[llvm] ad99e34 - Revert "[NewPM][CodeGen] Introduce CodeGenPassBuilder to help build codegen pipeline"

Yuanfang Chen via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 11 18:54:17 PDT 2020

Author: Yuanfang Chen
Date: 2020-09-11T18:52:32-07:00
New Revision: ad99e34c59b80fd094a6acdbcde4869ff37dac87

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ad99e34c59b80fd094a6acdbcde4869ff37dac87
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ad99e34c59b80fd094a6acdbcde4869ff37dac87.diff

LOG: Revert "[NewPM][CodeGen] Introduce CodeGenPassBuilder to help build codegen pipeline"

This reverts commit 31ecf8d29d81d196374a562c6d2bd2c25a62861e.
This reverts commit 3fdaa8602a086a3fca5f0fc8527536ac659079d0.

There is laying violation for Target->CodeGen.




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/CGPassBuilderOption.h b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/CGPassBuilderOption.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4553060e687b..000000000000
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/CGPassBuilderOption.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-//===- CGPassBuilderOption.h - Options for pass builder ---------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// This file declares the options influencing building of codegen pipeline.
-#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-class TargetMachine;
-enum class RunOutliner { TargetDefault, AlwaysOutline, NeverOutline };
-enum class RegAllocType { Default, Basic, Fast, Greedy, PBQP };
-enum class CFLAAType { None, Steensgaard, Andersen, Both };
-// Not one-on-one but mostly corresponding to commandline options in
-// TargetPassConfig.cpp
-struct CGPassBuilderOption {
-  // Enable optimized register allocation compilation path
-  Optional<bool> OptimizeRegAlloc;
-  // Enable interprocedural register allocation to reduce load/store at
-  // procedure calls
-  Optional<bool> EnableIPRA;
-  // Enable debug logging of pass pipeline
-  bool DebugPM = false;
-  // Disable machine function verification
-  bool DisableVerify = false;
-  // Fold null checks into faulting memory operations
-  bool EnableImplicitNullChecksPass = false;
-  // Collect probability-driven block placement stats
-  bool EnableMachineBlockPlacementStatsPass = false;
-  // Run MachineScheduler post regalloc (independent of preRA sched)
-  bool EnablePostMachineSchedulerPass = false;
-  // Run live interval analysis earlier in the pipeline
-  bool EnableLiveIntervalsPass = false;
-  // Disable Loop Strength Reduction Pass
-  bool DisableLoopStrengthReducePass = false;
-  // Disable Codegen Prepare
-  bool DisableCodeGenPreparePass = false;
-  // Disable MergeICmps Pass
-  bool DisableMergeICmpsPass = false;
-  // Disable Partial Libcall Inlining Pass
-  bool DisablePartiallyInlineLibCallsPass = false;
-  // Disable ConstantHoisting Pass
-  bool DisableConstantHoistingPass = false;
-  // Print LLVM IR produced by the loop-reduce pass
-  bool PrintAfterLSR = false;
-  // Print LLVM IR input to isel pass
-  bool PrintISelInput = false;
-  // Dump garbage collector data
-  bool PrintGCInfo = false;
-  // Enable codegen in SCC order.
-  bool RequiresCodeGenSCCOrder = false;
-  // Enable the machine outliner
-  RunOutliner EnableMachineOutliner = RunOutliner::TargetDefault;
-  // Register allocator to use
-  RegAllocType RegAlloc = RegAllocType::Default;
-  // Experimental option to use CFL-AA in codegen
-  CFLAAType UseCFLAA = CFLAAType::None;
-  // Enable abort calls when "global" instruction selection fails to
-  // lower/select an instruction
-  Optional<GlobalISelAbortMode> EnableGlobalISelAbort;
-  // Verify generated machine code"
-  Optional<bool> VerifyMachineCode;
-  // Enable the "fast" instruction selector
-  Optional<bool> EnableFastISelOption;
-  // Enable the "global" instruction selector
-  Optional<bool> EnableGlobalISelOption;
-CGPassBuilderOption getCGPassBuilderOption();
-} // namespace llvm

