[all-commits] [llvm/llvm-project] dae7e2: [libunwind] Pass -Wl, --export-dynamic on all suppo...

Alexander Richardson via All-commits all-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 25 08:42:26 PDT 2023

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
  Commit: dae7e2da795b262837007dc96d7681b819376382
  Author: Alexander Richardson <alexrichardson at google.com>
  Date:   2023-09-25 (Mon, 25 Sep 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M libunwind/test/configs/llvm-libunwind-merged.cfg.in
    M libunwind/test/configs/llvm-libunwind-shared.cfg.in
    M libunwind/test/configs/llvm-libunwind-static.cfg.in

  Log Message:
  [libunwind] Pass -Wl,--export-dynamic on all supported platforms (#67205)

I was trying to run the tests on FreeBSD and noticed that we weren't
printing symbol names. It turns out this is because of the missing
-Wl,--export-dynamic flag. Instead of hardcoding the name of the flag
and only passing it for Linux hosts, use a pre-existing CMake variable
instead. I was not aware of this flag, but it appears to have been
supported for the past 16 years (with support for more platforms added

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