[clang] Improve documented sampling profiler steps to best known methods (PR #88438)

Tim Creech via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Apr 27 14:15:41 PDT 2024

@@ -2547,22 +2547,40 @@ usual build cycle when using sample profilers for optimization:
    used in the first step. The only requirement is that you build the code
    with the same debug info options and ``-fprofile-sample-use``.
+   On Linux:
    .. code-block:: console
      $ clang++ -O2 -gline-tables-only \
        -fdebug-info-for-profiling -funique-internal-linkage-names \
        -fprofile-sample-use=code.prof code.cc -o code
-  [OPTIONAL] Sampling-based profiles can have inaccuracies or missing block/
-  edge counters. The profile inference algorithm (profi) can be used to infer
-  missing blocks and edge counts, and improve the quality of profile data.
-  Enable it with ``-fsample-profile-use-profi``.
+   On Windows:
-  .. code-block:: console
+   .. code-block:: winbatch
+     > clang-cl -O2 -gdwarf -gline-tables-only ^
tcreech-intel wrote:

Good idea. I've updated the clang-cl examples to use cl-style forward-slash options when possible. There are still a few cases (`-gdwarf -gline-tables-only`) where only the hyphen version is understood, and also some cases (`/clang:-fdebug-info-for-profiling /clang:-funique-internal-linkage-names`) where the hyphen version is understood only with `/clang:`.


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