[PATCH] D122820: [GH54588]Fix ItaniumMangler for NTTP unnamed unions w/ unnamed structs

Erich Keane via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 4 07:27:40 PDT 2022

erichkeane added a comment.

In D122820#3426211 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D122820#3426211>, @thakis wrote:

>> Oh hm, if it's due to the wrong llvm-cxxfilt being called, maybe we just need to update clang/test/lit.cfg.py to add llvm-cxxfilt to `tools`  to make sure it uses the just-built one instead of the one on PATH (? not sure).
> Actually, I consistently saw this failing on all our mac bots, and as far as I can tell they _don't_ have llvm-cxxfilt on PATH. Maybe it's due to macOS prepending a `_` by default and `llvm-cxxfilt` insisting on host underscoriness?
>   % out/gn/bin/llvm-cxxfilt _Z4funcPci
>   _Z4funcPci
>   % out/gn/bin/llvm-cxxfilt __Z4funcPcia
>   func(char*, int, signed char)
> Yes, looks like it. Since you're always passing a linux triple (which doesn't add the extra underscore), I think it'll work if you pass `-n` to llvm-cxxfilt to force that mode:
>   % out/gn/bin/llvm-cxxfilt -n _Z4funcPcia
>   func(char*, int, signed char)

Ah, great, thank you for looking into that!  I already re-committed with the test line disabled and a FIXME(since we're testing the 'mangled' names already!), but I'll try a commit with this -n to re-enable the line to see if this fixes it (and be quick about reverting it myself if I see the errors come across.

Thank you again for your help!

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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