[clang] Revert "[Clang][Sema] Fix lookup of dependent operator= outside of complete-class contexts (#91498)" (PR #91620)

Erich Keane via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 9 10:11:59 PDT 2024

erichkeane wrote:

> should be fine to revert as much as you want in a single PR, just make sure to mention what you're reverting in the description

Agreed, a revert doesnt have to be a single commit, or even a whole one.  Just enough to get us back to a 'working' state is fine.

Though if you do 'partial' ones, I prefer to not REMOVE tests, but to put a FIXME on the tests you've reverted and fix their test lines (assuming they dont' crash)


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