const SourceManager &SM) const;
>>>> +  /// For debugging purposes.
>>>> +  std::string str() const;
>>>> +
>>>> +private:
>>>> +  SourceLocation Location;
>>>> +  unsigned Length;
>>>> +  tok::TokenKind Kind;
>>>> +};
>>>> +/// For debugging purposes. Equivalent to a call to Token::str().
>>>> +llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Token &T);
>>>> +
>>>> +/// A list of tokens obtained by preprocessing a text buffer and
>>>> operations to
>>>> +/// map between the expanded and spelled tokens, i.e. TokenBuffer has
>>>> +/// information about two token streams:
>>>> +///    1. Expanded tokens: tokens produced by the preprocessor after
>>>> all macro
>>>> +///       replacements,
>>>> +///    2. Spelled tokens: corresponding directly to the source code of
>>>> a file
>>>> +///       before any macro replacements occurred.
>>>> +/// Here's an example to illustrate a difference between those two:
>>>> +///     #define FOO 10
>>>> +///     int a = FOO;
>>>> +///
>>>> +/// Spelled tokens are
>>>> {'#','define','FOO','10','int','a','=','FOO',';'}.
>>>> +/// Expanded tokens are {'int','a','=','10',';','eof'}.
>>>> +///
>>>> +/// Note that the expanded token stream has a tok::eof token at the
>>>> end, the
>>>> +/// spelled tokens never store a 'eof' token.
>>>> +///
>>>> +/// The full list expanded tokens can be obtained with
>>>> expandedTokens(). Spelled
>>>> +/// tokens for each of the files can be obtained via
>>>> spelledTokens(FileID).
>>>> +///
>>>> +/// To map between the expanded and spelled tokens use
>>>> findSpelledByExpanded().
>>>> +///
>>>> +/// To build a token buffer use the TokenCollector class. You can also
>>>> compute
>>>> +/// the spelled tokens of a file using the tokenize() helper.
>>>> +///
>>>> +/// FIXME: allow to map from spelled to expanded tokens when use-case
>>>> shows up.
>>>> +class TokenBuffer {
>>>> +public:
>>>> +  TokenBuffer(const SourceManager &SourceMgr) : SourceMgr(&SourceMgr)
>>>> {}
>>>> +  /// All tokens produced by the preprocessor after all macro
>>>> replacements,
>>>> +  /// directives, etc. Source locations found in the clang AST will
>>>> always
>>>> +  /// point to one of these tokens.
>>>> +  /// FIXME: figure out how to handle token splitting, e.g. '>>' can
>>>> be split
>>>> +  ///        into two '>' tokens by the parser. However, TokenBuffer
>>>> currently
>>>> +  ///        keeps it as a single '>>' token.
>>>> +  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> expandedTokens() const {
>>>> +    return ExpandedTokens;
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Find the subrange of spelled tokens that produced the
>>>> corresponding \p
>>>> +  /// Expanded tokens.
>>>> +  ///
>>>> +  /// EXPECTS: \p Expanded is a subrange of expandedTokens().
>>>> +  ///
>>>> +  /// Will fail if the expanded tokens do not correspond to a
>>>> +  /// sequence of spelled tokens. E.g. for the following example:
>>>> +  ///
>>>> +  ///   #define FIRST f1 f2 f3
>>>> +  ///   #define SECOND s1 s2 s3
>>>> +  ///
>>>> +  ///   a FIRST b SECOND c // expanded tokens are: a f1 f2 f3 b s1 s2
>>>> s3 c
>>>> +  ///
>>>> +  /// the results would be:
>>>> +  ///   expanded   => spelled
>>>> +  ///   ------------------------
>>>> +  ///            a => a
>>>> +  ///     s1 s2 s3 => SECOND
>>>> +  ///   a f1 f2 f3 => a FIRST
>>>> +  ///         a f1 => can't map
>>>> +  ///        s1 s2 => can't map
>>>> +  ///
>>>> +  /// If \p Expanded is empty, the returned value is llvm::None.
>>>> +  /// Complexity is logarithmic.
>>>> +  llvm::Optional<llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token>>
>>>> +  spelledForExpanded(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Expanded) const;
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Lexed tokens of a file before preprocessing. E.g. for the
>>>> following input
>>>> +  ///     #define DECL(name) int name = 10
>>>> +  ///     DECL(a);
>>>> +  /// spelledTokens() returns {"#", "define", "DECL", "(", "name",
>>>> ")", "eof"}.
>>>> +  /// FIXME: we do not yet store tokens of directives, like #include,
>>>> #define,
>>>> +  ///        #pragma, etc.
>>>> +  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> spelledTokens(FileID FID) const;
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::string dumpForTests() const;
>>>> +
>>>> +private:
>>>> +  /// Describes a mapping between a continuous subrange of spelled
>>>> tokens and
>>>> +  /// expanded tokens. Represents macro expansions, preprocessor
>>>> directives,
>>>> +  /// conditionally disabled pp regions, etc.
>>>> +  ///   #define FOO 1+2
>>>> +  ///   #define BAR(a) a + 1
>>>> +  ///   FOO    // invocation #1, tokens = {'1','+','2'}, macroTokens =
>>>> {'FOO'}.
>>>> +  ///   BAR(1) // invocation #2, tokens = {'a', '+', '1'},
>>>> +  ///                            macroTokens = {'BAR', '(', '1', ')'}.
>>>> +  struct Mapping {
>>>> +    // Positions in the corresponding spelled token stream. The
>>>> corresponding
>>>> +    // range is never empty.
>>>> +    unsigned BeginSpelled = 0;
>>>> +    unsigned EndSpelled = 0;
>>>> +    // Positions in the expanded token stream. The corresponding range
>>>> can be
>>>> +    // empty.
>>>> +    unsigned BeginExpanded = 0;
>>>> +    unsigned EndExpanded = 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +    /// For debugging purposes.
>>>> +    std::string str() const;
>>>> +  };
>>>> +  /// Spelled tokens of the file with information about the subranges.
>>>> +  struct MarkedFile {
>>>> +    /// Lexed, but not preprocessed, tokens of the file. These map
>>>> directly to
>>>> +    /// text in the corresponding files and include tokens of all
>>>> preprocessor
>>>> +    /// directives.
>>>> +    /// FIXME: spelled tokens don't change across FileID that map to
>>>> the same
>>>> +    ///        FileEntry. We could consider deduplicating them to save
>>>> memory.
>>>> +    std::vector<syntax::Token> SpelledTokens;
>>>> +    /// A sorted list to convert between the spelled and expanded
>>>> token streams.
>>>> +    std::vector<Mapping> Mappings;
>>>> +    /// The first expanded token produced for this FileID.
>>>> +    unsigned BeginExpanded = 0;
>>>> +    unsigned EndExpanded = 0;
>>>> +  };
>>>> +
>>>> +  friend class TokenCollector;
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Maps a single expanded token to its spelled counterpart or a
>>>> mapping that
>>>> +  /// produced it.
>>>> +  std::pair<const syntax::Token *, const Mapping *>
>>>> +  spelledForExpandedToken(const syntax::Token *Expanded) const;
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Token stream produced after preprocessing, conceputally this
>>>> captures the
>>>> +  /// same stream as 'clang -E' (excluding the preprocessor directives
>>>> like
>>>> +  /// #file, etc.).
>>>> +  std::vector<syntax::Token> ExpandedTokens;
>>>> +  llvm::DenseMap<FileID, MarkedFile> Files;
>>>> +  // The value is never null, pointer instead of reference to avoid
>>>> disabling
>>>> +  // implicit assignment operator.
