[LLVMdev] How to use a custom execute step with bugpoint?

Pekka Jääskeläinen pekka.jaaskelainen at tut.fi
Mon Jan 27 00:14:41 PST 2014


On 01/26/2014 11:22 PM, Vadim wrote:
> I'm trying to use "bugpoint bitcode.bc -run-custom -safe-run-custom
> -exec-command my_script.cmd ", but that seems to override the compilation step
> and not the final execution step...
> Is there a command line switch that does what I want?

The -exec-command is supposed to execute the bitcode. Thus, it
includes the code generation for your target too. Here's how
we use it in TCE to track bugs. tce-exec-bc here generates the
code and runs the resulting binary in our simulator (thus allows
tracking LLVM-related bugs in a cross-compilation scenario).

1) Generate a bytecode that works correctly with -O0, but not with -O3:

    tcecc src/board_test.c -O0 -o adpcm.bc

2) Create a script for executing the bytecode and to produce validation

    cat > run_bytecode
    tce-exec-bc -e "run; puts [x /u h /n 32 _Input]; quit;"  \
                1_bus_full_connectivity.adf $1
    chmod +x run_bytecode

    The script given with '-e' is fed to ttasim and executed after it has
    loaded the machine and the scheduled tpef. It is used to produce output for
    verification. Do not forget to add the interpreter line (the first one) as
    it doesn't seem to work without.

    I could have used also printf() in the C code to print out verification
    output, but it slows down compilation quite a lot so I decided to
    generate the verification data using ttasim instead.

    If you have verification data printed out to STDOUT and you can run
    the simulation to completion, the following run_bytecode script content

    tce-exec-bc machine.adf $1

3) Generate reference output from a valid run of the unoptimized

    ./run_bytecode adpcm.bc > reference.txt

4) Start Bugpoint.

    bugpoint adpcm.bc -run-custom -exec-command=$PWD/run_bytecode 
-output=reference.txt -O3

    This instructs Bugpoint to do a binary search on the optimization
    passes to find the pass the produces the broken end result, hopefully
    reducing the list of passes to a single one.


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