[llvm-branch-commits] [libcxx] [libc++][modules] Adds module testing. (PR #76246)

Will Hawkins via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Dec 23 05:57:46 PST 2023

hawkinsw wrote:

> > If you are okay with the suggestions that I made for some typos in the documentation, I will preemptively incorporate it into my documentation PR.
> Thanks for the suggestions! Please do no incorporate these in your PR. Other reviewers may have other suggestions which you then need to incorporate too. It's a lot easier, for both of us, when you finish the documentation PR and after you merged your branch I move the comments of this patch to the new location. I left this comment for other reviewers so they don't need to comment on it. This is how we typically resolve conflicts between patches.

That makes total sense. I had already added the following to my PR (in case you are interested in incorporating here):

 - ``// MODULE: [std|std.compat]+``
     - A test containing the ``MODULE`` libc++-specific Lit directive will be built with support for importing the
       `C++23 Standard Library Modules <https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/standard_library#Importing_modules>`_  ``std`` and/or ``std.compat``, depending on whether one or both
       is specified in the space-separated list. In addition to the compiler flags necessary to build the test with support for the standard libraries, a test that contains this
       directive will be compiled with flags from the ``%{module_flags}`` substitution.

but I will gladly revert that if you think it's a good idea. 

Sorry for the confusion -- just trying to be helpful!

> > I really like how you integrated module testing so nicely.
> Thanks!


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