[PATCH] D137770: [docs] Introduce clangd part in StandardCPlusPlusModules

Carlo Pécora via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 22 14:34:03 PST 2022

spartacoos added a comment.

Hi @nridge @ChuanqiXu, I've been dealing with some issues trying to get modules working with clangd only to end up hacking some flimsy solutions which inevitably breakdown under some edge cases, those problems led me to this thread <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/58723> where I realised this is an active issue that's not being worked on. So, I want to put myself forward to help implement this new module system for clangd once you have settled on a design/approach. I'm not a C++ expert nor familiar with the clangd codebase, but I think I could help out if given some concrete steps. I'll try to familiarise myself with the codebase and join the discord. Are there any other resources where I can learn more about clangd development?  e.g how do I go about testing ideas in clangd without breaking everything?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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