[PATCH] D130224: [Clang][Attribute] Introduce maybe_undef attribute for function arguments which accepts undef values

Nicolai Hähnle via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 22 10:30:54 PDT 2022

nhaehnle added a comment.

In D130224#3668225 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D130224#3668225>, @aaron.ballman wrote:

> I'm in C standards meetings this week and don't have a lot of ability to thoroughly review this yet, but the most immediate concern which springs to mind for me is that this is exposing LLVM implementation details to users. Users should not have to think about things in terms of LLVM IR markings like poison and undef, and I worry that this is an expert-only feature that will be easy to misuse and introduce security issues.

Here's how I would tentatively describe the attribute in terms that mesh better with how I understand C and C++:

> As an exception to the rule that loading from an unitialized variable is undefined behavior, if the loaded value is used immediately as an `__attribute__((maybe_undef))` argument in a function call, the loaded value is implementation-defined. It may vary between multiple runs of the program, and it may vary between multiple uses of the uninitialized variable.

This requires no thinking about LLVM IR and undef/poison.

There may have to be some caveats about bools and enums (generally, types where not all possible values in memory are actually legal values of the type), but I don't know enough about those language standards to judge that.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td:276
+  void maybeundeffunc(void __attribute__((maybe_undef))param);
+  }];
`param` shouldn't be of void type, right?



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