[PATCH] D126364: Fix interaction of pragma FENV_ACCESS with other pragmas

Eli Friedman via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 7 09:51:21 PDT 2022

efriedma added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:622
sepavloff wrote:
> efriedma wrote:
> > sepavloff wrote:
> > > efriedma wrote:
> > > > I'm suggesting this should be `setRoundingMode(llvm::RoundingMode::Dynamic)`.
> > > > 
> > > > If FENV_ACCESS is off, getEffectiveRoundingMode() converts that to "nearest".  If FENV_ACCESS is turned on, the mode is treated as dynamic.  This is exactly what we want.
> > > It would change semantics. In particular, it would make impossible to use FP arithmetic in constexpr functions. An expression like `1.0 / 3.0` cannot be evaluated with dynamic rounding mode.
> > Can we just change the relevant code in ExprConstant to call getEffectiveRoundingMode()?
> What is the advantage of using FE_DYNAMIC in the case when it is known that rounding mode is FE_TONEAREST?
> Probably `FENV_ROUND FE_DYNAMIC` should result in `dynamic` rounding even if `FENV_ACCESS ON` is absent. Rounding mode cannot be changed in this case but it can be used to inform the compiler that such function can be called in environment, where rounding mode is non-default. It would prevent some constant evaluations and other transformations that assume rounding mode is known. Anyway the standard only allow to assume FE_TONEAREST but does not require this.
> In such case `getEffectiveRoundingMode` is not needed.
I really want to keep the state we store, and the state updates, as simple as possible; if that means making getEffectiveRoundingMode() or whatever more complicated, that's fine.  It's a matter of making sure we understand all the relevant transitions.

As far as I can tell, according to the standard, the initial state for FENV_ROUND is supposed to be FE_DYNAMIC, as if "#pragma STDC FENV_ROUND FE_DYNAMIC" were written at the beginning of every file.  If we think we need a new state, something like FE_DYNAMIC_INITIAL, to represent the initial state, we can, I guess, but I don't think the standard text requires it.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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