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/CodeGenPassBuilder.h b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/CodeGenPassBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aad7629bb176..000000000000
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/CodeGenPassBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1171 +0,0 @@
-//===- Construction of codegen pass pipelines ------------------*- C++ -*--===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-/// \file
-/// Interfaces for registering analysis passes, producing common pass manager
-/// configurations, and parsing of pass pipelines.
-/// TODO: handle addRequiredID where, in legacy PM, one pass require other pass
-///       to run as prerequisite.
-#include "llvm/ADT/FunctionExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/BasicAliasAnalysis.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/CFLAndersAliasAnalysis.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/CFLSteensAliasAnalysis.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/ScopedNoAliasAA.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/TypeBasedAliasAnalysis.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/CGPassBuilderOption.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/ExpandReductions.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MIRPrinter.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassManager.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/PreISelIntrinsicLowering.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/UnreachableBlockElim.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/IRPrintingPasses.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CodeGen.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/ConstantHoisting.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopPassManager.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopStrengthReduce.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LowerConstantIntrinsics.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/MergeICmps.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/PartiallyInlineLibCalls.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/EntryExitInstrumenter.h"
-#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/LowerInvoke.h"
-#include <cassert>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-// FIXME: Dummy target independent passes definitions that have not yet been
-// ported to new pass manager. Once they do, remove these.
-#define DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                      \
-  struct PASS_NAME : public PassInfoMixin<PASS_NAME> {                         \
-    template <typename... Ts> PASS_NAME(Ts &&...) {}                           \
-    PreservedAnalyses run(Function &, FunctionAnalysisManager &) {             \
-      return PreservedAnalyses::all();                                         \
-    }                                                                          \
-  };
-#define DUMMY_MODULE_PASS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                        \
-  struct PASS_NAME : public PassInfoMixin<PASS_NAME> {                         \
-    template <typename... Ts> PASS_NAME(Ts &&...) {}                           \
-    PreservedAnalyses run(Module &, ModuleAnalysisManager &) {                 \
-      return PreservedAnalyses::all();                                         \
-    }                                                                          \
-  };
-  struct PASS_NAME : public PassInfoMixin<PASS_NAME> {                         \
-    template <typename... Ts> PASS_NAME(Ts &&...) {}                           \
-    Error run(Module &, MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &) {                    \
-      return Error::success();                                                 \
-    }                                                                          \
-    PreservedAnalyses run(MachineFunction &,                                   \
-                          MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &) {                  \
-      llvm_unreachable("this api is to make new PM api happy");                \
-    }                                                                          \
-    static AnalysisKey Key;                                                    \
-  };
-  struct PASS_NAME : public PassInfoMixin<PASS_NAME> {                         \
-    template <typename... Ts> PASS_NAME(Ts &&...) {}                           \
-    PreservedAnalyses run(MachineFunction &,                                   \
-                          MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &) {                  \
-      return PreservedAnalyses::all();                                         \
-    }                                                                          \
-    static AnalysisKey Key;                                                    \
-  };
-#include "MachinePassRegistry.def"
-/// This class provides access to building LLVM's passes.
-/// Its members provide the baseline state available to passes during their
-/// construction. The \c MachinePassRegistry.def file specifies how to construct
-/// all of the built-in passes, and those may reference these members during
-/// construction.
-template <typename DerivedT> class CodeGenPassBuilder {
-  explicit CodeGenPassBuilder(LLVMTargetMachine &TM, CGPassBuilderOption Opts,
-                              PassInstrumentationCallbacks *PIC)
-      : TM(TM), Opt(Opts), PIC(PIC) {
-    // Target could set CGPassBuilderOption::MISchedPostRA to true to achieve
-    //     substitutePass(&PostRASchedulerID, &PostMachineSchedulerID)
-    // Target should override TM.Options.EnableIPRA in their target-specific
-    // LLVMTM ctor. See TargetMachine::setGlobalISel for example.
-    if (Opt.EnableIPRA)
-      TM.Options.EnableIPRA = *Opt.EnableIPRA;
-    if (Opt.EnableGlobalISelAbort)
-      TM.Options.GlobalISelAbort = *Opt.EnableGlobalISelAbort;
-    if (!Opt.OptimizeRegAlloc)
-      Opt.OptimizeRegAlloc = getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None;
-    if (!Opt.VerifyMachineCode) {
-      Opt.VerifyMachineCode = TM.isMachineVerifierClean();
-      Opt.VerifyMachineCode = false;
-    }
-  }
-  Expected<std::pair<ModulePassManager, MachineFunctionPassManager>>
-  buildPipeline(raw_pwrite_stream &Out, raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut,
-                CodeGenFileType FileType) const;
-  void registerModuleAnalyses(ModuleAnalysisManager &) const;
-  void registerFunctionAnalyses(FunctionAnalysisManager &) const;
-  void registerMachineFunctionAnalyses(MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &) const;
-  std::pair<StringRef, bool> getPassNameFromLegacyName(StringRef) const;
-  void registerAnalyses(MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &MFAM) const {
-    registerModuleAnalyses(*MFAM.MAM);
-    registerFunctionAnalyses(*MFAM.FAM);
-    registerMachineFunctionAnalyses(MFAM);
-  }
-  PassInstrumentationCallbacks *getPassInstrumentationCallbacks() const {
-    return PIC;
-  }
-  template <typename PassT> using has_key_t = decltype(PassT::Key);
-  template <typename PassT>
-  using is_module_pass_t = decltype(std::declval<PassT &>().run(
-      std::declval<Module &>(), std::declval<ModuleAnalysisManager &>()));
-  template <typename PassT>
-  using is_function_pass_t = decltype(std::declval<PassT &>().run(
-      std::declval<Function &>(), std::declval<FunctionAnalysisManager &>()));
-  // Function object to maintain state while adding codegen IR passes.
-  class AddIRPass {
-  public:
-    AddIRPass(bool DebugPM) : MPM(DebugPM), FPM(DebugPM) {
-      AddingFunctionPasses = false;
-    }
-    // Add Function Pass
-    template <typename PassT>
-    std::enable_if_t<is_detected<is_function_pass_t, PassT>::value>
-    operator()(PassT &&Pass) {
-      if (!AddingFunctionPasses)
-        AddingFunctionPasses = true;
-      FPM.addPass(std::forward<PassT>(Pass));
-    }
-    // Add Module Pass
-    template <typename PassT>
-    std::enable_if_t<is_detected<is_module_pass_t, PassT>::value &&
-                     !is_detected<is_function_pass_t, PassT>::value>
-    operator()(PassT &&Pass) {
-      assert((!AddingFunctionPasses) &&
-             "could not add module pass after adding function pass");
-      MPM.addPass(std::forward<PassT>(Pass));
-    }
-    ModulePassManager releasePM() {
-      MPM.addPass(createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(std::move(FPM)));
-      return std::move(MPM);
-    }
-  private:
-    ModulePassManager MPM;
-    FunctionPassManager FPM;
-    // The codegen IR pipeline are mostly function passes with the exceptions of
-    // a few loop and module passes. `AddingFunctionPasses` makes sure that
-    // we could only add module passes at the beginning of the pipeline. Once
-    // we begin adding function passes, we could no longer add module passes.
-    // This special-casing introduces less adaptor passes. If we have the need
-    // of adding module passes after function passes, we could change the
-    // implementation to accommodate that.
-    bool AddingFunctionPasses;
-  };
-  // Function object to maintain state while adding codegen machine passes.
-  class AddMachinePass {
-  public:
-    AddMachinePass(bool DebugPM, bool RequiresCodeGenSCCOrder,
-                   bool VerifyMachineCode)
-        : PM(DebugPM, RequiresCodeGenSCCOrder, VerifyMachineCode) {}
-    template <typename PassT> void operator()(PassT &&Pass) {
-      static_assert(
-          is_detected<has_key_t, PassT>::value,
-          "Machine function pass must define a static member variable `Key`.");
-      for (auto &C : BeforeCallbacks) {
-        if (!C(&PassT::Key))
-          return;
-      }
-      PM.addPass(std::forward<PassT>(Pass));
-      for (auto &C : AfterCallbacks)
-        C(&PassT::Key);
-    }
-    template <typename PassT> void insertPass(AnalysisKey *ID, PassT Pass) {
-      AfterCallbacks.emplace_back(
-          [this, ID, Pass = std::move(Pass)](AnalysisKey *PassID) {
-            if (PassID == ID)
-              this->PM.addPass(std::move(Pass));
-          });
-    }
-    void disablePass(AnalysisKey *ID) {
-      BeforeCallbacks.emplace_back(
-          [ID](AnalysisKey *PassID) { return PassID != ID; });
-    }
-    MachineFunctionPassManager releasePM() { return std::move(PM); }
-  private:
-    MachineFunctionPassManager PM;
-    SmallVector<llvm::unique_function<bool(AnalysisKey *)>, 4> BeforeCallbacks;
-    SmallVector<llvm::unique_function<void(AnalysisKey *)>, 4> AfterCallbacks;
-  };
-  LLVMTargetMachine &TM;
-  CGPassBuilderOption Opt;
-  PassInstrumentationCallbacks *PIC;
-  /// Target override these hooks to parse target-specific analyses.
-  void registerTargetAnalysis(ModuleAnalysisManager &) const {}
-  void registerTargetAnalysis(FunctionAnalysisManager &) const {}
-  void registerTargetAnalysis(MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &) const {}
-  std::pair<StringRef, bool> getTargetPassNameFromLegacyName(StringRef) const {
-    return {"", false};
-  }
-  template <typename TMC> TMC &getTM() const { return static_cast<TMC &>(TM); }
-  CodeGenOpt::Level getOptLevel() const { return TM.getOptLevel(); }
-  /// Check whether or not GlobalISel should abort on error.
-  /// When this is disabled, GlobalISel will fall back on SDISel instead of
-  /// erroring out.
-  bool isGlobalISelAbortEnabled() const {
-    return TM.Options.GlobalISelAbort == GlobalISelAbortMode::Enable;
-  }
-  /// Check whether or not a diagnostic should be emitted when GlobalISel
-  /// uses the fallback path. In other words, it will emit a diagnostic
-  /// when GlobalISel failed and isGlobalISelAbortEnabled is false.
-  bool reportDiagnosticWhenGlobalISelFallback() const {
-    return TM.Options.GlobalISelAbort == GlobalISelAbortMode::DisableWithDiag;
-  }
-  /// addInstSelector - This method should install an instruction selector pass,
-  /// which converts from LLVM code to machine instructions.
-  Error addInstSelector(AddMachinePass &) const {
-    return make_error<StringError>("addInstSelector is not overridden",
-                                   inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  }
-  /// Add passes that optimize instruction level parallelism for out-of-order
-  /// targets. These passes are run while the machine code is still in SSA
-  /// form, so they can use MachineTraceMetrics to control their heuristics.
-  ///
-  /// All passes added here should preserve the MachineDominatorTree,
-  /// MachineLoopInfo, and MachineTraceMetrics analyses.
-  void addILPOpts(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
-  /// immediately before register allocation.
-  void addPreRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// addPreRewrite - Add passes to the optimized register allocation pipeline
-  /// after register allocation is complete, but before virtual registers are
-  /// rewritten to physical registers.
-  ///
-  /// These passes must preserve VirtRegMap and LiveIntervals, and when running
-  /// after RABasic or RAGreedy, they should take advantage of LiveRegMatrix.
-  /// When these passes run, VirtRegMap contains legal physreg assignments for
-  /// all virtual registers.
-  ///
-  /// Note if the target overloads addRegAssignAndRewriteOptimized, this may not
-  /// be honored. This is also not generally used for the the fast variant,
-  /// where the allocation and rewriting are done in one pass.
-  void addPreRewrite(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// Add passes to be run immediately after virtual registers are rewritten
-  /// to physical registers.
-  void addPostRewrite(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes after
-  /// register allocation pass pipeline but before prolog-epilog insertion.
-  void addPostRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes after
-  /// prolog-epilog insertion and before the second instruction scheduling pass.
-  void addPreSched2(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// This pass may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
-  /// immediately before machine code is emitted.
-  void addPreEmitPass(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// Targets may add passes immediately before machine code is emitted in this
-  /// callback. This is called even later than `addPreEmitPass`.
-  // FIXME: Rename `addPreEmitPass` to something more sensible given its actual
-  // position and remove the `2` suffix here as this callback is what
-  // `addPreEmitPass` *should* be but in reality isn't.
-  void addPreEmitPass2(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// {{@ For GlobalISel
-  ///
-  /// addPreISel - This method should add any "last minute" LLVM->LLVM
-  /// passes (which are run just before instruction selector).
-  void addPreISel(AddIRPass &) const {
-    llvm_unreachable("addPreISel is not overridden");
-  }
-  /// This method should install an IR translator pass, which converts from
-  /// LLVM code to machine instructions with possibly generic opcodes.
-  Error addIRTranslator(AddMachinePass &) const {
-    return make_error<StringError>("addIRTranslator is not overridden",
-                                   inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  }
-  /// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
-  /// immediately before legalization.
-  void addPreLegalizeMachineIR(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// This method should install a legalize pass, which converts the instruction
