[PATCH] D138219: [include-cleaner] Show includes matched by refs in HTML report.Demo: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://gist.githubusercontent.com/sam-mccall/ecee6869e37af3db28089b64d8dce806/raw/8736e64c45af411e2c2d72adaed2dfc4410a5b36/ASTTests.html%25202

Sam McCall via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 23 02:34:11 PST 2022

sammccall marked an inline comment as done.
sammccall added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/include-cleaner/lib/HTMLReport.cpp:116
   FileID File;
+  const FileEntry *FE;
hokein wrote:
> nit: the `FE` can be removed -- we have the FileID, we can retrieve it by `SM.getFileEntryByID(File)`
Sure, I'd just rather do that in the constructor than in the inner loop

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/include-cleaner/lib/HTMLReport.cpp:160
+    for (const auto &H : T.Headers) {
+      T.Includes.append(Includes.match(H));
hokein wrote:
> The current behaivor looks fine to me, but this is not the final state, right? We will revisit it when we have all the ranking/included-header bits in the library, if so, probably add a FIXME?
Ranking isn't relevant whether a ref is satisfied or not.

If we add the concept of one provider dominating another, this logic might change. (e.g. for `std::vector` accept `<iosfwd>` but not if `<vector>` is included). But this is up in the air and also would probably be encapsulated in a signature change to `Includes.match`.

Added a FIXME to avoid the brittle main-file check.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/include-cleaner/lib/HTMLReport.cpp:162
+      T.Includes.append(Includes.match(H));
+      if (H.kind() == Header::Physical && H.physical() == FE)
+        T.Satisfied = true;
hokein wrote:
> a comment -- this is for the target symbol defined in the main file?
Defined or declared or otherwise provided by the main file.
Renamed FE => MainFE. Beyond that I think such a comment just echoes the code.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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