>>>> +  const SourceManager *SourceMgr;
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +/// Lex the text buffer, corresponding to \p FID, in raw mode and
>>>> record the
>>>> +/// resulting spelled tokens. Does minimal post-processing on raw
>>>> identifiers,
>>>> +/// setting the appropriate token kind (instead of the raw_identifier
>>>> reported
>>>> +/// by lexer in raw mode). This is a very low-level function, most
>>>> users should
>>>> +/// prefer to use TokenCollector. Lexing in raw mode produces wildly
>>>> different
>>>> +/// results from what one might expect when running a C++ frontend,
>>>> e.g.
>>>> +/// preprocessor does not run at all.
>>>> +/// The result will *not* have a 'eof' token at the end.
>>>> +std::vector<syntax::Token> tokenize(FileID FID, const SourceManager
>>>> &SM,
>>>> +                                    const LangOptions &LO);
>>>> +
>>>> +/// Collects tokens for the main file while running the frontend
>>>> action. An
>>>> +/// instance of this object should be created on
>>>> +/// FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile() and the results should be
>>>> consumed after
>>>> +/// FrontendAction::Execute() finishes.
>>>> +class TokenCollector {
>>>> +public:
>>>> +  /// Adds the hooks to collect the tokens. Should be called before the
>>>> +  /// preprocessing starts, i.e. as a part of BeginSourceFile() or
>>>> +  /// CreateASTConsumer().
>>>> +  TokenCollector(Preprocessor &P);
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Finalizes token collection. Should be called after preprocessing
>>>> is
>>>> +  /// finished, i.e. after running Execute().
>>>> +  LLVM_NODISCARD TokenBuffer consume() &&;
>>>> +
>>>> +private:
>>>> +  class Builder;
>>>> +  std::vector<syntax::Token> Expanded;
>>>> +  Preprocessor &PP;
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +} // namespace syntax
>>>> +} // namespace clang
>>>> +
>>>> +#endif
>>>> Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt?rev=361148&r1=361147&r2=361148&view=diff
>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>> --- cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt (original)
>>>> +++ cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt Mon May 20 06:00:42 2019
>>>> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ add_subdirectory(Core)
>>>>  add_subdirectory(Inclusions)
>>>>  add_subdirectory(Refactoring)
>>>>  add_subdirectory(ASTDiff)
>>>> +add_subdirectory(Syntax)
>>>>  add_clang_library(clangTooling
>>>>    AllTUsExecution.cpp
>>>> Added: cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt?rev=361148&view=auto
>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>> --- cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt (added)
>>>> +++ cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt Mon May 20 06:00:42 2019
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
>>>> +set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS Support)
>>>> +
>>>> +add_clang_library(clangToolingSyntax
>>>> +  Tokens.cpp
>>>> +
>>>> +  LINK_LIBS
>>>> +  clangBasic
>>>> +  clangFrontend
>>>> +  clangLex
>>>> +  )
>>>> Added: cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp?rev=361148&view=auto
>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>> --- cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp (added)
>>>> +++ cfe/trunk/lib/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.cpp Mon May 20 06:00:42 2019
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
>>>> +//===- Tokens.cpp - collect tokens from preprocessing
>>>> ---------------------===//
>>>> +//
>>>> +// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
>>>> Exceptions.
>>>> +// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
>>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
>>>> +//
>>>> +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
>>>> +#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h"
>>>> +
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
>>>> +#include <algorithm>
>>>> +#include <cassert>
>>>> +#include <iterator>
>>>> +#include <string>
>>>> +#include <utility>
>>>> +#include <vector>
>>>> +
>>>> +using namespace clang;
>>>> +using namespace clang::syntax;
>>>> +
>>>> +syntax::Token::Token(const clang::Token &T)
>>>> +    : Token(T.getLocation(), T.getLength(), T.getKind()) {
>>>> +  assert(!T.isAnnotation());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +llvm::StringRef syntax::Token::text(const SourceManager &SM) const {
>>>> +  bool Invalid = false;
>>>> +  const char *Start = SM.getCharacterData(location(), &Invalid);
>>>> +  assert(!Invalid);
>>>> +  return llvm::StringRef(Start, length());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +FileRange syntax::Token::range(const SourceManager &SM) const {
>>>> +  assert(location().isFileID() && "must be a spelled token");
>>>> +  FileID File;
>>>> +  unsigned StartOffset;
>>>> +  std::tie(File, StartOffset) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(location());
>>>> +  return FileRange(File, StartOffset, StartOffset + length());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +FileRange syntax::Token::range(const SourceManager &SM,
>>>> +                               const syntax::Token &First,
>>>> +                               const syntax::Token &Last) {
>>>> +  auto F = First.range(SM);
>>>> +  auto L = Last.range(SM);
>>>> +  assert(F.file() == L.file() && "tokens from different files");
>>>> +  assert(F.endOffset() <= L.beginOffset() && "wrong order of tokens");
>>>> +  return FileRange(F.file(), F.beginOffset(), L.endOffset());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +llvm::raw_ostream &syntax::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const
>>>> Token &T) {
>>>> +  return OS << T.str();
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +FileRange::FileRange(FileID File, unsigned BeginOffset, unsigned
>>>> EndOffset)
>>>> +    : File(File), Begin(BeginOffset), End(EndOffset) {
>>>> +      assert(File.isValid());
>>>> +      assert(BeginOffset <= EndOffset);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +FileRange::FileRange(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation BeginLoc,
>>>> +                     unsigned Length) {
>>>> +  assert(BeginLoc.isValid());
>>>> +  assert(BeginLoc.isFileID());
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::tie(File, Begin) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(BeginLoc);
>>>> +  End = Begin + Length;
>>>> +}
>>>> +FileRange::FileRange(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation BeginLoc,
>>>> +                     SourceLocation EndLoc) {
>>>> +  assert(BeginLoc.isValid());
>>>> +  assert(BeginLoc.isFileID());
>>>> +  assert(EndLoc.isValid());
>>>> +  assert(EndLoc.isFileID());
>>>> +  assert(SM.getFileID(BeginLoc) == SM.getFileID(EndLoc));
>>>> +  assert(SM.getFileOffset(BeginLoc) <= SM.getFileOffset(EndLoc));
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::tie(File, Begin) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(BeginLoc);
>>>> +  End = SM.getFileOffset(EndLoc);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +llvm::raw_ostream &syntax::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
>>>> +                                      const FileRange &R) {
>>>> +  return OS << llvm::formatv("FileRange(file = {0}, offsets =
>>>> {1}-{2})",
>>>> +                             R.file().getHashValue(), R.beginOffset(),
>>>> +                             R.endOffset());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +llvm::StringRef FileRange::text(const SourceManager &SM) const {
>>>> +  bool Invalid = false;
>>>> +  StringRef Text = SM.getBufferData(File, &Invalid);
>>>> +  if (Invalid)
>>>> +    return "";
>>>> +  assert(Begin <= Text.size());
>>>> +  assert(End <= Text.size());
>>>> +  return Text.substr(Begin, length());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +std::pair<const syntax::Token *, const TokenBuffer::Mapping *>
>>>> +TokenBuffer::spelledForExpandedToken(const syntax::Token *Expanded)
>>>> const {
>>>> +  assert(Expanded);
>>>> +  assert(ExpandedTokens.data() <= Expanded &&
>>>> +         Expanded < ExpandedTokens.data() + ExpandedTokens.size());
>>>> +
>>>> +  auto FileIt = Files.find(
>>>> +
>>>> SourceMgr->getFileID(SourceMgr->getExpansionLoc(Expanded->location())));
>>>> +  assert(FileIt != Files.end() && "no file for an expanded token");
>>>> +
>>>> +  const MarkedFile &File = FileIt->second;
>>>> +
>>>> +  unsigned ExpandedIndex = Expanded - ExpandedTokens.data();
>>>> +  // Find the first mapping that produced tokens after \p Expanded.
>>>> +  auto It = llvm::bsearch(File.Mappings, [&](const Mapping &M) {
>>>> +    return ExpandedIndex < M.BeginExpanded;
>>>> +  });
>>>> +  // Our token could only be produced by the previous mapping.