-  /// sequence into one that can be selected by the target.
-  Error addLegalizeMachineIR(AddMachinePass &) const {
-    return make_error<StringError>("addLegalizeMachineIR is not overridden",
-                                   inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  }
-  /// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
-  /// immediately before the register bank selection.
-  void addPreRegBankSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// This method should install a register bank selector pass, which
-  /// assigns register banks to virtual registers without a register
-  /// class or register banks.
-  Error addRegBankSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {
-    return make_error<StringError>("addRegBankSelect is not overridden",
-                                   inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  }
-  /// This method may be implemented by targets that want to run passes
-  /// immediately before the (global) instruction selection.
-  void addPreGlobalInstructionSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// This method should install a (global) instruction selector pass, which
-  /// converts possibly generic instructions to fully target-specific
-  /// instructions, thereby constraining all generic virtual registers to
-  /// register classes.
-  Error addGlobalInstructionSelect(AddMachinePass &) const {
-    return make_error<StringError>(
-        "addGlobalInstructionSelect is not overridden",
-        inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  }
-  /// @}}
-  /// High level function that adds all passes necessary to go from llvm IR
-  /// representation to the MI representation.
-  /// Adds IR based lowering and target specific optimization passes and finally
-  /// the core instruction selection passes.
-  /// \returns true if an error occurred, false otherwise.
-  ModulePassManager addISelPasses() const;
-  /// Add the actual instruction selection passes. This does not include
-  /// preparation passes on IR.
-  Expected<AddMachinePass> addCoreISelPasses() const;
-  /// Add the complete, standard set of LLVM CodeGen passes.
-  /// Fully developed targets will not generally override this.
-  Error addMachinePasses(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  /// Add passes to lower exception handling for the code generator.
-  void addPassesToHandleExceptions(AddIRPass &) const;
-  /// Add common target configurable passes that perform LLVM IR to IR
-  /// transforms following machine independent optimization.
-  void addIRPasses(AddIRPass &) const;
-  /// Add pass to prepare the LLVM IR for code generation. This should be done
-  /// before exception handling preparation passes.
-  void addCodeGenPrepare(AddIRPass &) const;
-  /// Add common passes that perform LLVM IR to IR transforms in preparation for
-  /// instruction selection.
-  void addISelPrepare(AddIRPass &) const;
-  /// Methods with trivial inline returns are convenient points in the common
-  /// codegen pass pipeline where targets may insert passes. Methods with
-  /// out-of-line standard implementations are major CodeGen stages called by
-  /// addMachinePasses. Some targets may override major stages when inserting
-  /// passes is insufficient, but maintaining overriden stages is more work.
-  ///
-  /// addMachineSSAOptimization - Add standard passes that optimize machine
-  /// instructions in SSA form.
-  void addMachineSSAOptimization(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  /// addFastRegAlloc - Add the minimum set of target-independent passes that
-  /// are required for fast register allocation.
-  Error addFastRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  /// addOptimizedRegAlloc - Add passes related to register allocation.
-  /// LLVMTargetMachine provides standard regalloc passes for most targets.
-  void addOptimizedRegAlloc(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  /// Add passes that optimize machine instructions after register allocation.
-  void addMachineLateOptimization(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  /// addGCPasses - Add late codegen passes that analyze code for garbage
-  /// collection. This should return true if GC info should be printed after
-  /// these passes.
-  void addGCPasses(AddMachinePass &) const {}
-  /// Add standard basic block placement passes.
-  void addBlockPlacement(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  using CreateMCStreamer =
-      std::function<Expected<std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer>>(MCContext &)>;
-  void addAsmPrinter(AddMachinePass &, CreateMCStreamer) const {
-    llvm_unreachable("addAsmPrinter is not overridden");
-  }
-  /// Utilities for targets to add passes to the pass manager.
-  ///
-  /// createTargetRegisterAllocator - Create the register allocator pass for
-  /// this target at the current optimization level.
-  void addTargetRegisterAllocator(AddMachinePass &, bool Optimized) const;
-  /// addMachinePasses helper to create the target-selected or overriden
-  /// regalloc pass.
-  void addRegAllocPass(AddMachinePass &, bool Optimized) const;
-  /// Add core register alloator passes which do the actual register assignment
-  /// and rewriting. \returns true if any passes were added.
-  Error addRegAssignmentFast(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  Error addRegAssignmentOptimized(AddMachinePass &) const;
-  DerivedT &derived() { return static_cast<DerivedT &>(*this); }
-  const DerivedT &derived() const {
-    return static_cast<const DerivedT &>(*this);
-  }
-template <typename Derived>
-Expected<std::pair<ModulePassManager, MachineFunctionPassManager>>
-CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::buildPipeline(raw_pwrite_stream &Out,
-                                           raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut,
-                                           CodeGenFileType FileType) const {
-  Expected<AddMachinePass> AddPassOrErr = addCoreISelPasses();
-  if (!AddPassOrErr)
-    return AddPassOrErr.takeError();
-  AddMachinePass &addPass = *AddPassOrErr;
-  if (auto Err = derived().addMachinePasses(addPass))
-    return std::move(Err);
-  derived().addAsmPrinter(
-      addPass, [this, &Out, DwoOut, FileType](MCContext &Ctx) {
-        return this->TM.createMCStreamer(Out, DwoOut, FileType, Ctx);
-      });
-  addPass(FreeMachineFunctionPass());
-  return std::pair<ModulePassManager, MachineFunctionPassManager>{
-      addISelPasses(), addPass.releasePM()};
-static inline AAManager registerAAAnalyses(CFLAAType UseCFLAA) {
-  AAManager AA;
-  // The order in which these are registered determines their priority when
-  // being queried.
-  switch (UseCFLAA) {
-  case CFLAAType::Steensgaard:
-    AA.registerFunctionAnalysis<CFLSteensAA>();
-    break;
-  case CFLAAType::Andersen:
-    AA.registerFunctionAnalysis<CFLAndersAA>();
-    break;
-  case CFLAAType::Both:
-    AA.registerFunctionAnalysis<CFLAndersAA>();
-    AA.registerFunctionAnalysis<CFLSteensAA>();
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  // Basic AliasAnalysis support.
-  // Add TypeBasedAliasAnalysis before BasicAliasAnalysis so that
-  // BasicAliasAnalysis wins if they disagree. This is intended to help
-  // support "obvious" type-punning idioms.
-  AA.registerFunctionAnalysis<TypeBasedAA>();
-  AA.registerFunctionAnalysis<ScopedNoAliasAA>();
-  AA.registerFunctionAnalysis<BasicAA>();
-  return AA;
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::registerModuleAnalyses(
-    ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM) const {
-#define MODULE_ANALYSIS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                          \
-  MAM.registerPass([&] { return PASS_NAME CONSTRUCTOR; });
-#include "MachinePassRegistry.def"
-  derived().registerTargetAnalysis(MAM);
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::registerFunctionAnalyses(
-    FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM) const {
-  FAM.registerPass([this] { return registerAAAnalyses(this->Opt.UseCFLAA); });
-#define FUNCTION_ANALYSIS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                        \
-  FAM.registerPass([&] { return PASS_NAME CONSTRUCTOR; });
-#include "MachinePassRegistry.def"
-  derived().registerTargetAnalysis(FAM);
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::registerMachineFunctionAnalyses(
-    MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &MFAM) const {
-  MFAM.registerPass([&] { return PASS_NAME CONSTRUCTOR; });
-#include "MachinePassRegistry.def"
-  derived().registerTargetAnalysis(MFAM);
-// FIXME: For new PM, use pass name directly in commandline seems good.
-// Translate stringfied pass name to its old commandline name. Returns the
-// matching legacy name and a boolean value indicating if the pass is a machine
-// pass.
-template <typename Derived>
-std::pair<StringRef, bool>
-CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::getPassNameFromLegacyName(StringRef Name) const {
-  std::pair<StringRef, bool> Ret;
-  if (Name.empty())
-    return Ret;
-#define FUNCTION_PASS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                            \
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, false};
-#define DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                      \
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, false};
-#define MODULE_PASS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                              \
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, false};
-#define DUMMY_MODULE_PASS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                        \
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, false};
-#define MACHINE_MODULE_PASS(NAME, PASS_NAME, CONSTRUCTOR)                      \
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, true};
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, true};
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, true};
-  if (Name == NAME)                                                            \
-    Ret = {#PASS_NAME, true};
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.def"
-  if (Ret.first.empty())
-    Ret = derived().getTargetPassNameFromLegacyName(Name);
-  if (Ret.first.empty())
-    report_fatal_error(Twine('\"') + Twine(Name) +
-                       Twine("\" pass could not be found."));
-  return Ret;
-template <typename Derived>
-ModulePassManager CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addISelPasses() const {
-  AddIRPass addPass(Opt.DebugPM);
-  if (TM.useEmulatedTLS())
-    addPass(LowerEmuTLSPass());
-  addPass(PreISelIntrinsicLoweringPass());
-  derived().addIRPasses(addPass);
-  derived().addCodeGenPrepare(addPass);
-  addPassesToHandleExceptions(addPass);
-  derived().addISelPrepare(addPass);
-  return addPass.releasePM();
-/// Add common target configurable passes that perform LLVM IR to IR transforms
-/// following machine independent optimization.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addIRPasses(AddIRPass &addPass) const {
-  // Before running any passes, run the verifier to determine if the input
-  // coming from the front-end and/or optimizer is valid.
-  if (!Opt.DisableVerify)
-    addPass(VerifierPass());
-  // Run loop strength reduction before anything else.
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None && !Opt.DisableLoopStrengthReducePass) {
-    addPass(createFunctionToLoopPassAdaptor(
-        LoopStrengthReducePass(), /*UseMemorySSA*/ true, Opt.DebugPM));
-    // FIXME: use -stop-after so we could remove PrintAfterLSR
-    if (Opt.PrintAfterLSR)
-      addPass(PrintFunctionPass(dbgs(), "\n\n*** Code after LSR ***\n"));
-  }
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None) {
-    // The MergeICmpsPass tries to create memcmp calls by grouping sequences of
-    // loads and compares. ExpandMemCmpPass then tries to expand those calls
-    // into optimally-sized loads and compares. The transforms are enabled by a
-    // target lowering hook.
-    if (!Opt.DisableMergeICmpsPass)
-      addPass(MergeICmpsPass());
-    addPass(ExpandMemCmpPass());
-  }
-  // Run GC lowering passes for builtin collectors
-  // TODO: add a pass insertion point here
-  addPass(GCLoweringPass());
-  addPass(ShadowStackGCLoweringPass());
-  addPass(LowerConstantIntrinsicsPass());
-  // Make sure that no unreachable blocks are instruction selected.
-  addPass(UnreachableBlockElimPass());
-  // Prepare expensive constants for SelectionDAG.
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None && !Opt.DisableConstantHoistingPass)
-    addPass(ConstantHoistingPass());
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None &&
-      !Opt.DisablePartiallyInlineLibCallsPass)
-    addPass(PartiallyInlineLibCallsPass());
-  // Instrument function entry and exit, e.g. with calls to mcount().
-  addPass(EntryExitInstrumenterPass(/*PostInlining=*/true));
-  // Add scalarization of target's unsupported masked memory intrinsics pass.
-  // the unsupported intrinsic will be replaced with a chain of basic blocks,
-  // that stores/loads element one-by-one if the appropriate mask bit is set.
-  addPass(ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrinPass());
-  // Expand reduction intrinsics into shuffle sequences if the target wants to.
-  addPass(ExpandReductionsPass());
-/// Turn exception handling constructs into something the code generators can
-/// handle.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addPassesToHandleExceptions(
-    AddIRPass &addPass) const {
-  const MCAsmInfo *MCAI = TM.getMCAsmInfo();
-  assert(MCAI && "No MCAsmInfo");
-  switch (MCAI->getExceptionHandlingType()) {
-  case ExceptionHandling::SjLj:
-    // SjLj piggy-backs on dwarf for this bit. The cleanups done apply to both
-    // Dwarf EH prepare needs to be run after SjLj prepare. Otherwise,
-    // catch info can get misplaced when a selector ends up more than one block
-    // removed from the parent invoke(s). This could happen when a landing
-    // pad is shared by multiple invokes and is also a target of a normal
-    // edge from elsewhere.
-    addPass(SjLjEHPreparePass());
-  case ExceptionHandling::DwarfCFI:
-  case ExceptionHandling::ARM:
-    addPass(DwarfEHPass());
-    break;
-  case ExceptionHandling::WinEH:
-    // We support using both GCC-style and MSVC-style exceptions on Windows, so
-    // add both preparation passes. Each pass will only actually run if it
-    // recognizes the personality function.
-    addPass(WinEHPass());
-    addPass(DwarfEHPass());
-    break;
-  case ExceptionHandling::Wasm:
-    // Wasm EH uses Windows EH instructions, but it does not need to demote PHIs
-    // on catchpads and cleanuppads because it does not outline them into
-    // funclets. Catchswitch blocks are not lowered in SelectionDAG, so we
-    // should remove PHIs there.
-    addPass(WinEHPass(/*DemoteCatchSwitchPHIOnly=*/false));
-    addPass(WasmEHPass());
-    break;
-  case ExceptionHandling::None:
-    addPass(LowerInvokePass());
-    // The lower invoke pass may create unreachable code. Remove it.
-    addPass(UnreachableBlockElimPass());
-    break;
-  }
-/// Add pass to prepare the LLVM IR for code generation. This should be done
-/// before exception handling preparation passes.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addCodeGenPrepare(AddIRPass &addPass) const {
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None && !Opt.DisableCodeGenPreparePass)
-    addPass(CodeGenPreparePass());
