[PATCH] D115503: [DebugInfo][Clang] record the access flag for class/struct/union types.

David Blaikie via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 15 09:29:20 PST 2021

dblaikie added a comment.

In D115503#3193978 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D115503#3193978>, @Esme wrote:

> In D115503#3192840 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D115503#3192840>, @dblaikie wrote:
>> Thanks for the data - looks good to me. Maybe include some of that data (summary of total binary size change/total debug info size change - and if you could include the flags (was this an -O0 -g build? Optimized (at what level)? Compressed debug info (-gz)? etc) that'd be helpful to better understand the comparison.
> They are built with flags of `clang -O0 -g` (no -gz) and the table with summary changes is updated as follow.
> | section       | before | after  | change  |
> | .debug_loc    | 929821 | 929821 | 0       |
> | .debug_abbrev | 5885289      | 5971547      | +86258  |
> | .debug_info   | 497613455      | 498122074      | +508619 |
> | .debug_ranges | 45731664      | 45731664      | 0       |
> | .debug_str    | 233842595      | 233839388      | -3207   |
> | .debug_line   | 149773166      | 149764583      | -8583   |
> | total (debug) | 933775990      | 934359077      | +583087 |
> |
> | total (binary) | 1394617288 | 1395200024 | +582736 |
> |

Ah, cool - could you include % growth on those rows

(hmm, .debug_line and .debug_str shouldn't be changing in size with this change, right? If you use the same clang version to test the two cases (if you're using a bootstrap with/without the patch applied, then the patch changes itself would show up as changes here))

& if you could include this table in the commit message, that'd be great!

(can you commit this yourself, or do you need someone to do that for you?)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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