[PATCH] D138028: [clangd] Fix action `RemoveUsingNamespace` for inline namespace

Tom Praschan via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 15 11:09:32 PST 2022

tom-anders added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/RemoveUsingNamespace.cpp:212
   // Produce replacements to add the qualifiers.
   std::string Qualifier = printUsingNamespaceName(Ctx, *TargetDirective) + "::";
   for (auto Loc : IdentsToQualify) {
v1nh1shungry wrote:
> We can replace `printUsingNamespaceName` with `printNamespaceScope` here so that we can get `a::foobar()` in the test. 
> However, it can sometimes cause redundancy such as in the 10th test. 
> And I don't know whether it is worth it. WDYT?
Just making sure I understood this correctly:

If you replace `printUsingNamespaceName` with `printNamespaceScope`, then...

- ...in the test you added it would result in `a::foobar()` instead of `a::b::foobar()` (which is better)
- ... but in this test (which is the 10th test if I counted correctly):
 namespace a::b { struct Foo {}; }
  using namespace a;
  using namespace a::[[b]];
  using namespace b;
  int main() { Foo F;}
what would be the result..? would you get `a::Foo` instead of `a::b::Foo`?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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