-  // TODO: Default ctor'd RewriteSymbolPass is no-op.
-  // addPass(RewriteSymbolPass());
-/// Add common passes that perform LLVM IR to IR transforms in preparation for
-/// instruction selection.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addISelPrepare(AddIRPass &addPass) const {
-  derived().addPreISel(addPass);
-  // Add both the safe stack and the stack protection passes: each of them will
-  // only protect functions that have corresponding attributes.
-  addPass(SafeStackPass());
-  addPass(StackProtectorPass());
-  if (Opt.PrintISelInput)
-    addPass(PrintFunctionPass(dbgs(),
-                              "\n\n*** Final LLVM Code input to ISel ***\n"));
-  // All passes which modify the LLVM IR are now complete; run the verifier
-  // to ensure that the IR is valid.
-  if (!Opt.DisableVerify)
-    addPass(VerifierPass());
-template <typename Derived>
-Expected<typename CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::AddMachinePass>
-CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addCoreISelPasses() const {
-  // Enable FastISel with -fast-isel, but allow that to be overridden.
-  TM.setO0WantsFastISel(Opt.EnableFastISelOption.getValueOr(true));
-  // Determine an instruction selector.
-  enum class SelectorType { SelectionDAG, FastISel, GlobalISel };
-  SelectorType Selector;
-  if (Opt.EnableFastISelOption && *Opt.EnableFastISelOption == true)
-    Selector = SelectorType::FastISel;
-  else if ((Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption &&
-            *Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption == true) ||
-           (TM.Options.EnableGlobalISel &&
-            (!Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption ||
-             *Opt.EnableGlobalISelOption == false)))
-    Selector = SelectorType::GlobalISel;
-  else if (TM.getOptLevel() == CodeGenOpt::None && TM.getO0WantsFastISel())
-    Selector = SelectorType::FastISel;
-  else
-    Selector = SelectorType::SelectionDAG;
-  // Set consistently TM.Options.EnableFastISel and EnableGlobalISel.
-  if (Selector == SelectorType::FastISel) {
-    TM.setFastISel(true);
-    TM.setGlobalISel(false);
-  } else if (Selector == SelectorType::GlobalISel) {
-    TM.setFastISel(false);
-    TM.setGlobalISel(true);
-  }
-  AddMachinePass addPass(Opt.DebugPM, Opt.RequiresCodeGenSCCOrder,
-                         *Opt.VerifyMachineCode);
-  // Add instruction selector passes.
-  if (Selector == SelectorType::GlobalISel) {
-    if (auto Err = derived().addIRTranslator(addPass))
-      return std::move(Err);
-    derived().addPreLegalizeMachineIR(addPass);
-    if (auto Err = derived().addLegalizeMachineIR(addPass))
-      return std::move(Err);
-    // Before running the register bank selector, ask the target if it
-    // wants to run some passes.
-    derived().addPreRegBankSelect(addPass);
-    if (auto Err = derived().addRegBankSelect(addPass))
-      return std::move(Err);
-    derived().addPreGlobalInstructionSelect(addPass);
-    if (auto Err = derived().addGlobalInstructionSelect(addPass))
-      return std::move(Err);
-    // Pass to reset the MachineFunction if the ISel failed.
-    addPass(ResetMachineFunctionPass(reportDiagnosticWhenGlobalISelFallback(),
-                                     isGlobalISelAbortEnabled()));
-    // Provide a fallback path when we do not want to abort on
-    // not-yet-supported input.
-    if (!isGlobalISelAbortEnabled()) {
-      if (auto Err = derived().addInstSelector(addPass))
-        return std::move(Err);
-    }
-  } else if (auto Err = derived().addInstSelector(addPass))
-    return std::move(Err);
-  // Expand pseudo-instructions emitted by ISel. Don't run the verifier before
-  // FinalizeISel.
-  addPass(FinalizeISelPass());
-  return addPass;
-/// Add the complete set of target-independent postISel code generator passes.
-/// This can be read as the standard order of major LLVM CodeGen stages. Stages
-/// with nontrivial configuration or multiple passes are broken out below in
-/// add%Stage routines.
-/// Any CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addXX routine may be overriden by the
-/// Target. The addPre/Post methods with empty header implementations allow
-/// injecting target-specific fixups just before or after major stages.
-/// Additionally, targets have the flexibility to change pass order within a
-/// stage by overriding default implementation of add%Stage routines below. Each
-/// technique has maintainability tradeoffs because alternate pass orders are
-/// not well supported. addPre/Post works better if the target pass is easily
-/// tied to a common pass. But if it has subtle dependencies on multiple passes,
-/// the target should override the stage instead.
-template <typename Derived>
-Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addMachinePasses(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  // Add passes that optimize machine instructions in SSA form.
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None) {
-    derived().addMachineSSAOptimization(addPass);
-  } else {
-    // If the target requests it, assign local variables to stack slots relative
-    // to one another and simplify frame index references where possible.
-    addPass(LocalStackSlotPass());
-  }
-  if (TM.Options.EnableIPRA)
-    addPass(RegUsageInfoPropagationPass());
-  // Run pre-ra passes.
-  derived().addPreRegAlloc(addPass);
-  // Run register allocation and passes that are tightly coupled with it,
-  // including phi elimination and scheduling.
-  if (*Opt.OptimizeRegAlloc) {
-    derived().addOptimizedRegAlloc(addPass);
-  } else {
-    if (auto Err = derived().addFastRegAlloc(addPass))
-      return Err;
-  }
-  // Run post-ra passes.
-  derived().addPostRegAlloc(addPass);
-  // Insert prolog/epilog code.  Eliminate abstract frame index references...
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None) {
-    addPass(PostRAMachineSinkingPass());
-    addPass(ShrinkWrapPass());
-  }
-  addPass(PrologEpilogInserterPass());
-  /// Add passes that optimize machine instructions after register allocation.
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None)
-    derived().addMachineLateOptimization(addPass);
-  // Expand pseudo instructions before second scheduling pass.
-  addPass(ExpandPostRAPseudosPass());
-  // Run pre-sched2 passes.
-  derived().addPreSched2(addPass);
-  if (Opt.EnableImplicitNullChecksPass)
-    addPass(ImplicitNullChecksPass());
-  // Second pass scheduler.
-  // Let Target optionally insert this pass by itself at some other point.
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None &&
-      !TM.targetSchedulesPostRAScheduling()) {
-    if (Opt.EnablePostMachineSchedulerPass)
-      addPass(PostMachineSchedulerPass());
-    else
-      addPass(PostRASchedulerPass());
-  }
-  // GC
-  derived().addGCPasses(addPass);
-  // Basic block placement.
-  if (getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None)
-    derived().addBlockPlacement(addPass);
-  // Insert before XRay Instrumentation.
-  addPass(FEntryInserterPass());
-  addPass(XRayInstrumentationPass());
-  addPass(PatchableFunctionPass());
-  derived().addPreEmitPass(addPass);
-  if (TM.Options.EnableIPRA) {
-    // Collect register usage information and produce a register mask of
-    // clobbered registers, to be used to optimize call sites.
-    addPass(RegUsageInfoCollectorPass());
-  }
-  addPass(FuncletLayoutPass());
-  addPass(StackMapLivenessPass());
-  addPass(LiveDebugValuesPass());
-  if (TM.Options.EnableMachineOutliner && getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None &&
-      Opt.EnableMachineOutliner != RunOutliner::NeverOutline) {
-    bool RunOnAllFunctions =
-        (Opt.EnableMachineOutliner == RunOutliner::AlwaysOutline);
-    bool AddOutliner = RunOnAllFunctions || TM.Options.SupportsDefaultOutlining;
-    if (AddOutliner)
-      addPass(MachineOutlinerPass(RunOnAllFunctions));
-  }
-  // Add passes that directly emit MI after all other MI passes.
-  derived().addPreEmitPass2(addPass);
-  return Error::success();
-/// Add passes that optimize machine instructions in SSA form.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addMachineSSAOptimization(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  // Pre-ra tail duplication.
-  addPass(EarlyTailDuplicatePass());
-  // Optimize PHIs before DCE: removing dead PHI cycles may make more
-  // instructions dead.
-  addPass(OptimizePHIsPass());
-  // This pass merges large allocas. StackSlotColoring is a 
diff erent pass
-  // which merges spill slots.
-  addPass(StackColoringPass());
-  // If the target requests it, assign local variables to stack slots relative
-  // to one another and simplify frame index references where possible.
-  addPass(LocalStackSlotPass());
-  // With optimization, dead code should already be eliminated. However
-  // there is one known exception: lowered code for arguments that are only
-  // used by tail calls, where the tail calls reuse the incoming stack
-  // arguments directly (see t11 in test/CodeGen/X86/sibcall.ll).
-  addPass(DeadMachineInstructionElimPass());
-  // Allow targets to insert passes that improve instruction level parallelism,
-  // like if-conversion. Such passes will typically need dominator trees and
-  // loop info, just like LICM and CSE below.
-  derived().addILPOpts(addPass);
-  addPass(EarlyMachineLICMPass());
-  addPass(MachineCSEPass());
-  addPass(MachineSinkingPass());
-  addPass(PeepholeOptimizerPass());
-  // Clean-up the dead code that may have been generated by peephole
-  // rewriting.
-  addPass(DeadMachineInstructionElimPass());
-/// Register Allocation Pass Configuration
-/// Instantiate the default register allocator pass for this target for either
-/// the optimized or unoptimized allocation path. This will be added to the pass
-/// manager by addFastRegAlloc in the unoptimized case or addOptimizedRegAlloc
-/// in the optimized case.
-/// A target that uses the standard regalloc pass order for fast or optimized
-/// allocation may still override this for per-target regalloc
-/// selection. But -regalloc=... always takes precedence.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addTargetRegisterAllocator(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass, bool Optimized) const {
-  if (Optimized)
-    addPass(RAGreedyPass());
-  else
-    addPass(RAFastPass());
-/// Find and instantiate the register allocation pass requested by this target
-/// at the current optimization level.  Different register allocators are
-/// defined as separate passes because they may require 
diff erent analysis.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addRegAllocPass(AddMachinePass &addPass,
-                                                  bool Optimized) const {
-  switch (Opt.RegAlloc) {
-  case RegAllocType::Default:
-    // With no -regalloc= override, ask the target for a regalloc pass.
-    derived().addTargetRegisterAllocator(addPass, Optimized);
-    break;
-  case RegAllocType::Basic:
-    addPass(RABasicPass());
-    break;
-  case RegAllocType::Fast:
-    addPass(RAFastPass());
-    break;
-  case RegAllocType::Greedy:
-    addPass(RAGreedyPass());
-    break;
-  case RegAllocType::PBQP:
-    addPass(RAPBQPPass());
-    break;
-  default:
-    llvm_unreachable("unknonwn register allocator type");
-  }
-template <typename Derived>
-Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addRegAssignmentFast(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  if (Opt.RegAlloc != RegAllocType::Default &&
-      Opt.RegAlloc != RegAllocType::Fast)
-    return make_error<StringError>(
-        "Must use fast (default) register allocator for unoptimized regalloc.",
-        inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  addRegAllocPass(addPass, false);
-  return Error::success();
-template <typename Derived>
-Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addRegAssignmentOptimized(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  // Add the selected register allocation pass.
-  addRegAllocPass(addPass, true);
-  // Allow targets to change the register assignments before rewriting.
-  derived().addPreRewrite(addPass);
-  // Finally rewrite virtual registers.
-  addPass(VirtRegRewriterPass());
-  // Perform stack slot coloring and post-ra machine LICM.
-  //
-  // FIXME: Re-enable coloring with register when it's capable of adding
-  // kill markers.
-  addPass(StackSlotColoringPass());
-  return Error::success();
-/// Add the minimum set of target-independent passes that are required for
-/// register allocation. No coalescing or scheduling.
-template <typename Derived>
-Error CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addFastRegAlloc(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  addPass(PHIEliminationPass());
-  addPass(TwoAddressInstructionPass());
-  return derived().addRegAssignmentFast(addPass);
-/// Add standard target-independent passes that are tightly coupled with
-/// optimized register allocation, including coalescing, machine instruction
-/// scheduling, and register allocation itself.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addOptimizedRegAlloc(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  addPass(DetectDeadLanesPass());
-  addPass(ProcessImplicitDefsPass());
-  // Edge splitting is smarter with machine loop info.
-  addPass(PHIEliminationPass());
-  // Eventually, we want to run LiveIntervals before PHI elimination.
-  if (Opt.EnableLiveIntervalsPass)
-    addPass(LiveIntervalsPass());
-  addPass(TwoAddressInstructionPass());
-  addPass(RegisterCoalescerPass());
-  // The machine scheduler may accidentally create disconnected components
-  // when moving subregister definitions around, avoid this by splitting them to
-  // separate vregs before. Splitting can also improve reg. allocation quality.
-  addPass(RenameIndependentSubregsPass());
-  // PreRA instruction scheduling.
-  addPass(MachineSchedulerPass());
-  if (derived().addRegAssignmentOptimized(addPass)) {
-    // Allow targets to expand pseudo instructions depending on the choice of
-    // registers before MachineCopyPropagation.
-    derived().addPostRewrite(addPass);
-    // Copy propagate to forward register uses and try to eliminate COPYs that
-    // were not coalesced.
-    addPass(MachineCopyPropagationPass());
-    // Run post-ra machine LICM to hoist reloads / remats.
-    //
-    // FIXME: can this move into MachineLateOptimization?
-    addPass(MachineLICMPass());
-  }
-/// Post RegAlloc Pass Configuration
-/// Add passes that optimize machine instructions after register allocation.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addMachineLateOptimization(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  // Branch folding must be run after regalloc and prolog/epilog insertion.
-  addPass(BranchFolderPass());
-  // Tail duplication.
-  // Note that duplicating tail just increases code size and degrades
-  // performance for targets that require Structured Control Flow.
-  // In addition it can also make CFG irreducible. Thus we disable it.
-  if (!TM.requiresStructuredCFG())
-    addPass(TailDuplicatePass());
-  // Copy propagation.
-  addPass(MachineCopyPropagationPass());
-/// Add standard basic block placement passes.
-template <typename Derived>
-void CodeGenPassBuilder<Derived>::addBlockPlacement(
-    AddMachinePass &addPass) const {
-  addPass(MachineBlockPlacementPass());
-  // Run a separate pass to collect block placement statistics.
-  if (Opt.EnableMachineBlockPlacementStatsPass)
-    addPass(MachineBlockPlacementStatsPass());
-} // namespace llvm

