[PATCH] D107450: [clang-tidy] Fix wrong FixIt in performance-move-const-arg

Whisperity via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 28 01:48:50 PDT 2021

whisperity added a comment.

Okay. I think I am convinced. And removing a bogus automated fix is always a positive change!

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/performance/MoveConstArgCheck.cpp:144
+          << (InvocationParm->getFunctionScopeIndex() + 1)
+          << ReceivingCallExpr->getDirectCallee()->getName()
+          << InvocationParm->getOriginalType() << ExpectParmTypeName;
I am not sure if this will always return something reasonable as a printed name.

Could you please add a test case where the receiving function is a //constructor//? E.g. a `testStringView` that takes, let's say, `const char*&&`?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst:116-119
+- Improved :doc:`performance-move-const-arg` check.
+  Removed fixes for that a trivially-copyable object wrapped by std::move is passed to the function with rvalue reference parameters because the code was broken by removing std::move.
I tried to make the release note entry a bit easier to understand. Of course, please reflow!



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