[LLVMdev] Advice on architecture research project?

David A. Greene greened at obbligato.org
Fri Jun 10 10:42:04 PDT 2011

ankur deshwal <a.s.deshwal at gmail.com> writes:

> I have a similar problem. I need the performance based study so only
> options seem to be "cycle-accurate" simulator or the real
> hardware. Due to the poor performance of cycle-accurate simulators in
> terms of accuracy, I am not considering currently.

Hooray!  :)

> Among the real hardware, X86 is a favorable choice due to wide
> availability for me to experiment with different
> configurations. However, its CISCity scares me too. 

CISC is your friend, do not fear the CISC.  :)

All jesting aside, x86 is a fairly regular/orthogonal ISA, even to a
fault, providing extra instructions that aren't really necessary simply
to maintain orthogonality.  There are some nasty corner cases, of
course, but x86 gets a bad rap far beyond what is justified, IMHO.

> Is it possible to choose a small subset of X86 ISA, without scary
> addressing modes and emitting only those instructions from LLVM. Will
> generally available hardware profiling tools work fine in such a
> case. Is there any info available for any such subset has been defined
> and used by someone already?

I think this is not a good way to go.  Those addressing modes are a
major win for x86.  If you don't use them, performance will suffer
badly.  It is certainly possible to restrict what's used in LLVM but
since the support is already there, why not use them?

I believe several people have done studies that show only a small
percentage of the entire x86 ISA is actually used in real code.  But
again, I would not worry about this kind of thing because LLVM already
supports all of it.

If you can describe what is scary and why (is it something to do with
ISA enhancements you're considering?), we might be able to help you out
a bit.

> > If, long-term, you are planning to do serious studies of performance
> > impacts, I very highly recommend you not rely on simulators if at
> > all possible.  I have never met a simulator ("cycle-accurate" or
> > not) that even comes close to giving reasonable performance
> > predictions.

> My worries about the same comes from some studies like [1]
> [1] http://www.csl.cornell.edu/~vince/papers/wddd08/wddd08_sim.pdf

Thanks!  That's a must-read for any architecture or compiler researcher.
Architectures are so complex today that it is nearly impossible to model
all of the effects correctly.  And on an architecture where a 5%
performance shift is very significant, that lack of accuracy is deadly.

Even validating a simulator is nearly impossible because the ~10
instruction snippets one uses to test the model against hardware are
going to behave compeltely differently in the context of the millions of
instructions around them in the real code.

I wish we had a good solution to this problem.  :(


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