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.def b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 734bbebc76de..000000000000
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-//===- MachinePassRegistry.def - Registry of passes -------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// This file is used as the registry of passes that are for target-independent
-// code generator.
-MODULE_ANALYSIS("pass-instrumentation", PassInstrumentationAnalysis, (PIC))
-#ifndef MODULE_PASS
-MODULE_PASS("pre-isel-intrinsic-lowering", PreISelIntrinsicLoweringPass, ())
-FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("pass-instrumentation", PassInstrumentationAnalysis, (PIC))
-FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("targetir", TargetIRAnalysis, (std::move(TM.getTargetIRAnalysis())))
-FUNCTION_PASS("mergeicmps", MergeICmpsPass, ())
-FUNCTION_PASS("lower-constant-intrinsics", LowerConstantIntrinsicsPass, ())
-FUNCTION_PASS("unreachableblockelim", UnreachableBlockElimPass, ())
-FUNCTION_PASS("consthoist", ConstantHoistingPass, ())
-FUNCTION_PASS("partially-inline-libcalls", PartiallyInlineLibCallsPass, ())
-FUNCTION_PASS("ee-instrument", EntryExitInstrumenterPass, (false))
-FUNCTION_PASS("post-inline-ee-instrument", EntryExitInstrumenterPass, (true))
-FUNCTION_PASS("expand-reductions", ExpandReductionsPass, ())
-FUNCTION_PASS("lowerinvoke", LowerInvokePass, ())
-FUNCTION_PASS("verify", VerifierPass, ())
-#ifndef LOOP_PASS
-LOOP_PASS("loop-reduce", LoopStrengthReducePass, ())
-#undef LOOP_PASS
-MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("pass-instrumentation", PassInstrumentationAnalysis, (PIC))
-// LiveVariables currently requires pure SSA form.
-// FIXME: Once TwoAddressInstruction pass no longer uses kill flags,
-// LiveVariables can be removed completely, and LiveIntervals can be directly
-// computed. (We still either need to regenerate kill flags after regalloc, or
-// preferably fix the scavenger to not depend on them).
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("live-vars", LiveVariablesAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("live-stacks", LiveStacksPass())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("slot-indexes", SlotIndexesAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("edge-bundles", EdgeBundlesAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("lazy-machine-bfi", LazyMachineBlockFrequencyInfoAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-bfi", MachineBlockFrequencyInfoAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-loops", MachineLoopInfoAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-dom-frontier", MachineDominanceFrontierAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-dom-tree", MachineDominatorTreeAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-ore", MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitterPassAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-post-dom-tree", MachinePostDominatorTreeAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-region-info", MachineRegionInfoPassAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("machine-trace-metrics", MachineTraceMetricsAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("reaching-def", ReachingDefAnalysisAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("live-reg-matrix", LiveRegMatrixAnalysis())
-// MACHINE_FUNCTION_ANALYSIS("gc-analysis", GCMachineCodeAnalysisPass())
-MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("mir-printer", PrintMIRPass, ())
-// After a pass is converted to new pass manager, its entry should be moved from
-// dummy table to the normal one. For example, for a machine function pass,
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("expandmemcmp", ExpandMemCmpPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("gc-lowering", GCLoweringPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("shadow-stack-gc-lowering", ShadowStackGCLoweringPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("scalarize-masked-mem-intrin", ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrinPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("sjljehprepare", SjLjEHPreparePass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("dwarfehprepare", DwarfEHPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("winehprepare", WinEHPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("wasmehprepare", WasmEHPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("codegenprepare", CodeGenPreparePass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("safe-stack", SafeStackPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("stack-protector", StackProtectorPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("atomic-expand", AtomicExpandPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("interleaved-access", InterleavedAccessPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("indirectbr-expand", IndirectBrExpandPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("cfguard-dispatch", CFGuardDispatchPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("cfguard-check", CFGuardCheckPass, ())
-DUMMY_FUNCTION_PASS("gc-info-printer", GCInfoPrinterPass, ())
-DUMMY_MODULE_PASS("lower-emutls", LowerEmuTLSPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_MODULE_PASS("machine-outliner", MachineOutlinerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("free-machine-function", FreeMachineFunctionPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("finalize-isel", FinalizeISelPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("localstackalloc", LocalStackSlotPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("shrink-wrap", ShrinkWrapPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("prologepilog", PrologEpilogInserterPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("postrapseudos", ExpandPostRAPseudosPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("implicit-null-checks", ImplicitNullChecksPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("postmisched", PostMachineSchedulerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("machine-scheduler", MachineSchedulerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("machine-cp", MachineCopyPropagationPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("post-RA-sched", PostRASchedulerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("fentry-insert", FEntryInserterPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("xray-instrumentation", XRayInstrumentationPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("patchable-function", PatchableFunctionPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("reg-usage-propagation", RegUsageInfoPropagationPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("reg-usage-collector", RegUsageInfoCollectorPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("funclet-layout", FuncletLayoutPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("stackmap-liveness", StackMapLivenessPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("livedebugvalues", LiveDebugValuesPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("early-tailduplication", EarlyTailDuplicatePass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("opt-phis", OptimizePHIsPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("stack-coloring", StackColoringPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("dead-mi-elimination", DeadMachineInstructionElimPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("early-machinelicm", EarlyMachineLICMPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("machinelicm", MachineLICMPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("machine-cse", MachineCSEPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("machine-sink", MachineSinkingPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("postra-machine-sink", PostRAMachineSinkingPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("peephole-opt", PeepholeOptimizerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("regalloc", RegAllocPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("virtregrewriter", VirtRegRewriterPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("stack-slot-coloring", StackSlotColoringPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("phi-node-elimination", PHIEliminationPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("twoaddressinstruction", TwoAddressInstructionPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("detect-dead-lanes", DetectDeadLanesPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("processimpdefs", ProcessImplicitDefsPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("liveintervals", LiveIntervalsPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("simple-register-coalescing", RegisterCoalescerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("rename-independent-subregs", RenameIndependentSubregsPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("branch-folder", BranchFolderPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("tailduplication", TailDuplicatePass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("block-placement", MachineBlockPlacementPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("block-placement-stats", MachineBlockPlacementStatsPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("early-ifcvt", EarlyIfConverterPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("machine-combiner", MachineCombinerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("lrshrink", LiveRangeShrinkPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("break-false-deps", BreakFalseDepsPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("cfi-instr-inserter", CFIInstrInserterPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("cfguard-longjmp", CFGuardLongjmpPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("ra-basic", RABasicPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("ra-greedy", RAGreedyPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("legalizer", LegalizerPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("irtranslator", IRTranslatorPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("regbankselect", RegBankSelectPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("instruction-select", InstructionSelectPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("reset-machine-function", ResetMachineFunctionPass, ())
-DUMMY_MACHINE_FUNCTION_PASS("machineverifier", MachineVerifierPass, ())

