[PATCH] Darwin vararg parameters support in assembler macros

Janne Grunau j at jannau.net
Fri Jul 25 01:17:46 PDT 2014

Hi Stepan,

I would like to use vararg macro parameters when assembling  code for Darwin. Libav/FFmpeg has an important set of handwritten assembler code for arm and aarch64 which uses gnu as style vararg arguments. I would like to use that code unmodified for ios.

After reading through AsmParser.cpp I'm think this patch is too complicated. There is no need to handle the darwin positional parameters $0, $1, ... and vararg at the same time. They exclude each other.

The positional parameters are only used when the macro definition has no parameters. A quick test with just removing the IsDarwin check in parseDirectiveMacro() seems to work fine.


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