[LLVMdev] committing with the git mirror

NAKAMURA Takumi geek4civic at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 03:35:31 PDT 2011

Good evening, Jay!

...Instructions, ...

1. git clone http://llvm.org/git/XXX.git (assume it "origin")

2. Create git authors file (assume /path/to/file/of/authors) with single line.

foad = Jay Foad <jay.foad at gmail.com>

Oh yeah, you should define your name and mailto same as described in
llvm.org/git with case-sensitive.

3. Edit .git/config manually :p

        authorsFile = /path/to/file/of/authors
[svn-remote "svn"]
        url = https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/XXX/trunk
        fetch = :refs/remotes/origin/master

4. git svn fetch

  You would not perform "git-svn rebase" any more.

They above are all setup to live with git-svn.

5. Enjoy your life with git-pull and git-fetch.
  (please not forget to track origin/master)

When you have commits, ....

6. git-checkout and git-pull --rebase on master.

7. cherry-pick your commits to master.

8. (Optional) Confirm with dry-run; git svn dcommit -n

9. Are you ready? "git svn dcommit"!

Thanks to git guys, esp. Tobi!


ps. I am planning to describe docs/Git.html, but I am not familiar to English!!!
誰か翻訳, 査読などお願いします。マジで!

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