[PATCH] D144696: [RISCV][NFC] Package version number information using RISCVExtensionVersion.

Wang Pengcheng via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 24 01:47:00 PST 2023

pcwang-thead added a comment.

In D144696#4149706 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D144696#4149706>, @craig.topper wrote:

> How much of the existing vector code in the backend including tablegen can be reused for 0.71? How much of the intrinsic interface can be used? If we’re talking about completely duplicating everything it is very unlikely we can accept it. RISCVGenDAGISel.inc, for example, is already significantly larger than any other target in tree. I don’t know how big it can get before it becomes an issue.
> How many people are going to maintain this other version?

Just FYI. We have tried our best to reuse code for RVV 1.0 and there are about 500 lines for C intrinsics, 80 lines for LLVM intrinsics, 1200 lines for pseudos and patterns and 1500 lines for custom ISel. The pseudos/patterns/ISel parts can be less since we have duplicated some code and the impact on `RISCVGenDAGISel.inc` is hard to estimate because we have some custom extensions. And for MC layer, the code are completely duplicated since a lot of instructions have different encodings.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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