[PATCH] D124669: [flang][driver] Add support for -save-temps

Andrzej Warzynski via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun May 1 08:51:21 PDT 2022

awarzynski added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td:3989
-def save_temps_EQ : Joined<["-", "--"], "save-temps=">, Flags<[CC1Option, NoXarchOption]>,
+def save_temps_EQ : Joined<["-", "--"], "save-temps=">, Flags<[CC1Option,FlangOption,NoXarchOption]>,
   HelpText<"Save intermediate compilation results.">;
schweitz wrote:
> nit: I noticed that this is getting rid of spaces after commas on a few lines. Is there any sense of a prior style being used in that regard?
I swear that somebody recently requested that I remove a space in one of my patches. I've tried finding it and failed ... I must have dreamed it!

Thanks Eric, I'll revert this change :)

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Driver/Options.td:4131
 def : Flag<["-"], "no-integrated-as">, Alias<fno_integrated_as>,
-      Flags<[CC1Option, NoXarchOption]>;
+      Flags<[CC1Option,FlangOption,NoXarchOption]>;
unterumarmung wrote:
> Why not to add `FC1Option` here and elsewhere like it's done for `CC1Option`?
I'm not 100% sure what `-fno-integrated-as` controls in Clang's frontend driver, `clang -cc1`. I'm guessing that it might related to using/not-using LLVM's MCAsmParser. Perhaps for inline assembly?

In Flang, I'm only focusing on `-save-temps` for which I need to make sure that we don't try to call `flang-new -fc1as` or something similar (it does not exist). Instead, `-save-temps` will have to rely on an external assembler.

So, we basically don't require -`fno-integrated-as` in `flang-new -fc1` just yet (that's what `FC1Option` is for - marking an option as available in the frontend driver).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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