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Passes/StandardInstrumentations.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Passes/StandardInstrumentations.h
index 457eae26fd47..76e217c89974 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Passes/StandardInstrumentations.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Passes/StandardInstrumentations.h
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 namespace llvm {
-class LLVMTargetMachine;
 class Module;
 class Function;
@@ -141,10 +140,6 @@ class StandardInstrumentations {
   TimePassesHandler &getTimePasses() { return TimePasses; }
-void registerCodeGenCallback(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC,
-                             LLVMTargetMachine &);
 } // namespace llvm

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h
index c7673d3e74e4..2a422341fdc8 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h
@@ -15,12 +15,9 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/CGPassBuilderOption.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassManager.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CodeGen.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
 #include <string>
@@ -370,20 +367,6 @@ class LLVMTargetMachine : public TargetMachine {
                       bool DisableVerify = true,
                       MachineModuleInfoWrapperPass *MMIWP = nullptr) override;
-  virtual Expected<std::pair<ModulePassManager, MachineFunctionPassManager>>
-  buildCodeGenPipeline(raw_pwrite_stream &, raw_pwrite_stream *,
-                       CodeGenFileType, CGPassBuilderOption,
-                       MachineFunctionAnalysisManager &,
-                       PassInstrumentationCallbacks *) {
-    return make_error<StringError>("buildCodeGenPipeline is not overriden",
-                                   inconvertibleErrorCode());
-  }
-  virtual std::pair<StringRef, bool> getPassNameFromLegacyName(StringRef) {
-    llvm_unreachable(
-        "getPassNameFromLegacyName parseMIRPipeline is not overriden");
-  }
   /// Add passes to the specified pass manager to get machine code emitted with
   /// the MCJIT. This method returns true if machine code is not supported. It
   /// fills the MCContext Ctx pointer which can be used to build custom
@@ -404,10 +387,6 @@ class LLVMTargetMachine : public TargetMachine {
                      raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut, CodeGenFileType FileType,
                      MCContext &Context);
-  Expected<std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer>>
-  createMCStreamer(raw_pwrite_stream &Out, raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut,
-                   CodeGenFileType FileType, MCContext &Ctx);
   /// True if the target uses physical regs (as nearly all targets do). False
   /// for stack machines such as WebAssembly and other virtual-register
   /// machines. If true, all vregs must be allocated before PEI. If false, then

