[LLVMdev] svn down?

David Greene dag at cray.com
Tue Aug 11 10:03:41 PDT 2009

On Tuesday 11 August 2009 11:05, Tanya Lattner wrote:

> Just to add, we plan on having an official git mirror once we get our
> new llvm.org server. Until then, please consult that email for other
> options.

Rather than an svn->git mirror, can we consider a git->svn mirror?  That
is, when transferring to the new server, can we take the opportunity to
migrate the official repository to git and provide a mirror for those
who want to use svn?

This would have enormous benefits to third party users.  Right now it is
a royal pain to sync between the official repository and a local
repository containing local changes because svn is simply not designed to do 
it.  svnmerge.py is not a complete solution.  It only solves a very small part 
of the problem.

For various reasons we use svn on our end.  I would like to set up a local 
git-svn mirror here so that I could take advantage of the power of git.  
Unforuntately, One cannot set up a git-svn ---> git-svn workflow.  I've tried.  
The git guys tell me it's impossible.

So I've written an entire toolset that basically provides a poor man's 
distributed source control model on top of svn (svk was not an option here for 
various reasons, not the least of which is that it's danged near impossible to 
build the thing).

With git, all of that goes away because git is designed to operate in a
distributed workflow.

I would argue that with a BSD-like license, the LLVM community has
chosen to encourage such a distributed workflow.  It makes sense to
provide the infrastructure to support it.  The server switch gives us
an opportunity to do that with minimal additional disruption.



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