>>>> +  if (It == File.Mappings.begin()) {
>>>> +    // No previous mapping, no need to modify offsets.
>>>> +    return {&File.SpelledTokens[ExpandedIndex - File.BeginExpanded],
>>>> nullptr};
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  --It; // 'It' now points to last mapping that started before our
>>>> token.
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Check if the token is part of the mapping.
>>>> +  if (ExpandedIndex < It->EndExpanded)
>>>> +    return {&File.SpelledTokens[It->BeginSpelled], /*Mapping*/ &*It};
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Not part of the mapping, use the index from previous mapping to
>>>> compute the
>>>> +  // corresponding spelled token.
>>>> +  return {
>>>> +      &File.SpelledTokens[It->EndSpelled + (ExpandedIndex -
>>>> It->EndExpanded)],
>>>> +      /*Mapping*/ nullptr};
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> TokenBuffer::spelledTokens(FileID FID)
>>>> const {
>>>> +  auto It = Files.find(FID);
>>>> +  assert(It != Files.end());
>>>> +  return It->second.SpelledTokens;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +std::string TokenBuffer::Mapping::str() const {
>>>> +  return llvm::formatv("spelled tokens: [{0},{1}), expanded tokens:
>>>> [{2},{3})",
>>>> +                       BeginSpelled, EndSpelled, BeginExpanded,
>>>> EndExpanded);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +llvm::Optional<llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token>>
>>>> +TokenBuffer::spelledForExpanded(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token>
>>>> Expanded) const {
>>>> +  // Mapping an empty range is ambiguous in case of empty mappings at
>>>> either end
>>>> +  // of the range, bail out in that case.
>>>> +  if (Expanded.empty())
>>>> +    return llvm::None;
>>>> +
>>>> +  // FIXME: also allow changes uniquely mapping to macro arguments.
>>>> +
>>>> +  const syntax::Token *BeginSpelled;
>>>> +  const Mapping *BeginMapping;
>>>> +  std::tie(BeginSpelled, BeginMapping) =
>>>> +      spelledForExpandedToken(&Expanded.front());
>>>> +
>>>> +  const syntax::Token *LastSpelled;
>>>> +  const Mapping *LastMapping;
>>>> +  std::tie(LastSpelled, LastMapping) =
>>>> +      spelledForExpandedToken(&Expanded.back());
>>>> +
>>>> +  FileID FID = SourceMgr->getFileID(BeginSpelled->location());
>>>> +  // FIXME: Handle multi-file changes by trying to map onto a common
>>>> root.
>>>> +  if (FID != SourceMgr->getFileID(LastSpelled->location()))
>>>> +    return llvm::None;
>>>> +
>>>> +  const MarkedFile &File = Files.find(FID)->second;
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Do not allow changes that cross macro expansion boundaries.
>>>> +  unsigned BeginExpanded = Expanded.begin() - ExpandedTokens.data();
>>>> +  unsigned EndExpanded = Expanded.end() - ExpandedTokens.data();
>>>> +  if (BeginMapping && BeginMapping->BeginExpanded < BeginExpanded)
>>>> +    return llvm::None;
>>>> +  if (LastMapping && EndExpanded < LastMapping->EndExpanded)
>>>> +    return llvm::None;
>>>> +  // All is good, return the result.
>>>> +  return llvm::makeArrayRef(
>>>> +      BeginMapping ? File.SpelledTokens.data() +
>>>> BeginMapping->BeginSpelled
>>>> +                   : BeginSpelled,
>>>> +      LastMapping ? File.SpelledTokens.data() + LastMapping->EndSpelled
>>>> +                  : LastSpelled + 1);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +std::vector<syntax::Token> syntax::tokenize(FileID FID, const
>>>> SourceManager &SM,
>>>> +                                            const LangOptions &LO) {
>>>> +  std::vector<syntax::Token> Tokens;
>>>> +  IdentifierTable Identifiers(LO);
>>>> +  auto AddToken = [&](clang::Token T) {
>>>> +    // Fill the proper token kind for keywords, etc.
>>>> +    if (T.getKind() == tok::raw_identifier && !T.needsCleaning() &&
>>>> +        !T.hasUCN()) { // FIXME: support needsCleaning and hasUCN
>>>> cases.
>>>> +      clang::IdentifierInfo &II =
>>>> Identifiers.get(T.getRawIdentifier());
>>>> +      T.setIdentifierInfo(&II);
>>>> +      T.setKind(II.getTokenID());
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    Tokens.push_back(syntax::Token(T));
>>>> +  };
>>>> +
>>>> +  Lexer L(FID, SM.getBuffer(FID), SM, LO);
>>>> +
>>>> +  clang::Token T;
>>>> +  while (!L.LexFromRawLexer(T))
>>>> +    AddToken(T);
>>>> +  // 'eof' is only the last token if the input is null-terminated.
>>>> Never store
>>>> +  // it, for consistency.
>>>> +  if (T.getKind() != tok::eof)
>>>> +    AddToken(T);
>>>> +  return Tokens;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +/// Fills in the TokenBuffer by tracing the run of a preprocessor. The
>>>> +/// implementation tracks the tokens, macro expansions and directives
>>>> coming
>>>> +/// from the preprocessor and:
>>>> +/// - for each token, figures out if it is a part of an expanded token
>>>> stream,
>>>> +///   spelled token stream or both. Stores the tokens appropriately.
>>>> +/// - records mappings from the spelled to expanded token ranges, e.g.
>>>> for macro
>>>> +///   expansions.
>>>> +/// FIXME: also properly record:
>>>> +///          - #include directives,
>>>> +///          - #pragma, #line and other PP directives,
>>>> +///          - skipped pp regions,
>>>> +///          - ...
>>>> +
>>>> +TokenCollector::TokenCollector(Preprocessor &PP) : PP(PP) {
>>>> +  // Collect the expanded token stream during preprocessing.
>>>> +  PP.setTokenWatcher([this](const clang::Token &T) {
>>>> +    if (T.isAnnotation())
>>>> +      return;
>>>> +    DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("collect-tokens", llvm::dbgs()
>>>> +                                          << "Token: "
>>>> +                                          <<
>>>> syntax::Token(T).dumpForTests(
>>>> +
>>>>  this->PP.getSourceManager())
>>>> +                                          << "\n"
>>>> +
>>>> +    );
>>>> +    Expanded.push_back(syntax::Token(T));
>>>> +  });
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +/// Builds mappings and spelled tokens in the TokenBuffer based on the
>>>> expanded
>>>> +/// token stream.
>>>> +class TokenCollector::Builder {
>>>> +public:
>>>> +  Builder(std::vector<syntax::Token> Expanded, const SourceManager &SM,
>>>> +          const LangOptions &LangOpts)
>>>> +      : Result(SM), SM(SM), LangOpts(LangOpts) {
>>>> +    Result.ExpandedTokens = std::move(Expanded);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  TokenBuffer build() && {
>>>> +    buildSpelledTokens();
>>>> +
>>>> +    // Walk over expanded tokens and spelled tokens in parallel,
>>>> building the
>>>> +    // mappings between those using source locations.
>>>> +
>>>> +    // The 'eof' token is special, it is not part of spelled token
>>>> stream. We
>>>> +    // handle it separately at the end.
>>>> +    assert(!Result.ExpandedTokens.empty());
>>>> +    assert(Result.ExpandedTokens.back().kind() == tok::eof);
>>>> +    for (unsigned I = 0; I < Result.ExpandedTokens.size() - 1; ++I) {
>>>> +      // (!) I might be updated by the following call.
>>>> +      processExpandedToken(I);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +
>>>> +    // 'eof' not handled in the loop, do it here.
