[PATCH] D111985: [Clang] Add elementwise min/max builtins.

Aaron Ballman via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 25 06:00:26 PDT 2021

aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h:12715-12716
+  ExprResult SemaBuiltinElementwiseMath(CallExpr *TheCall,
+                                        ExprResult CallResult);
<nothing to fix>Why oh why did we start slapping `Sema` as a prefix on a bunch of functions implemented in a class named `Sema`?</nothing to fix>

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:1981
     return SemaBuiltinMatrixTranspose(TheCall, TheCallResult);
   case Builtin::BI__builtin_matrix_column_major_load:
Spurious whitespace change?

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:16659-16660
+// false.
+static bool checkMathBuiltinElementType(SourceLocation Loc, QualType Ty,
+                                        Sema &S) {
+  if (!Ty->getAs<VectorType>() && !ConstantMatrixType::isValidElementType(Ty)) {
`Sema` typically comes first, so this is just to match local style.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:16661
+                                        Sema &S) {
+  if (!Ty->getAs<VectorType>() && !ConstantMatrixType::isValidElementType(Ty)) {
+    S.Diag(Loc, diag::err_elementwise_math_invalid_arg_type) << Ty;
I'm a bit surprised we'd need `!Ty->getAs<VectorType>()` as I would have expected `!ConstantMatrixType::isValidElementType(Ty)` to cover all the type checking of `Ty`. Can you explain why the extra check is needed here?

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:16669
+ExprResult Sema::SemaBuiltinElementwiseMath(CallExpr *TheCall,
+                                            ExprResult CallResult) {
+  if (checkArgCount(*this, TheCall, 2))
Do we actually need this parameter?

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:16673-16678
+  Expr *A = TheCall->getArg(0);
+  Expr *B = TheCall->getArg(1);
+  QualType TyA = A->getType();
+  QualType TyB = B->getType();
+  if (TyA != TyB)
Should these arguments undergo usual conversions (array to pointer decay, integer promotions, etc)?

Comment at: clang/test/Sema/builtins-elementwise-math.c:20-21
+  i = __builtin_elementwise_max();
+  // expected-error at -1 {{too few arguments to function call, expected 2, have 0}}
i = __builtin_elementwise_max(i, i, i); // too many arguments

Comment at: clang/test/Sema/builtins-elementwise-math.c:42
+  // expected-error at -1 {{argument types do not match, 'float4' (vector of 4 'float' values) != 'int3' (vector of 3 'int' values)}}
Additional tests I would like to see:
int i;
short s;

__builtin_elementwise_min(i, s); // ok (integer promotions)?

enum e { one, two };
__builtin_elementwise_min(one, two); // ok (using enums)?

enum f { three };
__builtin_elementwise_min(one, three); // ok (different enums)?

_ExtInt(32) ext;
__builtin_elementwise_min(ext, ext); // ok (using bit-precise integers)?

const int ci;
__builtin_elementwise_min(i, ci); // ok (qualifiers don't match)?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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