[PATCH] D110622: [HIPSPV][3/4] Enable SPIR-V emission for HIP

Yaxun Liu via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 7 09:31:03 PST 2021

yaxunl added a comment.

>> So, the question is -- what's the right way to specify something like this in a consistent manner? 
>> `--offload` option proposed here does not seem to be a good fit. It was intended as a more flexible way to create a single `-cc1` sub-compilation and we're doing quite a bit more here.
> Does `--offload-arch=spirv*` fit better here? If I understand the goal of this patch correctly, it tries to provide controls for changing offload target for HIP application from default (AMDGCN) to SPIR-V.

`--offload-arch=` only accepts GPU arch which is translated to processor option (-mcpu= or -march=) in clang -cc1. spirv is a target triple which is not suitable for `--offload-arch=`.

`--offload=` is supposed to cover both target triple and processor with some flexibility. If only target triple is specified, it assumes default processor. If only processor is specified, it deduces target triple. It also allows both triple and processor. In this case, `--offload=spirv` translates to -triple spirv -mcpu=generic.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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