[LLVMdev] Quad-Core ARMv7 Build Slave Seeks Noble Purpose

Mikael Lyngvig mikael at lyngvig.org
Sat Nov 16 21:15:59 PST 2013

I finally got it to work - and my ODROID-XU is now a passive member of the
LLVM builder society for the next week or so, until it has proven itself
(it monitors changes to the SVN repository and builds in my end without
bothering anyone at LLVM.org about its findings).  I did write up a "short"
treatise on how to do it, in case anybody needs to do this sometime in the
future.  I expect it to be finished with the final steps of how to link
into Zorg, once I get that far.


The trickiest part is that Arch Linux comes with Buildbot v0.8.8 and LLVM
uses v0.8.5.  So I had to resort to using a virtual environment and install
v0.8.5 instead of v0.8.8.

The next two pending projects are:

   1. To set up my Mac Mini G4 (PowerPC)/Debian to build and test LLD.
 Several felt that it needed big-endian testing, so that's what that box
will do.
   2. To set up my BeagleBone Black to do something useful, whatever that
is.  Perhaps it can do an LLD build too, as several requested an ARM
build/test of LLD.

-- Mikael

2013/11/14 Renato Golin <renato.golin at linaro.org>

> On 14 November 2013 17:43, Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org> wrote:
>> Renato, thanks for your elaborate walk-through of the issues with ARM
>> boards.  I'm trying to add some of this to the "How to Build on ARM"
>> document and will submit a patch later on.
> Nice, thanks! That would be great!
> Unfortunately, my personal budget does not allow me more than a single
>> Odroid XU board for the time being.  So I'll have to do with only one
>> board.  I happen to have an eMMC card and it is fairly fast.
> That's good. Still, I'd have it running locally on your master for a week
> or so, just to make sure it's stable enough.
> To create a local master you need to read this doc:
> https://buildbot.readthedocs.org/en/v0.8.6/manual/installation.html
> And add Zorg to your master. The way I did was to create a master on
> buildbot's user dir, (buildbot create-master ~/buildmaster/llvm), checkout
> zorg, symlink the master/builders configs from zorg into the buildmaster
> dir, symlink the zorg's Python module into /lib/python2.7/whatever (can't
> remember), and start the master via (buildbot master start).
> Then, I'd create two buildslaves on the board, one in ~/localbot and one
> in ~/buildbot, with the former pointing to your local master and the latter
> pointing to LLVM's official master, so that it's easy for you to swap. (
> http://llvm.org/docs/HowToAddABuilder.html)
> On the master, I stripped down all builders from the config and only left
> my own boards, so that I don't clutter the waterfall/builders page.
>  By the way, how do you set the CPU scheduler to "performance" (procfs
>> something?).  Just so that it can be added to the docs.
> for ((cpu=0; cpu<`grep -c proc /proc/cpuinfo`; cpu++)); do
>   sudo sudo cpufreq-set -c $cpu -g performance
> done
> cheers,
> --renato
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