[LLVMdev] Vectors in structures

Renato Golin rengolin at systemcall.org
Tue Sep 28 12:33:53 PDT 2010

On 28 September 2010 19:54, Bob Wilson <bob.wilson at apple.com> wrote:
> Really?  ARM's specifications of these types show them as structs, and as my example demonstrates, GCC's "implementation choice" allows code that is incompatible with ARM's compiler.  I guess you are saying that is OK.

OK in the sense that it works, yes. OK in the sense that I welcome it, then no.

I'm not an old ARM employee, so I don't know all the decisions taken
on NEON specs or why GCC had the design decisions it had. But I can't
possibly believe that they have to do what ARM says they should.

What I can do, however, is to help you keep the source compatibility
and reduce the cost of producing IR, if you think it's worth the cost.
I never said it wasn't, and you seem to think it is, so I guess we
agree in that.

> We've already had to support GCC-compatibility as an option, so dropping compatibility with ARM will make things easier for us.  I'm just going to plan to go ahead with that.  I would have preferred some official specification from ARM acknowledging GCC's approach as a valid alternative, but your statement (1) above seems to say exactly that.

You're taking conclusions on your own thoughts... please don't put
words in my mouth.

The only point I made in my first email is that using structures in
the IR was not necessary, regardless of the headers.

If you want to keep source compatibility with armcc, I welcome and can help you.



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