[PATCH] D146140: [clang] Properly parse variable template requires clause in lambda

Emilia Dreamer via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 15 08:07:05 PDT 2023

rymiel added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaConcept.cpp:116
           // primary-expression, and complain that it is of non-bool type.
-          (NextToken.is(tok::l_paren) &&
+          (NextToken.is(tok::l_paren) && !IsLambdaRequiresClause &&
            (IsTrailingRequiresClause ||
erichkeane wrote:
> I'd like to expand on the comment above in this case.  Also, since we don't decide that this is a trailing requires clause in the lambda parsing, we should probably make this more specific in this condition.  I THINK we still want to do the bin-op precedence condition in this case, right?
> I'd like to expand on the comment above in this case.

Yes, that's a very good call, doing that now.

> Also, since we don't decide that this is a trailing requires clause in the lambda parsing, we should probably make this more specific in this condition.

I'm not 100% sure what you mean here...

> I THINK we still want to do the bin-op precedence condition in this case, right?

I think it's still being done, but it's not very clear from the mess of a logic expression

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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