[clang] Revert "[Fix] Disable fdefine-target-os-macros for now" (PR #78353)

Zixu Wang via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 25 15:51:47 PST 2024

zixu-w wrote:

Hi @zmodem !
> Could you add a release note about this, explaining how it changes the macros and what actions users should take?

That's a good idea, I should be able to put something up.
> We've already seen that it broke zlib builds, and we're having issues with libpng too in Chromium (https://crbug.com/1519899), so users are likely to run into this.

FWIW, we've also noticed the issue and upstreamed a fix for libpng (https://github.com/pnggroup/libpng/pull/529)


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