[cfe-commits] [PATCH] New clang-check vim integration script

Nico Weber thakis at chromium.org
Tue Sep 4 08:05:44 PDT 2012

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 8:01 AM, Alexander Kornienko <alexfh at google.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Nico Weber <thakis at chromium.org> wrote:
>> ...
>> Remove.
>>>  +  let l:output = system(a:cmd)
>>> +  cexpr l:output
>>> +  cwindow
>> +  let w:quickfix_title = a:cmd
>>> +  if v:shell_error != 0
>>> +    cc
>>> +  endif
>> Replace all that with
>>   let l:oldmakepgr = &makeprg
>>   let &makeprg = a:cmd
>>   silent make | cwindow
>>   let &makeprg = l:oldmakepgr
>> (Gives you a warning when trying to compile a modified buffer too)
> Doesn't work for me: after running your code vim (7.3, if this matters)
> doesn't repaint it's window, and I end up having a blank screen until I
> make vim repaint everything.

If you don't use gvim, you might need a

  if !has('gui') redraw! endif


> --
> Regards,
> Alex
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