[PATCH] D142710: [clang][dataflow] Relax validity assumptions in `UncheckedOptionalAccessModel`.

Yitzhak Mandelbaum via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 27 07:49:55 PST 2023

ymandel marked 2 inline comments as done.
ymandel added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Models/UncheckedOptionalAccessModel.cpp:524
-void transferSwap(const StorageLocation &OptionalLoc1,
-                  const StorageLocation &OptionalLoc2,
-                  LatticeTransferState &State) {
-  auto *OptionalVal1 = State.Env.getValue(OptionalLoc1);
-  assert(OptionalVal1 != nullptr);
+void transferSwap(const Expr &E1, SkipPast E1Skip, const Expr &E2,
+                  Environment &Env) {
sgatev wrote:
> What do you think about passing `const StorageLocation*` instead of `const Expr&`? This way we don't need to pass `E1Skip`.
Sure, but means we'll be pushing the calls to getStorageLocation to callers. I'm fine with that, since it means a less janky API, but just want to call that out.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Models/UncheckedOptionalAccessModel.cpp:534
+    if (Loc2 != nullptr)
+      Env.setValue(*Loc2, createOptionalValue(Env, Env.makeAtomicBoolValue()));
+    return;
sgatev wrote:
> Any reason to not set a fresh value for `Loc1` in this case (similarly a fresh value for `Loc2` below)?
The new value for `Loc1`/`Loc2` won't be connected to anything, so it won't bring any benefit to the modeling -- it will only make the code simpler.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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