[PATCH] D121560: [clang][Opt] Add NoArgUnusedWith to not warn for unused redundant options

Alex Brachet via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 13 09:38:33 PDT 2022

abrachet added a comment.

In D121560#3439570 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D121560#3439570>, @MaskRay wrote:

> If you need a -static-libstdc++ not subject to unused argument warning, --start-no-unused-arguments and D53238 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D53238> (-static=c++stdlib) may be better choices.

That patch might help for `-static-libstdc++` in particular and other -static-* flags, however there are other flags that this will help with in the future. What about `-nostdlib -noprofilelib`. I'm currently only interested with `-nostdlib` and haven't looked into other flags but I suspect this could help in other instances too. Could be helpful with sanitizers too, but all their flags get read into SanitizerArgs so there are never warnings there.

I don't think --start-no-unused arguments is as good as a solution here. For a large project build, I think `--{start,end}-no-unused-arguments` is too heavy a hand. You would just end up putting it everywhere and lose any warnings that might be useful. This patch is specifically trying to reduce the need for those.



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