>>>> +    assert(SM.getMainFileID() ==
>>>> +           SM.getFileID(Result.ExpandedTokens.back().location()));
>>>> +    fillGapUntil(Result.Files[SM.getMainFileID()],
>>>> +                 Result.ExpandedTokens.back().location(),
>>>> +                 Result.ExpandedTokens.size() - 1);
>>>> +    Result.Files[SM.getMainFileID()].EndExpanded =
>>>> Result.ExpandedTokens.size();
>>>> +
>>>> +    // Some files might have unaccounted spelled tokens at the end,
>>>> add an empty
>>>> +    // mapping for those as they did not have expanded counterparts.
>>>> +    fillGapsAtEndOfFiles();
>>>> +
>>>> +    return std::move(Result);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +private:
>>>> +  /// Process the next token in an expanded stream and move
>>>> corresponding
>>>> +  /// spelled tokens, record any mapping if needed.
>>>> +  /// (!) \p I will be updated if this had to skip tokens, e.g. for
>>>> macros.
>>>> +  void processExpandedToken(unsigned &I) {
>>>> +    auto L = Result.ExpandedTokens[I].location();
>>>> +    if (L.isMacroID()) {
>>>> +      processMacroExpansion(SM.getExpansionRange(L), I);
>>>> +      return;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    if (L.isFileID()) {
>>>> +      auto FID = SM.getFileID(L);
>>>> +      TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File = Result.Files[FID];
>>>> +
>>>> +      fillGapUntil(File, L, I);
>>>> +
>>>> +      // Skip the token.
>>>> +      assert(File.SpelledTokens[NextSpelled[FID]].location() == L &&
>>>> +             "no corresponding token in the spelled stream");
>>>> +      ++NextSpelled[FID];
>>>> +      return;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Skipped expanded and spelled tokens of a macro expansion that
>>>> covers \p
>>>> +  /// SpelledRange. Add a corresponding mapping.
>>>> +  /// (!) \p I will be the index of the last token in an expansion
>>>> after this
>>>> +  /// function returns.
>>>> +  void processMacroExpansion(CharSourceRange SpelledRange, unsigned
>>>> &I) {
>>>> +    auto FID = SM.getFileID(SpelledRange.getBegin());
>>>> +    assert(FID == SM.getFileID(SpelledRange.getEnd()));
>>>> +    TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File = Result.Files[FID];
>>>> +
>>>> +    fillGapUntil(File, SpelledRange.getBegin(), I);
>>>> +
>>>> +    TokenBuffer::Mapping M;
>>>> +    // Skip the spelled macro tokens.
>>>> +    std::tie(M.BeginSpelled, M.EndSpelled) =
>>>> +        consumeSpelledUntil(File,
>>>> SpelledRange.getEnd().getLocWithOffset(1));
>>>> +    // Skip all expanded tokens from the same macro expansion.
>>>> +    M.BeginExpanded = I;
>>>> +    for (; I + 1 < Result.ExpandedTokens.size(); ++I) {
>>>> +      auto NextL = Result.ExpandedTokens[I + 1].location();
>>>> +      if (!NextL.isMacroID() ||
>>>> +          SM.getExpansionLoc(NextL) != SpelledRange.getBegin())
>>>> +        break;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    M.EndExpanded = I + 1;
>>>> +
>>>> +    // Add a resulting mapping.
>>>> +    File.Mappings.push_back(M);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Initializes TokenBuffer::Files and fills spelled tokens and
>>>> expanded
>>>> +  /// ranges for each of the files.
>>>> +  void buildSpelledTokens() {
>>>> +    for (unsigned I = 0; I < Result.ExpandedTokens.size(); ++I) {
>>>> +      auto FID =
>>>> +
>>>> SM.getFileID(SM.getExpansionLoc(Result.ExpandedTokens[I].location()));
>>>> +      auto It = Result.Files.try_emplace(FID);
>>>> +      TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File = It.first->second;
>>>> +
>>>> +      File.EndExpanded = I + 1;
>>>> +      if (!It.second)
>>>> +        continue; // we have seen this file before.
>>>> +
>>>> +      // This is the first time we see this file.
>>>> +      File.BeginExpanded = I;
>>>> +      File.SpelledTokens = tokenize(FID, SM, LangOpts);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Consumed spelled tokens until location L is reached (token
>>>> starting at L
>>>> +  /// is not included). Returns the indicies of the consumed range.
>>>> +  std::pair</*Begin*/ unsigned, /*End*/ unsigned>
>>>> +  consumeSpelledUntil(TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File, SourceLocation L)
>>>> {
>>>> +    assert(L.isFileID());
>>>> +    FileID FID;
>>>> +    unsigned Offset;
>>>> +    std::tie(FID, Offset) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(L);
>>>> +
>>>> +    // (!) we update the index in-place.
>>>> +    unsigned &SpelledI = NextSpelled[FID];
>>>> +    unsigned Before = SpelledI;
>>>> +    for (; SpelledI < File.SpelledTokens.size() &&
>>>> +           SM.getFileOffset(File.SpelledTokens[SpelledI].location()) <
>>>> Offset;
>>>> +         ++SpelledI) {
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    return std::make_pair(Before, /*After*/ SpelledI);
>>>> +  };
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Consumes spelled tokens until location \p L is reached and adds
>>>> a mapping
>>>> +  /// covering the consumed tokens. The mapping will point to an empty
>>>> expanded
>>>> +  /// range at position \p ExpandedIndex.
>>>> +  void fillGapUntil(TokenBuffer::MarkedFile &File, SourceLocation L,
>>>> +                    unsigned ExpandedIndex) {
>>>> +    unsigned BeginSpelledGap, EndSpelledGap;
>>>> +    std::tie(BeginSpelledGap, EndSpelledGap) =
>>>> consumeSpelledUntil(File, L);
>>>> +    if (BeginSpelledGap == EndSpelledGap)
>>>> +      return; // No gap.
>>>> +    TokenBuffer::Mapping M;
>>>> +    M.BeginSpelled = BeginSpelledGap;
>>>> +    M.EndSpelled = EndSpelledGap;
>>>> +    M.BeginExpanded = M.EndExpanded = ExpandedIndex;
>>>> +    File.Mappings.push_back(M);
>>>> +  };
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Adds empty mappings for unconsumed spelled tokens at the end of
>>>> each file.
>>>> +  void fillGapsAtEndOfFiles() {
>>>> +    for (auto &F : Result.Files) {
>>>> +      unsigned Next = NextSpelled[F.first];
>>>> +      if (F.second.SpelledTokens.size() == Next)
>>>> +        continue; // All spelled tokens are accounted for.
>>>> +
>>>> +      // Record a mapping for the gap at the end of the spelled tokens.
>>>> +      TokenBuffer::Mapping M;
>>>> +      M.BeginSpelled = Next;
>>>> +      M.EndSpelled = F.second.SpelledTokens.size();
>>>> +      M.BeginExpanded = F.second.EndExpanded;
>>>> +      M.EndExpanded = F.second.EndExpanded;
>>>> +
>>>> +      F.second.Mappings.push_back(M);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  TokenBuffer Result;
>>>> +  /// For each file, a position of the next spelled token we will
>>>> consume.
