[clang] [llvm] [Driver] Add option to select compiler-rt arch suffix (PR #89775)

Paul T Robinson via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 6 07:25:10 PDT 2024

pogo59 wrote:

To answer @MaskRay 's question directly, with respect to PlayStation (not Windows, which is the major problem):

We have exactly one target, so neither the arch suffix nor a target-specific directory are useful. (Arguably we have two targets, but as we deliver entirely separate SDKs for PS4 and PS5, that's really irrelevant.) I've raised an internal ticket so the relevant people will become aware of what's going on.

I'm making a fuss about Windows because internally we do self-hosted builds, so we are essentially vending a Windows-target toolchain to ourselves. And that's the one that is failing.


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