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/CMakeLists.txt b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/CMakeLists.txt
index 83b3655441fe..617692a34792 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ add_llvm_component_library(LLVMCodeGen
-  CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f37f2069a3b..000000000000
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-//===--- CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp --------------------------------------- ---===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// This file defines interfaces to access the target independent code
-// generation passes provided by the LLVM backend.
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/CodeGenPassBuilder.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-namespace llvm {
-  AnalysisKey PASS_NAME::Key;
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.def"
-  AnalysisKey PASS_NAME::Key;
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.def"
-} // namespace llvm

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LLVMTargetMachine.cpp b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LLVMTargetMachine.cpp
index e86f25512999..e94b7ed4de03 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LLVMTargetMachine.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LLVMTargetMachine.cpp
@@ -118,24 +118,6 @@ bool LLVMTargetMachine::addAsmPrinter(PassManagerBase &PM,
                                       raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut,
                                       CodeGenFileType FileType,
                                       MCContext &Context) {
-  Expected<std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer>> MCStreamerOrErr =
-      createMCStreamer(Out, DwoOut, FileType, Context);
-  if (auto Err = MCStreamerOrErr.takeError())
-    return true;
-  // Create the AsmPrinter, which takes ownership of AsmStreamer if successful.
-  FunctionPass *Printer =
-      getTarget().createAsmPrinter(*this, std::move(*MCStreamerOrErr));
-  if (!Printer)
-    return true;
-  PM.add(Printer);
-  return false;
-Expected<std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer>> LLVMTargetMachine::createMCStreamer(
-    raw_pwrite_stream &Out, raw_pwrite_stream *DwoOut, CodeGenFileType FileType,
-    MCContext &Context) {
   if (Options.MCOptions.MCSaveTempLabels)
@@ -170,14 +152,10 @@ Expected<std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer>> LLVMTargetMachine::createMCStreamer(
     // Create the code emitter for the target if it exists.  If not, .o file
     // emission fails.
     MCCodeEmitter *MCE = getTarget().createMCCodeEmitter(MII, MRI, Context);
-    if (!MCE)
-      return make_error<StringError>("createMCCodeEmitter failed",
-                                     inconvertibleErrorCode());
     MCAsmBackend *MAB =
         getTarget().createMCAsmBackend(STI, MRI, Options.MCOptions);
-    if (!MAB)
-      return make_error<StringError>("createMCAsmBackend failed",
-                                     inconvertibleErrorCode());
+    if (!MCE || !MAB)
+      return true;
     Triple T(getTargetTriple().str());
@@ -196,7 +174,14 @@ Expected<std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer>> LLVMTargetMachine::createMCStreamer(
-  return std::move(AsmStreamer);
+  // Create the AsmPrinter, which takes ownership of AsmStreamer if successful.
+  FunctionPass *Printer =
+      getTarget().createAsmPrinter(*this, std::move(AsmStreamer));
+  if (!Printer)
+    return true;
+  PM.add(Printer);
+  return false;
 bool LLVMTargetMachine::addPassesToEmitFile(

