[all-commits] [llvm/llvm-project] 47669a: [llvm-profgen] Ignore inline frames with an emtpy ...

Hongtao Yu via All-commits all-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 18 12:40:20 PDT 2023

  Branch: refs/heads/main
  Home:   https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
  Commit: 47669af47fafd5d0b0dc117938ae7a1cffc8d344
  Author: Hongtao Yu <hoy at fb.com>
  Date:   2023-09-18 (Mon, 18 Sep 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/SampleProf.h
    M llvm/tools/llvm-profgen/ProfiledBinary.cpp

  Log Message:
  [llvm-profgen] Ignore inline frames with an emtpy function name (#66678)

Broken debug information can give empty names for an inlined frame, e.g,

0x1d605c68: ryKeyINS7_17SmartCounterTypesEEESt10shared_ptrINS7_15AsyncCacheValueIS9_EEESaIhESt6atomicEEE9fetch_subElSt12memory_order at   Filename: edata.h
  Function start filename: edata.h
  Function start line: 266
  Function start address: 0x1d605c68
  Line: 267
  Column: 0
 (inlined by)  at   Filename: edata.h
  Function start filename: edata.h
  Function start line: 274
  Function start address: 0x1d605c68
  Line: 275
  Column: 0
 (inlined by) _EEEmmEv at   Filename: arena.c
  Function start filename: arena.c
  Function start line: 1303
  Line: 1308
  Column: 0

This patch avoids creating a sample context with an empty function name
by stopping tracking at that frame. This prevents a hash failure that
leads to an ICE, where empty context serves at an empty key for the
underlying MapVector

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