>>>> +  llvm::DenseMap<FileID, unsigned> NextSpelled;
>>>> +  const SourceManager &SM;
>>>> +  const LangOptions &LangOpts;
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +TokenBuffer TokenCollector::consume() && {
>>>> +  PP.setTokenWatcher(nullptr);
>>>> +  return Builder(std::move(Expanded), PP.getSourceManager(),
>>>> PP.getLangOpts())
>>>> +      .build();
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +std::string syntax::Token::str() const {
>>>> +  return llvm::formatv("Token({0}, length = {1})",
>>>> tok::getTokenName(kind()),
>>>> +                       length());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +std::string syntax::Token::dumpForTests(const SourceManager &SM) const
>>>> {
>>>> +  return llvm::formatv("{0}   {1}", tok::getTokenName(kind()),
>>>> text(SM));
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +std::string TokenBuffer::dumpForTests() const {
>>>> +  auto PrintToken = [this](const syntax::Token &T) -> std::string {
>>>> +    if (T.kind() == tok::eof)
>>>> +      return "<eof>";
>>>> +    return T.text(*SourceMgr);
>>>> +  };
>>>> +
>>>> +  auto DumpTokens = [this, &PrintToken](llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
>>>> +                                        llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token>
>>>> Tokens) {
>>>> +    if (Tokens.size() == 1) {
>>>> +      assert(Tokens[0].kind() == tok::eof);
>>>> +      OS << "<empty>";
>>>> +      return;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    OS << Tokens[0].text(*SourceMgr);
>>>> +    for (unsigned I = 1; I < Tokens.size(); ++I) {
>>>> +      if (Tokens[I].kind() == tok::eof)
>>>> +        continue;
>>>> +      OS << " " << PrintToken(Tokens[I]);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +  };
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::string Dump;
>>>> +  llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Dump);
>>>> +
>>>> +  OS << "expanded tokens:\n"
>>>> +     << "  ";
>>>> +  DumpTokens(OS, ExpandedTokens);
>>>> +  OS << "\n";
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::vector<FileID> Keys;
>>>> +  for (auto F : Files)
>>>> +    Keys.push_back(F.first);
>>>> +  llvm::sort(Keys);
>>>> +
>>>> +  for (FileID ID : Keys) {
>>>> +    const MarkedFile &File = Files.find(ID)->second;
>>>> +    auto *Entry = SourceMgr->getFileEntryForID(ID);
>>>> +    if (!Entry)
>>>> +      continue; // Skip builtin files.
>>>> +    OS << llvm::formatv("file '{0}'\n", Entry->getName())
>>>> +       << "  spelled tokens:\n"
>>>> +       << "    ";
>>>> +    DumpTokens(OS, File.SpelledTokens);
>>>> +    OS << "\n";
>>>> +
>>>> +    if (File.Mappings.empty()) {
>>>> +      OS << "  no mappings.\n";
>>>> +      continue;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    OS << "  mappings:\n";
>>>> +    for (auto &M : File.Mappings) {
>>>> +      OS << llvm::formatv(
>>>> +          "    ['{0}'_{1}, '{2}'_{3}) => ['{4}'_{5}, '{6}'_{7})\n",
>>>> +          PrintToken(File.SpelledTokens[M.BeginSpelled]),
>>>> M.BeginSpelled,
>>>> +          M.EndSpelled == File.SpelledTokens.size()
>>>> +              ? "<eof>"
>>>> +              : PrintToken(File.SpelledTokens[M.EndSpelled]),
>>>> +          M.EndSpelled, PrintToken(ExpandedTokens[M.BeginExpanded]),
>>>> +          M.BeginExpanded, PrintToken(ExpandedTokens[M.EndExpanded]),
>>>> +          M.EndExpanded);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  return OS.str();
>>>> +}
>>>> Modified: cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt?rev=361148&r1=361147&r2=361148&view=diff
>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>> --- cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt (original)
>>>> +++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt Mon May 20 06:00:42 2019
>>>> @@ -70,3 +70,6 @@ target_link_libraries(ToolingTests
>>>>    clangToolingInclusions
>>>>    clangToolingRefactor
>>>>    )
>>>> +
>>>> +
>>>> +add_subdirectory(Syntax)
>>>> Added: cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt?rev=361148&view=auto
>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>> --- cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt (added)
>>>> +++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/CMakeLists.txt Mon May 20
>>>> 06:00:42 2019
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
>>>> +  Support
>>>> +  )
>>>> +
>>>> +add_clang_unittest(TokensTest
>>>> +  TokensTest.cpp
>>>> +)
>>>> +
>>>> +target_link_libraries(TokensTest
>>>> +  PRIVATE
>>>> +  clangAST
>>>> +  clangBasic
>>>> +  clangFrontend
>>>> +  clangLex
>>>> +  clangSerialization
>>>> +  clangTooling
>>>> +  clangToolingSyntax
>>>> +  LLVMTestingSupport
>>>> +  )
>>>> Added: cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TokensTest.cpp
>>>> URL:
>>>> http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TokensTest.cpp?rev=361148&view=auto
>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>> --- cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TokensTest.cpp (added)
>>>> +++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Tooling/Syntax/TokensTest.cpp Mon May 20
>>>> 06:00:42 2019
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
>>>> +//===- TokensTest.cpp
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------===//
>>>> +//
>>>> +// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
>>>> Exceptions.
>>>> +// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
>>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
>>>> +//
>>>> +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
>>>> +
>>>> +#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemOptions.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.def"
>>>> +#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
>>>> +#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/raw_os_ostream.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Annotations.h"
>>>> +#include "llvm/Testing/Support/SupportHelpers.h"
>>>> +#include <cassert>
>>>> +#include <cstdlib>
>>>> +#include <gmock/gmock.h>
>>>> +#include <gtest/gtest.h>
>>>> +#include <memory>
>>>> +#include <ostream>
>>>> +#include <string>
>>>> +
>>>> +using namespace clang;
>>>> +using namespace clang::syntax;
>>>> +
>>>> +using llvm::ValueIs;
>>>> +using ::testing::AllOf;
>>>> +using ::testing::Contains;
>>>> +using ::testing::ElementsAre;
>>>> +using ::testing::Matcher;
>>>> +using ::testing::Not;
>>>> +using ::testing::StartsWith;
>>>> +
>>>> +namespace {
>>>> +// Checks the passed ArrayRef<T> has the same begin() and end()
>>>> iterators as the
>>>> +// argument.
>>>> +MATCHER_P(SameRange, A, "") {
>>>> +  return A.begin() == arg.begin() && A.end() == arg.end();
>>>> +}
>>>> +// Matchers for syntax::Token.
>>>> +MATCHER_P(Kind, K, "") { return arg.kind() == K; }
>>>> +MATCHER_P2(HasText, Text, SourceMgr, "") {
>>>> +  return arg.text(*SourceMgr) == Text;
>>>> +}
>>>> +/// Checks the start and end location of a token are equal to
>>>> SourceRng.
>>>> +MATCHER_P(RangeIs, SourceRng, "") {
>>>> +  return arg.location() == SourceRng.first &&
>>>> +         arg.endLocation() == SourceRng.second;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +class TokenCollectorTest : public ::testing::Test {
>>>> +public:
>>>> +  /// Run the clang frontend, collect the preprocessed tokens from the
>>>> frontend
>>>> +  /// invocation and store them in this->Buffer.
>>>> +  /// This also clears SourceManager before running the compiler.
>>>> +  void recordTokens(llvm::StringRef Code) {
>>>> +    class RecordTokens : public ASTFrontendAction {
>>>> +    public:
>>>> +      explicit RecordTokens(TokenBuffer &Result) : Result(Result) {}
>>>> +
>>>> +      bool BeginSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI) override {
>>>> +        assert(!Collector && "expected only a single call to
>>>> BeginSourceFile");
>>>> +        Collector.emplace(CI.getPreprocessor());
>>>> +        return true;
>>>> +      }
>>>> +      void EndSourceFileAction() override {
>>>> +        assert(Collector && "BeginSourceFileAction was never called");
>>>> +        Result = std::move(*Collector).consume();
>>>> +      }
>>>> +
>>>> +      std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer>
>>>> +      CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI, StringRef InFile)
>>>> override {
>>>> +        return llvm::make_unique<ASTConsumer>();
>>>> +      }
>>>> +
>>>> +    private:
>>>> +      TokenBuffer &Result;
>>>> +      llvm::Optional<TokenCollector> Collector;
>>>> +    };
>>>> +
>>>> +    constexpr const char *FileName = "./input.cpp";
>>>> +    FS->addFile(FileName, time_t(),
>>>> llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(""));
>>>> +    // Prepare to run a compiler.
