[PATCH] D110622: [HIPSPV][3/4] Enable SPIR-V emission for HIP

Artem Belevich via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 29 09:53:46 PDT 2021

tra added a comment.

> A Cuda GPU architecture ‘generic’ is added. The name is picked from the LLVM SPIR-V Backend. In the HIPSPV code path the architecture name is inserted to the bundle entry ID as target ID. Target ID is expected to be always present so a component in the target triple is not mistaken as target ID.

How generic is 'generic'? If I understand the statement above correctly, it should probably reflect that it's specific to spir-v.
If it's the only possible spir-v variant, then calling it`spir-v` might be more meaningful.
If we expect to see other spir-v variants in the future it would allow us to clearly differentiate between them later. 
E.g. `--offload=spirv-a,spirv-b`. It would be rather odd if we had to use `--offload=generic, spirv-b`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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