Attribute Order XFAIL

Tyler Nowicki tnowicki at
Fri Jun 6 14:32:41 PDT 2014

Sorry this was supposed to go to cfe-commits.

> Hi Aaron,
> Previously we discussed the problem of the AttributeList
>>> [Tyler] There was a question about why I reversed the iteration over the attribute
>>> list. The answer is that the attribute list built by ParsedAttributes stores
>>> attributes in reverse order. However, this is wrong because the correct
>>> order should be maintained for serialization/deserialization and error
>>> reporting. So we have to iterate rbegin->rend. Ideally the ParsedAttributes
>>> list should be fixed to store attributes in the order they appear but this
>>> looks like a lot of work.
>> [Aaron] Ah, yes. That problem keeps rearing its ugly head. :-/
>>> [Aaron] When you reintroduce your changes, I think I would prefer to leave the
>>> iteration in its current (forward) order instead of reverse order (as
>>> you have it in your patch). That's simply a bug, and working around it
>>> here is likely to ensure that bug sticks around even longer. Once you
>>> have introduced your changes, I'd appreciate an extra test case which
>>> uses -ast-print and demonstrates the reversed order (I am okay with us
>>> XFAILing that test) so that gives us a target test to use to verify
>>> the fix when it does happen.
>> [Tyler] I’ll add the test case in a separate patch since it isn’t related to this work.
> Here is an XFAILing test case for this.
> Tyler
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