[LLVMdev] [Oink-devel] Status of Elsa->LLVM

Taras Glek tglek at mozilla.com
Fri Dec 21 15:25:54 PST 2007

>> Adding test/ofmt.i as a preprocessed C file
>> Phase: Preprocessing
>>    test/ofmt.i is ignored during this phase
> What preprocessor are you using?  Taras has already found one that is
> working for him and that is licensed under BSD and that has some
> features in it that he needs for source to source transformation.  I
> would like us to all use the same one.
I'd like to clarify my intentions here.
I designed the preprocessor integration in such a way that it doesn't 
depend on the specific preprocessor too much. MCPP is nice in that it's 
BSD, but it's rather slow, so no need to require people to use it.
Users can implement the undo-log preprocessor using libcpp or maybe yank 
it out of clang which is also BSD.


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