>>>> +    std::vector<const char *> Args = {"tok-test", "-std=c++03",
>>>> "-fsyntax-only",
>>>> +                                      FileName};
>>>> +    auto CI = createInvocationFromCommandLine(Args, Diags, FS);
>>>> +    assert(CI);
>>>> +    CI->getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = false;
>>>> +    CI->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(
>>>> +        FileName,
>>>> llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Code).release());
>>>> +    CompilerInstance Compiler;
>>>> +    Compiler.setInvocation(std::move(CI));
>>>> +    if (!Diags->getClient())
>>>> +      Diags->setClient(new IgnoringDiagConsumer);
>>>> +    Compiler.setDiagnostics(Diags.get());
>>>> +    Compiler.setFileManager(FileMgr.get());
>>>> +    Compiler.setSourceManager(SourceMgr.get());
>>>> +
>>>> +    this->Buffer = TokenBuffer(*SourceMgr);
>>>> +    RecordTokens Recorder(this->Buffer);
>>>> +    ASSERT_TRUE(Compiler.ExecuteAction(Recorder))
>>>> +        << "failed to run the frontend";
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Record the tokens and return a test dump of the resulting buffer.
>>>> +  std::string collectAndDump(llvm::StringRef Code) {
>>>> +    recordTokens(Code);
>>>> +    return Buffer.dumpForTests();
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Adds a file to the test VFS.
>>>> +  void addFile(llvm::StringRef Path, llvm::StringRef Contents) {
>>>> +    if (!FS->addFile(Path, time_t(),
>>>> +                     llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Contents))) {
>>>> +      ADD_FAILURE() << "could not add a file to VFS: " << Path;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Add a new file, run syntax::tokenize() on it and return the
>>>> results.
>>>> +  std::vector<syntax::Token> tokenize(llvm::StringRef Text) {
>>>> +    // FIXME: pass proper LangOptions.
>>>> +    return syntax::tokenize(
>>>> +
>>>> SourceMgr->createFileID(llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Text)),
>>>> +        *SourceMgr, LangOptions());
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Specialized versions of matchers that hide the SourceManager from
>>>> clients.
>>>> +  Matcher<syntax::Token> HasText(std::string Text) const {
>>>> +    return ::HasText(Text, SourceMgr.get());
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  Matcher<syntax::Token> RangeIs(llvm::Annotations::Range R) const {
>>>> +    std::pair<SourceLocation, SourceLocation> Ls;
>>>> +    Ls.first =
>>>> SourceMgr->getLocForStartOfFile(SourceMgr->getMainFileID())
>>>> +                   .getLocWithOffset(R.Begin);
>>>> +    Ls.second =
>>>> SourceMgr->getLocForStartOfFile(SourceMgr->getMainFileID())
>>>> +                    .getLocWithOffset(R.End);
>>>> +    return ::RangeIs(Ls);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Finds a subrange in O(n * m).
>>>> +  template <class T, class U, class Eq>
>>>> +  llvm::ArrayRef<T> findSubrange(llvm::ArrayRef<U> Subrange,
>>>> +                                 llvm::ArrayRef<T> Range, Eq F) {
>>>> +    for (auto Begin = Range.begin(); Begin < Range.end(); ++Begin) {
>>>> +      auto It = Begin;
>>>> +      for (auto ItSub = Subrange.begin();
>>>> +           ItSub != Subrange.end() && It != Range.end(); ++ItSub,
>>>> ++It) {
>>>> +        if (!F(*ItSub, *It))
>>>> +          goto continue_outer;
>>>> +      }
>>>> +      return llvm::makeArrayRef(Begin, It);
>>>> +    continue_outer:;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    return llvm::makeArrayRef(Range.end(), Range.end());
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  /// Finds a subrange in \p Tokens that match the tokens specified in
>>>> \p Query.
>>>> +  /// The match should be unique. \p Query is a whitespace-separated
>>>> list of
>>>> +  /// tokens to search for.
>>>> +  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token>
>>>> +  findTokenRange(llvm::StringRef Query, llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token>
>>>> Tokens) {
>>>> +    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 8> QueryTokens;
>>>> +    Query.split(QueryTokens, ' ', /*MaxSplit=*/-1,
>>>> /*KeepEmpty=*/false);
>>>> +    if (QueryTokens.empty()) {
>>>> +      ADD_FAILURE() << "will not look for an empty list of tokens";
>>>> +      std::abort();
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    // An equality test for search.
>>>> +    auto TextMatches = [this](llvm::StringRef Q, const syntax::Token
>>>> &T) {
>>>> +      return Q == T.text(*SourceMgr);
>>>> +    };
>>>> +    // Find a match.
>>>> +    auto Found =
>>>> +        findSubrange(llvm::makeArrayRef(QueryTokens), Tokens,
>>>> TextMatches);
>>>> +    if (Found.begin() == Tokens.end()) {
>>>> +      ADD_FAILURE() << "could not find the subrange for " << Query;
>>>> +      std::abort();
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    // Check that the match is unique.
>>>> +    if (findSubrange(llvm::makeArrayRef(QueryTokens),
>>>> +                     llvm::makeArrayRef(Found.end(), Tokens.end()),
>>>> TextMatches)
>>>> +            .begin() != Tokens.end()) {
>>>> +      ADD_FAILURE() << "match is not unique for " << Query;
>>>> +      std::abort();
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    return Found;
>>>> +  };
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Specialized versions of findTokenRange for expanded and spelled
>>>> tokens.
>>>> +  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> findExpanded(llvm::StringRef Query) {
>>>> +    return findTokenRange(Query, Buffer.expandedTokens());
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> findSpelled(llvm::StringRef Query,
>>>> +                                            FileID File = FileID()) {
>>>> +    if (!File.isValid())
>>>> +      File = SourceMgr->getMainFileID();
>>>> +    return findTokenRange(Query, Buffer.spelledTokens(File));
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Data fields.
>>>> +  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> Diags =
>>>> +      new DiagnosticsEngine(new DiagnosticIDs, new DiagnosticOptions);
>>>> +  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> FS =
>>>> +      new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem;
>>>> +  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<FileManager> FileMgr =
>>>> +      new FileManager(FileSystemOptions(), FS);
>>>> +  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<SourceManager> SourceMgr =
>>>> +      new SourceManager(*Diags, *FileMgr);
>>>> +  /// Contains last result of calling recordTokens().
>>>> +  TokenBuffer Buffer = TokenBuffer(*SourceMgr);
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, RawMode) {
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(tokenize("int main() {}"),
>>>> +              ElementsAre(Kind(tok::kw_int),
>>>> +                          AllOf(HasText("main"),
>>>> Kind(tok::identifier)),
>>>> +                          Kind(tok::l_paren), Kind(tok::r_paren),
>>>> +                          Kind(tok::l_brace), Kind(tok::r_brace)));
>>>> +  // Comments are ignored for now.
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(tokenize("/* foo */int a; // more comments"),
>>>> +              ElementsAre(Kind(tok::kw_int),
>>>> +                          AllOf(HasText("a"), Kind(tok::identifier)),
>>>> +                          Kind(tok::semi)));
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, Basic) {
>>>> +  std::pair</*Input*/ std::string, /*Expected*/ std::string>
>>>> TestCases[] = {
>>>> +      {"int main() {}",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  int main ( ) { }
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    int main ( ) { }
>>>> +  no mappings.
>>>> +)"},
>>>> +      // All kinds of whitespace are ignored.
>>>> +      {"\t\n  int\t\n  main\t\n  (\t\n  )\t\n{\t\n  }\t\n",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  int main ( ) { }
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    int main ( ) { }
>>>> +  no mappings.
