[PATCH] D133801: Extraction of a matcher for an unused value from an expression from the bugprone-unused-return-value check

Nathan James via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 23 10:47:16 PDT 2022

njames93 added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-tidy/MatchersTest.cpp:2
+#include "utils/Matchers.h"
+#include "../../clang/unittests/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersTest.h"
kwk wrote:
> njames93 wrote:
> > @kwk I seem to recall you saying in another patch that this include will break standalone builds, would stripping the leading `../../` work?
> > @kwk I seem to recall you saying in another patch that this include will break standalone builds, 
> @njames93 that's correct. But I don't recall the patch ID :/
> > would stripping the leading `../../` work?
> I don't know if the file is found then but it would make standalone builds certainly easier.
> I'm not sure if I calculate correctly but given:
> `clang-tools-extra/unittests/clang-tidy/MatchersTest.cpp`
> then `../../` means `clang-tools-extra/`, no? If so, that directory doesn't contain a `clang` directory here. It seems as if the `../../` is relative to some other directory but not this file. Or am I too tired to get it?
I'll test when I get a few cycles. If not, may need to copy some of the testing logic for this.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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