[LLVMdev] LLVM-gcc for a new architecture

Boris Boesler baembel at gmx.de
Mon Oct 15 02:27:58 PDT 2007


>>   How do I configure llvm-gcc (version 4.0.1) without having a gcc
>> back-end, but a LLVM back-end for my new architecture?
> This can be pretty tricky, because various target-related things are
> used in the frontend (consider e.g. ABI issues, alignment, etc).  
> But in
> general you have just provide --target=<target triple> option to
> configure. I think it will fail, if target is more or less unknown for
> gcc.

  Yes, I know that. configure --target=a-b-c will fail because there  
is no such stuff known in gcc. So, what is the answer/consequence? An  
existing gcc back-end for architecture "a" is a precondition for a  
LLVM back-end for architecture "a"?

  Is there another fully working C front-end for LLVM?


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