[lldb-dev] test system, when using clang, flags

Todd Fiala tfiala at google.com
Wed Jul 9 09:04:51 PDT 2014

Hey all,

When running lldb tests with clang, on non-Apple platforms, we really need
this flag set:

It addresses issues where we end up missing complete debuginfo without it
in some cases.  That ends up breaking the debugger's ability to perform
some operations.  So, we're going to want that flag set when running tests
on a host other than MacOSX.

We have a couple ways I suppose we can go about that: modify all the test
build files to check if CC/CXX is clang, and add the symbol if so.  Or we
can do something in the test framework build functions that tries to figure
that out, and adds it if appropriate.

Any preferences on the way to handle this?
Todd Fiala | Software Engineer | tfiala at google.com | 650-943-3180
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