[LLVMdev] `make check' failures in r102924

Vladimir G. Ivanovic vladimir at acm.org
Mon May 3 10:43:15 PDT 2010

I successfully built LLVM (r102824) with

	./configure --enable-optimized --enable-targets=host --with-built-clang

on Fedora 12 on an Athlon64 processor. (The clang is the 2.7 pre-built
version.) However, running `make check' produced 6 unexpected failures
(see below). If there's something you'd like me to do, just holler.

--- Vladimir

FAIL: /usr/local/src/llvm/test/Bindings/Ocaml/vmcore.ml
Failed with exit(10) at line 2
while running: ./vmcore.ml.tmp vmcore.ml.tmp.bc
FAILED: builder/builder/dbg #1

FAIL: /usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC/crash-invalid-array.c for PR6913
Failed with exit(1) at line 1
while running: not
/usr/local/llvm-gcc4.2-2.7-x86_64-linux/bin/llvm-gcc   -emit-llvm -w -O1
/usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC/crash-invalid-array.c -S |& /bin/grep
{error: invalid use of array with unspecified bounds}
child process exited abnormally

FAIL: /usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC/inline-asm-function.c
Failed with exit(1) at line 1
while running: /usr/local/llvm-gcc4.2-2.7-x86_64-linux/bin/llvm-gcc  
-emit-llvm -w -S
/usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC/inline-asm-function.c -fasm-blocks -o
- -O | /bin/grep naked
child process exited abnormally
Running /usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC++/dg.exp ...

FAIL: /usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC++/2010-02-17-DbgArtificialArg.cpp
Failed with exit(1) at line 1
while running: /usr/local/llvm-gcc4.2-2.7-x86_64-linux/bin/llvm-gcc  
-emit-llvm -w -g -S
/usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC++/2010-02-17-DbgArtificialArg.cpp -o
- | /bin/grep DW_TAG_pointer_type |  /bin/grep "i32 524303, metadata ..,
metadata ..., metadata .., i32 ., i64 .., i64 .., i64 0, i32 64,
metadata ..."
child process exited abnormally

FAIL: /usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC++/2010-03-22-empty-baseclass.cpp
Failed with exit(1) at line 1
while running: /usr/local/llvm-gcc4.2-2.7-x86_64-linux/bin/llvm-gcc  
-emit-llvm -w -S -emit-llvm
/usr/local/src/llvm/test/FrontendC++/2010-03-22-empty-baseclass.cpp -o -
-O2 | FileCheck
error: expected string not found in input
// CHECK: ret i32
<stdin>:1:1: note: scanning from here
; ModuleID =
<stdin>:14:5: note: possible intended match here
declare i32 @puts(i8* nocapture) nounwind

Failed with exit(1) at line 2
while running: grep "i1 false, i1 true. . . DW_TAG_subprogram"
2010-04-30-OptimizedMethod-Dbg.cpp.tmp | count 2
Expected 2 lines, got 0.

Vladimir G. Ivanovic                            http://www.leonora.org
+1 650 450 4101                                       vladimir at acm.org

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