>>>> +)"},
>>>> +      // Annotation tokens are ignored.
>>>> +      {R"cpp(
>>>> +        #pragma GCC visibility push (public)
>>>> +        #pragma GCC visibility pop
>>>> +      )cpp",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  <empty>
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # pragma GCC visibility push ( public ) # pragma GCC visibility pop
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, '<eof>'_13) => ['<eof>'_0, '<eof>'_0)
>>>> +)"}};
>>>> +  for (auto &Test : TestCases)
>>>> +    EXPECT_EQ(collectAndDump(Test.first), Test.second)
>>>> +        << collectAndDump(Test.first);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, Locations) {
>>>> +  // Check locations of the tokens.
>>>> +  llvm::Annotations Code(R"cpp(
>>>> +    $r1[[int]] $r2[[a]] $r3[[=]] $r4[["foo bar baz"]] $r5[[;]]
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  recordTokens(Code.code());
>>>> +  // Check expanded tokens.
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(
>>>> +      Buffer.expandedTokens(),
>>>> +      ElementsAre(AllOf(Kind(tok::kw_int), RangeIs(Code.range("r1"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::identifier),
>>>> RangeIs(Code.range("r2"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::equal), RangeIs(Code.range("r3"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::string_literal),
>>>> RangeIs(Code.range("r4"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::semi), RangeIs(Code.range("r5"))),
>>>> +                  Kind(tok::eof)));
>>>> +  // Check spelled tokens.
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(
>>>> +      Buffer.spelledTokens(SourceMgr->getMainFileID()),
>>>> +      ElementsAre(AllOf(Kind(tok::kw_int), RangeIs(Code.range("r1"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::identifier),
>>>> RangeIs(Code.range("r2"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::equal), RangeIs(Code.range("r3"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::string_literal),
>>>> RangeIs(Code.range("r4"))),
>>>> +                  AllOf(Kind(tok::semi), RangeIs(Code.range("r5")))));
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, MacroDirectives) {
>>>> +  // Macro directives are not stored anywhere at the moment.
>>>> +  std::string Code = R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define FOO a
>>>> +    #include "unresolved_file.h"
>>>> +    #undef FOO
>>>> +    #ifdef X
>>>> +    #else
>>>> +    #endif
>>>> +    #ifndef Y
>>>> +    #endif
>>>> +    #if 1
>>>> +    #elif 2
>>>> +    #else
>>>> +    #endif
>>>> +    #pragma once
>>>> +    #pragma something lalala
>>>> +
>>>> +    int a;
>>>> +  )cpp";
>>>> +  std::string Expected =
>>>> +      "expanded tokens:\n"
>>>> +      "  int a ;\n"
>>>> +      "file './input.cpp'\n"
>>>> +      "  spelled tokens:\n"
>>>> +      "    # define FOO a # include \"unresolved_file.h\" # undef FOO "
>>>> +      "# ifdef X # else # endif # ifndef Y # endif # if 1 # elif 2 #
>>>> else "
>>>> +      "# endif # pragma once # pragma something lalala int a ;\n"
>>>> +      "  mappings:\n"
>>>> +      "    ['#'_0, 'int'_39) => ['int'_0, 'int'_0)\n";
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(collectAndDump(Code), Expected);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, MacroReplacements) {
>>>> +  std::pair</*Input*/ std::string, /*Expected*/ std::string>
>>>> TestCases[] = {
>>>> +      // A simple object-like macro.
>>>> +      {R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define INT int const
>>>> +    INT a;
>>>> +  )cpp",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  int const a ;
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # define INT int const INT a ;
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, 'INT'_5) => ['int'_0, 'int'_0)
>>>> +    ['INT'_5, 'a'_6) => ['int'_0, 'a'_2)
>>>> +)"},
>>>> +      // A simple function-like macro.
>>>> +      {R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define INT(a) const int
>>>> +    INT(10+10) a;
>>>> +  )cpp",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  const int a ;
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # define INT ( a ) const int INT ( 10 + 10 ) a ;
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, 'INT'_8) => ['const'_0, 'const'_0)
>>>> +    ['INT'_8, 'a'_14) => ['const'_0, 'a'_2)
>>>> +)"},
>>>> +      // Recursive macro replacements.
>>>> +      {R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define ID(X) X
>>>> +    #define INT int const
>>>> +    ID(ID(INT)) a;
>>>> +  )cpp",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  int const a ;
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # define ID ( X ) X # define INT int const ID ( ID ( INT ) ) a ;
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, 'ID'_12) => ['int'_0, 'int'_0)
>>>> +    ['ID'_12, 'a'_19) => ['int'_0, 'a'_2)
>>>> +)"},
>>>> +      // A little more complicated recursive macro replacements.
>>>> +      {R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define ADD(X, Y) X+Y
>>>> +    #define MULT(X, Y) X*Y
>>>> +
>>>> +    int a = ADD(MULT(1,2), MULT(3,ADD(4,5)));
>>>> +  )cpp",
>>>> +       "expanded tokens:\n"
>>>> +       "  int a = 1 * 2 + 3 * 4 + 5 ;\n"
>>>> +       "file './input.cpp'\n"
>>>> +       "  spelled tokens:\n"
>>>> +       "    # define ADD ( X , Y ) X + Y # define MULT ( X , Y ) X * Y
>>>> int "
>>>> +       "a = ADD ( MULT ( 1 , 2 ) , MULT ( 3 , ADD ( 4 , 5 ) ) ) ;\n"
>>>> +       "  mappings:\n"
>>>> +       "    ['#'_0, 'int'_22) => ['int'_0, 'int'_0)\n"
>>>> +       "    ['ADD'_25, ';'_46) => ['1'_3, ';'_12)\n"},
>>>> +      // Empty macro replacement.
>>>> +      {R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define EMPTY
>>>> +    #define EMPTY_FUNC(X)
>>>> +    EMPTY
>>>> +    EMPTY_FUNC(1+2+3)
>>>> +    )cpp",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  <empty>
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # define EMPTY # define EMPTY_FUNC ( X ) EMPTY EMPTY_FUNC ( 1 + 2
>>>> + 3 )
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, '<eof>'_18) => ['<eof>'_0, '<eof>'_0)
>>>> +)"},
>>>> +      // File ends with a macro replacement.
>>>> +      {R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define FOO 10+10;
>>>> +    int a = FOO
>>>> +    )cpp",
>>>> +       R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  int a = 10 + 10 ;
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # define FOO 10 + 10 ; int a = FOO
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, 'int'_7) => ['int'_0, 'int'_0)
>>>> +    ['FOO'_10, '<eof>'_11) => ['10'_3, '<eof>'_7)
>>>> +)"}};
>>>> +
>>>> +  for (auto &Test : TestCases)
>>>> +    EXPECT_EQ(Test.second, collectAndDump(Test.first))
>>>> +        << collectAndDump(Test.first);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, SpecialTokens) {
>>>> +  // Tokens coming from concatenations.
>>>> +  recordTokens(R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define CONCAT(a, b) a ## b
>>>> +    int a = CONCAT(1, 2);
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(std::vector<syntax::Token>(Buffer.expandedTokens()),
>>>> +              Contains(HasText("12")));
>>>> +  // Multi-line tokens with slashes at the end.
>>>> +  recordTokens("i\\\nn\\\nt");
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.expandedTokens(),
>>>> +              ElementsAre(AllOf(Kind(tok::kw_int),
>>>> HasText("i\\\nn\\\nt")),
>>>> +                          Kind(tok::eof)));
>>>> +  // FIXME: test tokens with digraphs and UCN identifiers.
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, LateBoundTokens) {
>>>> +  // The parser eventually breaks the first '>>' into two tokens ('>'
>>>> and '>'),
>>>> +  // but we choose to record them as a single token (for now).
