[clang] ef46354 - [clang][dataflow] Add support for structured bindings of tuple-like types.

Yitzhak Mandelbaum via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 9 10:58:06 PST 2022

Author: Yitzhak Mandelbaum
Date: 2022-12-09T18:58:00Z
New Revision: ef4635452f3a23ee29f7586148e19e8c84471a59

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ef4635452f3a23ee29f7586148e19e8c84471a59
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/ef4635452f3a23ee29f7586148e19e8c84471a59.diff

LOG: [clang][dataflow] Add support for structured bindings of tuple-like types.

This patch adds interpretation of binding declarations resulting from a
structured binding (`DecompositionDecl`) to a tuple-like type. Currently, the
framework only supports binding to a struct.

Fixes issue #57252.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D139544




diff  --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Transfer.cpp b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Transfer.cpp
index 55510f486163c..43d004697799c 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Transfer.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Transfer.cpp
@@ -189,12 +189,13 @@ class TransferVisitor : public ConstStmtVisitor<TransferVisitor> {
   void VisitDeclRefExpr(const DeclRefExpr *S) {
-    assert(S->getDecl() != nullptr);
-    auto *DeclLoc = Env.getStorageLocation(*S->getDecl(), SkipPast::None);
+    const ValueDecl *VD = S->getDecl();
+    assert(VD != nullptr);
+    auto *DeclLoc = Env.getStorageLocation(*VD, SkipPast::None);
     if (DeclLoc == nullptr)
-    if (S->getDecl()->getType()->isReferenceType()) {
+    if (VD->getType()->isReferenceType()) {
       Env.setStorageLocation(*S, *DeclLoc);
     } else {
       auto &Loc = Env.createStorageLocation(*S);
@@ -213,8 +214,15 @@ class TransferVisitor : public ConstStmtVisitor<TransferVisitor> {
     if (D.hasGlobalStorage())
-    auto &Loc = Env.createStorageLocation(D);
-    Env.setStorageLocation(D, Loc);
+    // The storage location for `D` could have been created earlier, before the
+    // variable's declaration statement (for example, in the case of
+    // BindingDecls).
+    auto *MaybeLoc = Env.getStorageLocation(D, SkipPast::None);
+    if (MaybeLoc == nullptr) {
+      MaybeLoc = &Env.createStorageLocation(D);
+      Env.setStorageLocation(D, *MaybeLoc);
+    }
+    auto &Loc = *MaybeLoc;
     const Expr *InitExpr = D.getInit();
     if (InitExpr == nullptr) {
@@ -258,24 +266,30 @@ class TransferVisitor : public ConstStmtVisitor<TransferVisitor> {
       // needs to be evaluated after initializing the values in the storage for
       // VarDecl, as the bindings refer to them.
       // FIXME: Add support for ArraySubscriptExpr.
-      // FIXME: Consider adding AST nodes that are used for structured bindings
-      // to the CFG.
+      // FIXME: Consider adding AST nodes used in BindingDecls to the CFG.
       for (const auto *B : Decomp->bindings()) {
-        auto *ME = dyn_cast_or_null<MemberExpr>(B->getBinding());
-        if (ME == nullptr)
-          continue;
-        auto *DE = dyn_cast_or_null<DeclRefExpr>(ME->getBase());
-        if (DE == nullptr)
-          continue;
-        // ME and its base haven't been visited because they aren't included in
-        // the statements of the CFG basic block.
-        VisitDeclRefExpr(DE);
-        VisitMemberExpr(ME);
-        if (auto *Loc = Env.getStorageLocation(*ME, SkipPast::Reference))
-          Env.setStorageLocation(*B, *Loc);
+        if (auto *ME = dyn_cast_or_null<MemberExpr>(B->getBinding())) {
+          auto *DE = dyn_cast_or_null<DeclRefExpr>(ME->getBase());
+          if (DE == nullptr)
+            continue;
+          // ME and its base haven't been visited because they aren't included
+          // in the statements of the CFG basic block.
+          VisitDeclRefExpr(DE);
+          VisitMemberExpr(ME);
+          if (auto *Loc = Env.getStorageLocation(*ME, SkipPast::Reference))
+            Env.setStorageLocation(*B, *Loc);
+        } else if (auto *VD = B->getHoldingVar()) {
+          // Holding vars are used to back the BindingDecls of tuple-like
+          // types. The holding var declarations appear *after* this statement,
+          // so we have to create a location or them here to share with `B`. We
+          // don't visit the binding, because we know it will be a DeclRefExpr
+          // to `VD`.
+          auto &VDLoc = Env.createStorageLocation(*VD);
+          Env.setStorageLocation(*VD, VDLoc);
+          Env.setStorageLocation(*B, VDLoc);
+        }

