[PATCH] D129689: [limits.h] USHRT_MAX fix for 16 bit architectures

Corentin Jabot via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 14 07:31:26 PDT 2022

cor3ntin added a comment.

In D129689#3652010 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D129689#3652010>, @aaron.ballman wrote:

> In D129689#3651965 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D129689#3651965>, @SebastianPerta wrote:
>>>>But can you add some test coverage for this? 
>> In clang\test\Headers\limits.cpp there is:
>> _Static_assert(USHRT_MAX == (unsigned short)~0ULL, "");
>> However as I said this needs a 16 bits target. Looking at the RUN commands at the top of the file I think I can solve this by adding a new RUN command with "-triple msp430"  (since my RL78 port is not upstream yet) so it can catch this. Would this be OK?
> That's exactly the solution I'd expect, sounds great!
>>>> Please include the full context of the patch with -U99999.
>> Sorry about this, I actually tried this but the patch showed a lot more than what I've changed, not sure what I did wrong. I also installed arcanist and I'm trying to get familiar with it.
> No worries, it takes a while to get used to our systems. I've not use arcanist myself (I generate diff files and upload them manually into Phab), so I'm not much help for debugging what's going on for you. I use `git diff -U9999 main > p.patch`, FWIW.

`arc diff "HEAD^"  --update D129689` on the branch you want to push should do what you want, assuming you only have 1 commit on that branch - I usually amend my commits for simplicity.

(in the future, `--update XXXX` is not necessary if you let arc create the patch initially)



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