>>>> +  llvm::Annotations Code(R"cpp(
>>>> +    template <class T>
>>>> +    struct foo { int a; };
>>>> +    int bar = foo<foo<int$br[[>>]]().a;
>>>> +    int baz = 10 $op[[>>]] 2;
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  recordTokens(Code.code());
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(std::vector<syntax::Token>(Buffer.expandedTokens()),
>>>> +              AllOf(Contains(AllOf(Kind(tok::greatergreater),
>>>> +                                   RangeIs(Code.range("br")))),
>>>> +                    Contains(AllOf(Kind(tok::greatergreater),
>>>> +                                   RangeIs(Code.range("op"))))));
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, DelayedParsing) {
>>>> +  llvm::StringLiteral Code = R"cpp(
>>>> +    struct Foo {
>>>> +      int method() {
>>>> +        // Parser will visit method bodies and initializers multiple
>>>> times, but
>>>> +        // TokenBuffer should only record the first walk over the
>>>> tokens;
>>>> +        return 100;
>>>> +      }
>>>> +      int a = 10;
>>>> +
>>>> +      struct Subclass {
>>>> +        void foo() {
>>>> +          Foo().method();
>>>> +        }
>>>> +      };
>>>> +    };
>>>> +  )cpp";
>>>> +  std::string ExpectedTokens =
>>>> +      "expanded tokens:\n"
>>>> +      "  struct Foo { int method ( ) { return 100 ; } int a = 10 ;
>>>> struct "
>>>> +      "Subclass { void foo ( ) { Foo ( ) . method ( ) ; } } ; } ;\n";
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(collectAndDump(Code), StartsWith(ExpectedTokens));
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenCollectorTest, MultiFile) {
>>>> +  addFile("./foo.h", R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define ADD(X, Y) X+Y
>>>> +    int a = 100;
>>>> +    #include "bar.h"
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  addFile("./bar.h", R"cpp(
>>>> +    int b = ADD(1, 2);
>>>> +    #define MULT(X, Y) X*Y
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  llvm::StringLiteral Code = R"cpp(
>>>> +    #include "foo.h"
>>>> +    int c = ADD(1, MULT(2,3));
>>>> +  )cpp";
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::string Expected = R"(expanded tokens:
>>>> +  int a = 100 ; int b = 1 + 2 ; int c = 1 + 2 * 3 ;
>>>> +file './input.cpp'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # include "foo.h" int c = ADD ( 1 , MULT ( 2 , 3 ) ) ;
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, 'int'_3) => ['int'_12, 'int'_12)
>>>> +    ['ADD'_6, ';'_17) => ['1'_15, ';'_20)
>>>> +file './foo.h'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    # define ADD ( X , Y ) X + Y int a = 100 ; # include "bar.h"
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['#'_0, 'int'_11) => ['int'_0, 'int'_0)
>>>> +    ['#'_16, '<eof>'_19) => ['int'_5, 'int'_5)
>>>> +file './bar.h'
>>>> +  spelled tokens:
>>>> +    int b = ADD ( 1 , 2 ) ; # define MULT ( X , Y ) X * Y
>>>> +  mappings:
>>>> +    ['ADD'_3, ';'_9) => ['1'_8, ';'_11)
>>>> +    ['#'_10, '<eof>'_21) => ['int'_12, 'int'_12)
>>>> +)";
>>>> +
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Expected, collectAndDump(Code))
>>>> +      << "input: " << Code << "\nresults: " << collectAndDump(Code);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +class TokenBufferTest : public TokenCollectorTest {};
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenBufferTest, SpelledByExpanded) {
>>>> +  recordTokens(R"cpp(
>>>> +    a1 a2 a3 b1 b2
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Sanity check: expanded and spelled tokens are stored separately.
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(findExpanded("a1 a2"), Not(SameRange(findSpelled("a1
>>>> a2"))));
>>>> +  // Searching for subranges of expanded tokens should give the
>>>> corresponding
>>>> +  // spelled ones.
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2 a3 b1
>>>> b2")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("a1 a2 a3 b1 b2"))));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2 a3")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("a1 a2 a3"))));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("b1 b2")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("b1 b2"))));
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Test search on simple macro expansions.
>>>> +  recordTokens(R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define A a1 a2 a3
>>>> +    #define B b1 b2
>>>> +
>>>> +    A split B
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2 a3 split
>>>> b1 b2")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("A split B"))));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2 a3")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("A split").drop_back())));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("b1 b2")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("split B").drop_front())));
>>>> +  // Ranges not fully covering macro invocations should fail.
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2")),
>>>> llvm::None);
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("b2")), llvm::None);
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a2 a3 split b1
>>>> b2")),
>>>> +            llvm::None);
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Recursive macro invocations.
>>>> +  recordTokens(R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define ID(x) x
>>>> +    #define B b1 b2
>>>> +
>>>> +    ID(ID(ID(a1) a2 a3)) split ID(B)
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2 a3")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("ID ( ID ( ID ( a1 ) a2 a3
>>>> ) )"))));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("b1 b2")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("ID ( B )"))));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2 a3 split
>>>> b1 b2")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled(
>>>> +                  "ID ( ID ( ID ( a1 ) a2 a3 ) ) split ID ( B )"))));
>>>> +  // Ranges crossing macro call boundaries.
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2 a3 split
>>>> b1")),
>>>> +            llvm::None);
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a2 a3 split b1")),
>>>> +            llvm::None);
>>>> +  // FIXME: next two examples should map to macro arguments, but
>>>> currently they
>>>> +  //        fail.
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a2")), llvm::None);
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("a1 a2")),
>>>> llvm::None);
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Empty macro expansions.
>>>> +  recordTokens(R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define EMPTY
>>>> +    #define ID(X) X
>>>> +
>>>> +    EMPTY EMPTY ID(1 2 3) EMPTY EMPTY split1
>>>> +    EMPTY EMPTY ID(4 5 6) split2
>>>> +    ID(7 8 9) EMPTY EMPTY
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("1 2 3")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("ID ( 1 2 3 )"))));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("4 5 6")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("ID ( 4 5 6 )"))));
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("7 8 9")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("ID ( 7 8 9 )"))));
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Empty mappings coming from various directives.
>>>> +  recordTokens(R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define ID(X) X
>>>> +    ID(1)
>>>> +    #pragma lalala
>>>> +    not_mapped
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  EXPECT_THAT(Buffer.spelledForExpanded(findExpanded("not_mapped")),
>>>> +              ValueIs(SameRange(findSpelled("not_mapped"))));
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +TEST_F(TokenBufferTest, TokensToFileRange) {
>>>> +  addFile("./foo.h", "token_from_header");
>>>> +  llvm::Annotations Code(R"cpp(
>>>> +    #define FOO token_from_expansion
>>>> +    #include "./foo.h"
>>>> +    $all[[$i[[int]] a = FOO;]]
>>>> +  )cpp");
>>>> +  recordTokens(Code.code());
>>>> +
>>>> +  auto &SM = *SourceMgr;
>>>> +
>>>> +  // Two simple examples.
>>>> +  auto Int = findExpanded("int").front();
>>>> +  auto Semi = findExpanded(";").front();
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(Int.range(SM), FileRange(SM.getMainFileID(),
>>>> Code.range("i").Begin,
>>>> +                                     Code.range("i").End));
>>>> +  EXPECT_EQ(syntax::Token::range(SM, Int, Semi),
>>>> +            FileRange(SM.getMainFileID(), Code.range("all").Begin,
>>>> +                      Code.range("all").End));
>>>> +  // We don't test assertion failures because death tests are slow.
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +} // namespace
>>>> \ No newline at end of file
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> cfe-commits mailing list
>>>> cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
>>>> https://lists.llvm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cfe-commits
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Ilya Biryukov
> --
> Regards,
> Ilya Biryukov

Ilya Biryukov
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