[cfe-dev] [Insight-users] CLang issue: Weird crashes in _Unwind_resume?

Marco Nolden m.nolden at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Tue May 22 09:32:42 PDT 2012

Hi Kent,

this is caused by an ITK_NO_RETURN in itkImageSource.h . This macro 
declares the method as not returning, but it actually returns in some 
cases. If you remove the ITK_NO_RETURN, everything works fine. We had 
the same problem in MITK and fixed it by patching ITK. No problems so far.


On 05/22/2012 06:20 PM, Kent Williams wrote:
> I have this project that I can't see how to boil down into a cut down
> illustration of the problem as it requires a large 3rd party library
> (ITK www.itk.org), and the problem is actually triggered in that
> library.  But here is the problem:  If you compile ITK and the
> program, it will segfault in _Unwind_resume at the end of a class
> method.  If you build with GCC (4.6.1 in this case) the program passes
> all regression tests.
> In gdb, it's really difficult to see what's going on.  For one thing
> it looks like CLang++ is rearranging code even if the -g flag is given
> -- the execution cursor jumps around in the source code display. And
> of course, there's no source to look at for Unwind_Resume.
> So I'm asking if anyone else has seen something like this issue?  Is
> this a problem with our program, with ITK, or with CLang++?
> FYI This occurs with the last ITK release -- 3.2.1 -- and doesn't
> occur with ITK 4.1
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