[PATCH] D112374: [clang] Implement ElaboratedType sugaring for types written bare

David Rector via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 12 15:04:47 PDT 2022

davrec added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h:5530-5537
 /// Represents a type that was referred to using an elaborated type
 /// keyword, e.g., struct S, or via a qualified name, e.g., N::M::type,
 /// or both.
 /// This type is used to keep track of a type name as written in the
 /// source code, including tag keywords and any nested-name-specifiers.
 /// The type itself is always "sugar", used to express what was written
This documentation needs to be updated given the changes in this patch.  Suggest you remove the first paragraph and flesh out the second paragraph, e.g.

/// A sugar type used to keep track of a type name as written in the
/// source code, including any tag keywords (e.g. struct S) and/or any 
/// nested-name-specifiers (e.g. N::M::type).  Note it will even be created
/// for types written *without* tag words or nested-name-specifiers, to
/// properly represent their absence in the written code.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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