[clang] [WebAssembly] Make EH depend on multivalue and reference-types (PR #91299)

Derek Schuff via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue May 7 10:38:51 PDT 2024

https://github.com/dschuff approved this pull request.

Are we currently running wasm-eh tests on the Chromium CI with node 16? If so, I guess this will have the same issue we had when we tried to turn it on by default.
I don't think this needs to be a showstopper in the same way (since this isn't the default output of emscripten that we're talking about here, so I think it's fine to say "using EH requires node 17+"). But we may have to either disable some tests on chromium CI, or just make the test runner add a flag.


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