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis.cpp b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis.cpp
index 9576287ea6740..9c6a3ba679347 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis.cpp
@@ -346,14 +346,12 @@ void builtinTransfer(const CFGElement &Elt,
                      TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &State,
                      AnalysisContext &AC) {
   switch (Elt.getKind()) {
-  case CFGElement::Statement: {
+  case CFGElement::Statement:
     builtinTransferStatement(Elt.castAs<CFGStmt>(), State, AC);
-  }
-  case CFGElement::Initializer: {
+  case CFGElement::Initializer:
     builtinTransferInitializer(Elt.castAs<CFGInitializer>(), State);
-  }
     // FIXME: Evaluate other kinds of `CFGElement`.

diff  --git a/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TransferTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TransferTest.cpp
index 7e7be3c9e07ef..299837aee9289 100644
--- a/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TransferTest.cpp
+++ b/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TransferTest.cpp
@@ -3613,6 +3613,172 @@ TEST(TransferTest, StructuredBindingAssignFromStructIntMembersToInts) {
+TEST(TransferTest, StructuredBindingAssignFromTupleLikeType) {
+  std::string Code = R"(
+    namespace std {
+    using size_t = int;
+    template <class> struct tuple_size;
+    template <std::size_t, class> struct tuple_element;
+    template <class...> class tuple;
+    namespace {
+    template <class T, T v>
+    struct size_helper { static const T value = v; };
+    } // namespace
+    template <class... T>
+    struct tuple_size<tuple<T...>> : size_helper<std::size_t, sizeof...(T)> {};
+    template <std::size_t I, class... T>
+    struct tuple_element<I, tuple<T...>> {
+      using type =  __type_pack_element<I, T...>;
+    };
+    template <class...> class tuple {};
+    template <std::size_t I, class... T>
+    typename tuple_element<I, tuple<T...>>::type get(tuple<T...>);
+    } // namespace std
+    std::tuple<bool, int> makeTuple();
+    void target(bool B) {
+      auto [BoundFoo, BoundBar] = makeTuple();
+      bool Baz;
+      // Include if-then-else to test interaction of `BindingDecl` with join.
+      if (B) {
+        Baz = BoundFoo;
+        (void)BoundBar;
+        // [[p1]]
+      } else {
+        Baz = BoundFoo;
+      }
+      (void)0;
+      // [[p2]]
+    }
+  )";
+  runDataflow(
+      Code,
+      [](const llvm::StringMap<DataflowAnalysisState<NoopLattice>> &Results,
+         ASTContext &ASTCtx) {
+        ASSERT_THAT(Results.keys(), UnorderedElementsAre("p1", "p2"));
+        const Environment &Env1 = getEnvironmentAtAnnotation(Results, "p1");
+        const ValueDecl *BoundFooDecl = findValueDecl(ASTCtx, "BoundFoo");
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundFooDecl, NotNull());
+        const ValueDecl *BoundBarDecl = findValueDecl(ASTCtx, "BoundBar");
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundBarDecl, NotNull());
+        const ValueDecl *BazDecl = findValueDecl(ASTCtx, "Baz");
+        ASSERT_THAT(BazDecl, NotNull());
+        const Value *BoundFooValue =
+            Env1.getValue(*BoundFooDecl, SkipPast::Reference);
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundFooValue, NotNull());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(isa<BoolValue>(BoundFooValue));
+        const Value *BoundBarValue =
+            Env1.getValue(*BoundBarDecl, SkipPast::Reference);
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundBarValue, NotNull());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(isa<IntegerValue>(BoundBarValue));
+        // Test that a `DeclRefExpr` to a `BindingDecl` works as expected.
+        EXPECT_EQ(Env1.getValue(*BazDecl, SkipPast::Reference), BoundFooValue);
+        const Environment &Env2 = getEnvironmentAtAnnotation(Results, "p2");
+        // Test that `BoundFooDecl` retains the value we expect, after the join.
+        BoundFooValue = Env2.getValue(*BoundFooDecl, SkipPast::Reference);
+        EXPECT_EQ(Env2.getValue(*BazDecl, SkipPast::Reference), BoundFooValue);
+      });
+TEST(TransferTest, StructuredBindingAssignRefFromTupleLikeType) {
+  std::string Code = R"(
+    namespace std {
+    using size_t = int;
+    template <class> struct tuple_size;
+    template <std::size_t, class> struct tuple_element;
+    template <class...> class tuple;
+    namespace {
+    template <class T, T v>
+    struct size_helper { static const T value = v; };
+    } // namespace
+    template <class... T>
+    struct tuple_size<tuple<T...>> : size_helper<std::size_t, sizeof...(T)> {};
+    template <std::size_t I, class... T>
+    struct tuple_element<I, tuple<T...>> {
+      using type =  __type_pack_element<I, T...>;
+    };
+    template <class...> class tuple {};
+    template <std::size_t I, class... T>
+    typename tuple_element<I, tuple<T...>>::type get(tuple<T...>);
+    } // namespace std
+    std::tuple<bool, int> &getTuple();
+    void target(bool B) {
+      auto &[BoundFoo, BoundBar] = getTuple();
+      bool Baz;
+      // Include if-then-else to test interaction of `BindingDecl` with join.
+      if (B) {
+        Baz = BoundFoo;
+        (void)BoundBar;
+        // [[p1]]
+      } else {
+        Baz = BoundFoo;
+      }
+      (void)0;
+      // [[p2]]
+    }
+  )";
+  runDataflow(
+      Code,
+      [](const llvm::StringMap<DataflowAnalysisState<NoopLattice>> &Results,
+         ASTContext &ASTCtx) {
+        ASSERT_THAT(Results.keys(), UnorderedElementsAre("p1", "p2"));
+        const Environment &Env1 = getEnvironmentAtAnnotation(Results, "p1");
+        const ValueDecl *BoundFooDecl = findValueDecl(ASTCtx, "BoundFoo");
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundFooDecl, NotNull());
+        const ValueDecl *BoundBarDecl = findValueDecl(ASTCtx, "BoundBar");
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundBarDecl, NotNull());
+        const ValueDecl *BazDecl = findValueDecl(ASTCtx, "Baz");
+        ASSERT_THAT(BazDecl, NotNull());
+        const Value *BoundFooValue =
+            Env1.getValue(*BoundFooDecl, SkipPast::Reference);
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundFooValue, NotNull());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(isa<BoolValue>(BoundFooValue));
+        const Value *BoundBarValue =
+            Env1.getValue(*BoundBarDecl, SkipPast::Reference);
+        ASSERT_THAT(BoundBarValue, NotNull());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(isa<IntegerValue>(BoundBarValue));
+        // Test that a `DeclRefExpr` to a `BindingDecl` (with reference type)
+        // works as expected. We don't test aliasing properties of the
+        // reference, because we don't model `std::get` and so have no way to
+        // equate separate references into the tuple.
+        EXPECT_EQ(Env1.getValue(*BazDecl, SkipPast::Reference), BoundFooValue);
+        const Environment &Env2 = getEnvironmentAtAnnotation(Results, "p2");
+        // Test that `BoundFooDecl` retains the value we expect, after the join.
+        BoundFooValue = Env2.getValue(*BoundFooDecl, SkipPast::Reference);
+        EXPECT_EQ(Env2.getValue(*BazDecl, SkipPast::Reference), BoundFooValue);
+      });
+// TODO: ref binding
 TEST(TransferTest, BinaryOperatorComma) {
   std::string Code = R"(
     void target(int Foo, int Bar) {

