[PATCH] D120959: [clang][AST matchers] new hasExpectedReturnType submatcher for ReturnStmts

Aaron Ballman via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 16 06:39:00 PDT 2022

aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D120959#3384525 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D120959#3384525>, @ajohnson-uoregon wrote:

> This is our use case: https://github.com/ajohnson-uoregon/llvm-project/blob/feature-ajohnson/clang-tools-extra/clang-rewrite/MatcherGenCallback.h#L365 
> I'm not sure if anyone else would want to use this, but it feels like it could be generally useful. Now that I know we can define local matchers though we could do that instead.

I think my preference is to use a local matcher to do this for now; if we find more use cases, we can always lift it into the general matcher framework then. But this feels too special-purpose to add currently.

> Basically, we want to match based on the declared return type of the function, not the actual type of the thing returned, for cases where the thing returned is cast to something else. We used it to reimplement part of clang-tidy's modernize-use-nullptr check; we needed to get the declared (template) return type so we could check if it was a pointer type even though the thing returned was an int.
> We haven't gotten around to implementing this yet (and the type code is actually a little broken), but there are other cases where we might want to specifically look for ReturnStmts that return a thing of type X when the function says it returns a thing of type Y, in which case we'd be using both `hasType()` and `hasExpectedReturnType()` kind of like this:
>   returnStmt(allOf(
>       hasReturnValue(hasType(X)), 
>       hasExpectedReturnType(Y)
>   ))

I think you should be able to do the same thing by traversal though -- the return statement is within a function declaration context, so you can walk up the tree to the `functionDecl()` (or `blockDecl()`?) to get to its declared return type information from the return statement itself. You're effectively implementing that same logic with your matcher, and the local matcher may be a cleaner implementation (I've not tried to write the matchers out myself).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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