[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Revert to old fold logic in IR::Dialect::addTypes() (PR #79582)

Markus Böck llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Jan 26 04:07:24 PST 2024

zero9178 wrote:

> @zero9178 I guess you had similar experience with this in addOperations().
> CC @joker-eph
> btw, given this problem is likely to stay with us for a while, should I also change addAttributes() / addInterfaces()? Chances are, someone would hit it eventually ...

Personally I think it'd make sense to change it for `addAttributes` as well as it is not unlikely to reach similar sizes as types and is also called by `TableGen` generated code. I think `addInterfaces` is only ever called by users and is rather unlikely to hit the 256 types limit but I might be misremembering. 


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