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.cpp b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.cpp
index 03a567e3d443..19db8eb480ca 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #include "llvm/Analysis/ScopedNoAliasAA.h"
 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
 #include "llvm/Analysis/TypeBasedAliasAnalysis.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGen/CGPassBuilderOption.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/CSEConfigBase.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.h"
@@ -30,13 +29,11 @@
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/RegAllocRegistry.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/IRPrintingPasses.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/PassInstrumentation.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
 #include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
 #include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
 #include "llvm/MC/MCTargetOptions.h"
 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
-#include "llvm/Passes/StandardInstrumentations.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CodeGen.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
@@ -123,17 +120,16 @@ static cl::opt<cl::boolOrDefault> DebugifyAndStripAll(
         "Debugify MIR before and Strip debug after "
         "each pass except those known to be unsafe when debug info is present"),
+enum RunOutliner { AlwaysOutline, NeverOutline, TargetDefault };
 // Enable or disable the MachineOutliner.
 static cl::opt<RunOutliner> EnableMachineOutliner(
     "enable-machine-outliner", cl::desc("Enable the machine outliner"),
-    cl::Hidden, cl::ValueOptional, cl::init(RunOutliner::TargetDefault),
-    cl::values(clEnumValN(RunOutliner::AlwaysOutline, "always",
+    cl::Hidden, cl::ValueOptional, cl::init(TargetDefault),
+    cl::values(clEnumValN(AlwaysOutline, "always",
                           "Run on all functions guaranteed to be beneficial"),
-               clEnumValN(RunOutliner::NeverOutline, "never",
-                          "Disable all outlining"),
+               clEnumValN(NeverOutline, "never", "Disable all outlining"),
                // Sentinel value for unspecified option.
-               clEnumValN(RunOutliner::AlwaysOutline, "", "")));
+               clEnumValN(AlwaysOutline, "", "")));
 // Enable or disable FastISel. Both options are needed, because
 // FastISel is enabled by default with -fast, and we wish to be
 // able to enable or disable fast-isel independently from -O0.
@@ -176,6 +172,7 @@ static cl::opt<bool> EarlyLiveIntervals("early-live-intervals", cl::Hidden,
     cl::desc("Run live interval analysis earlier in the pipeline"));
 // Experimental option to use CFL-AA in codegen
+enum class CFLAAType { None, Steensgaard, Andersen, Both };
 static cl::opt<CFLAAType> UseCFLAA(
     "use-cfl-aa-in-codegen", cl::init(CFLAAType::None), cl::Hidden,
     cl::desc("Enable the new, experimental CFL alias analysis in CodeGen"),
@@ -407,143 +404,6 @@ void TargetPassConfig::setStartStopPasses() {
   Started = (StartAfter == nullptr) && (StartBefore == nullptr);
-CGPassBuilderOption llvm::getCGPassBuilderOption() {
-  CGPassBuilderOption Opt;
-#define SET_OPTION(Option)                                                     \
-  if (Option.getNumOccurrences())                                              \
-    Opt.Option = Option;
-  SET_OPTION(EnableFastISelOption)
-  SET_OPTION(EnableGlobalISelAbort)
-  SET_OPTION(EnableGlobalISelOption)
-  SET_OPTION(OptimizeRegAlloc)
-  SET_OPTION(VerifyMachineCode)
-  Opt.EnableMachineOutliner = EnableMachineOutliner;
-  Opt.UseCFLAA = UseCFLAA;
-  Opt.PrintISelInput = PrintISelInput;
-  Opt.PrintGCInfo = PrintGCInfo;
-  Opt.EnablePostMachineSchedulerPass = MISchedPostRA;
-  Opt.EnableLiveIntervalsPass = EarlyLiveIntervals;
-  Opt.EnableMachineBlockPlacementStatsPass = EnableBlockPlacementStats;
-  Opt.EnableImplicitNullChecksPass = EnableImplicitNullChecks;
-  Opt.DisableLoopStrengthReducePass = DisableLSR;
-  Opt.DisableCodeGenPreparePass = DisableCGP;
-  Opt.DisableMergeICmpsPass = DisableMergeICmps;
-  Opt.DisablePartiallyInlineLibCallsPass = DisablePartialLibcallInlining;
-  Opt.DisableConstantHoistingPass = DisableConstantHoisting;
-  Opt.PrintAfterLSR = PrintLSR;
-  return Opt;
-static void registerPartialPipelineCallback(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC,
-                                            LLVMTargetMachine &LLVMTM) {
-  StringRef StartBefore;
-  StringRef StartAfter;
-  StringRef StopBefore;
-  StringRef StopAfter;
-  unsigned StartBeforeInstanceNum = 0;
-  unsigned StartAfterInstanceNum = 0;
-  unsigned StopBeforeInstanceNum = 0;
-  unsigned StopAfterInstanceNum = 0;
-  std::tie(StartBefore, StartBeforeInstanceNum) =
-      getPassNameAndInstanceNum(StartBeforeOpt);
-  std::tie(StartAfter, StartAfterInstanceNum) =
-      getPassNameAndInstanceNum(StartAfterOpt);
-  std::tie(StopBefore, StopBeforeInstanceNum) =
-      getPassNameAndInstanceNum(StopBeforeOpt);
-  std::tie(StopAfter, StopAfterInstanceNum) =
-      getPassNameAndInstanceNum(StopAfterOpt);
-  if (StartBefore.empty() && StartAfter.empty() && StopBefore.empty() &&
-      StopAfter.empty())
-    return;
-  std::tie(StartBefore, std::ignore) =
-      LLVMTM.getPassNameFromLegacyName(StartBefore);
-  std::tie(StartAfter, std::ignore) =
-      LLVMTM.getPassNameFromLegacyName(StartAfter);
-  std::tie(StopBefore, std::ignore) =
-      LLVMTM.getPassNameFromLegacyName(StopBefore);
-  std::tie(StopAfter, std::ignore) =
-      LLVMTM.getPassNameFromLegacyName(StopAfter);
-  if (!StartBefore.empty() && !StartAfter.empty())
-    report_fatal_error(Twine(StartBeforeOptName) + Twine(" and ") +
-                       Twine(StartAfterOptName) + Twine(" specified!"));
-  if (!StopBefore.empty() && !StopAfter.empty())
-    report_fatal_error(Twine(StopBeforeOptName) + Twine(" and ") +
-                       Twine(StopAfterOptName) + Twine(" specified!"));
-  PIC.registerBeforePassCallback(
-      [=, EnableCurrent = StartBefore.empty() && StartAfter.empty(),
-       EnableNext = Optional<bool>(), StartBeforeCount = 0u,
-       StartAfterCount = 0u, StopBeforeCount = 0u,
-       StopAfterCount = 0u](StringRef P, Any) mutable {
-        bool StartBeforePass = !StartBefore.empty() && P.contains(StartBefore);
-        bool StartAfterPass = !StartAfter.empty() && P.contains(StartAfter);
-        bool StopBeforePass = !StopBefore.empty() && P.contains(StopBefore);
-        bool StopAfterPass = !StopAfter.empty() && P.contains(StopAfter);
-        // Implement -start-after/-stop-after
-        if (EnableNext) {
-          EnableCurrent = *EnableNext;
-          EnableNext.reset();
-        }
-        // Using PIC.registerAfterPassCallback won't work because if this
-        // callback returns false, AfterPassCallback is also skipped.
-        if (StartAfterPass && StartAfterCount++ == StartAfterInstanceNum) {
-          assert(!EnableNext && "Error: assign to EnableNext more than once");
-          EnableNext = true;
-        }
-        if (StopAfterPass && StopAfterCount++ == StopAfterInstanceNum) {
-          assert(!EnableNext && "Error: assign to EnableNext more than once");
-          EnableNext = false;
-        }
-        if (StartBeforePass && StartBeforeCount++ == StartBeforeInstanceNum)
-          EnableCurrent = true;
-        if (StopBeforePass && StopBeforeCount++ == StopBeforeInstanceNum)
-          EnableCurrent = false;
-        return EnableCurrent;
-      });
-void llvm::registerCodeGenCallback(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC,
-                                   LLVMTargetMachine &LLVMTM) {
-  // Register a callback for disabling passes.
-  PIC.registerBeforePassCallback([](StringRef P, Any) {
-#define DISABLE_PASS(Option, Name)                                             \
-  if (Option && P.contains(#Name))                                             \
-    return false;
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableBlockPlacement, MachineBlockPlacementPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableBranchFold, BranchFolderPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableCopyProp, MachineCopyPropagationPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableEarlyIfConversion, EarlyIfConverterPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableEarlyTailDup, EarlyTailDuplicatePass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableMachineCSE, MachineCSEPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableMachineDCE, DeadMachineInstructionElimPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableMachineLICM, EarlyMachineLICMPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableMachineSink, MachineSinkingPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisablePostRAMachineLICM, MachineLICMPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisablePostRAMachineSink, PostRAMachineSinkingPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisablePostRASched, PostRASchedulerPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableSSC, StackSlotColoringPass)
-    DISABLE_PASS(DisableTailDuplicate, TailDuplicatePass)
-    return true;
-  });
-  registerPartialPipelineCallback(PIC, LLVMTM);
 // Out of line constructor provides default values for pass options and
 // registers all common codegen passes.
 TargetPassConfig::TargetPassConfig(LLVMTargetMachine &TM, PassManagerBase &pm)
@@ -1152,11 +1012,10 @@ void TargetPassConfig::addMachinePasses() {
   addPass(&LiveDebugValuesID, false);
   if (TM->Options.EnableMachineOutliner && getOptLevel() != CodeGenOpt::None &&
-      EnableMachineOutliner != RunOutliner::NeverOutline) {
-    bool RunOnAllFunctions =
-        (EnableMachineOutliner == RunOutliner::AlwaysOutline);
-    bool AddOutliner =
-        RunOnAllFunctions || TM->Options.SupportsDefaultOutlining;
+      EnableMachineOutliner != NeverOutline) {
+    bool RunOnAllFunctions = (EnableMachineOutliner == AlwaysOutline);
+    bool AddOutliner = RunOnAllFunctions ||
+                       TM->Options.SupportsDefaultOutlining;
     if (AddOutliner)


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