diff  --git a/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/UncheckedOptionalAccessModelTest.cpp b/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/UncheckedOptionalAccessModelTest.cpp
index b1a1282edabb6..74fb73804a1f9 100644
--- a/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/UncheckedOptionalAccessModelTest.cpp
+++ b/clang/unittests/Analysis/FlowSensitive/UncheckedOptionalAccessModelTest.cpp
@@ -2860,6 +2860,59 @@ TEST_P(UncheckedOptionalAccessTest, ReassignValueInLoop) {
+TEST_P(UncheckedOptionalAccessTest, StructuredBindingsFromStruct) {
+  ExpectDiagnosticsFor(R"(
+    #include "unchecked_optional_access_test.h"
+    struct kv { $ns::$optional<int> opt; int x; };
+    int target() {
+      auto [contents, x] = Make<kv>();
+      return contents ? *contents : x;
+    }
+  )");
+  ExpectDiagnosticsFor(R"(
+    #include "unchecked_optional_access_test.h"
+    template <typename T1, typename T2>
+    struct pair { T1 fst;  T2 snd; };
+    int target() {
+      auto [contents, x] = Make<pair<$ns::$optional<int>, int>>();
+      return contents ? *contents : x;
+    }
+  )");
+TEST_P(UncheckedOptionalAccessTest, StructuredBindingsFromTupleLikeType) {
+  ExpectDiagnosticsFor(R"(
+    #include "unchecked_optional_access_test.h"
+    namespace std {
+    template <class> struct tuple_size;
+    template <size_t, class> struct tuple_element;
+    template <class...> class tuple;
+    template <class... T>
+    struct tuple_size<tuple<T...>> : integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(T)> {};
+    template <size_t I, class... T>
+    struct tuple_element<I, tuple<T...>> {
+      using type =  __type_pack_element<I, T...>;
+    };
+    template <class...> class tuple {};
+    template <size_t I, class... T>
+    typename tuple_element<I, tuple<T...>>::type get(tuple<T...>);
+    } // namespace std
+    std::tuple<$ns::$optional<const char *>, int> get_opt();
+    void target() {
+      auto [content, ck] = get_opt();
+      content ? *content : "";
+    }
+  )");
 // FIXME: Add support for:
 // - constructors (copy, move)
 // - assignment operators (default, copy, move)


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